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the mage
Nov 9, 2007, 3:52 PM
Dreary but oh so important to your future forecasting, from within America not out...


I know this economic news is a bummer and not something most of us want to hear while impeachment resolutions are being filed and Pakistan seems on the edge of civil war, and a Bush veto at lost last has been overidded on abi-partisan basis in Congress. (And on Friday morning when I read that Mukasey was backed in the Senate, a dicey Trade deal with Peru passed in the House, Bhutto placed under house arrest with repression tightening in Pakistan, and U.S. retailers reporting the worst October in many years at the malls. Only possible good news: an indictment of Bernie Kerik, Rudy Guiliani’s buddy-police commish in NYC.)

But journalists are taught to follow the money and even though many of you have yet to feel this crisis or pay through the nose for it as we will

We have to keep tracking it because its implications are huge even though I feel like that sky is falling prophet that we have all been taught to laugh at.

The President of France, the mad Sarkozy, here to make nice to America, has warned the US government to stop the devaulation of the dollar or risk triggering an economic war. Already seven nations want to stop doing business in dollars.

And the latest news from Washington and Wall Street is grim, grim, grim. Do I have your attention yet?

IN DC, as the NYT reports: Fed Chairman Says Economy Likely to Slow

Ben S. Bernanke cited the housing meltdown, tighter credit and rising oil prices, but he gave no signal that the central bank would cut rates again.


ON WALL STREET, Bloomberg reports:

Stocks extended their losses as a lackluster forecast from Cisco Systems Inc. made investors wary of technology stocks. The major indexes each lost more than 1 percent, with the tech-heavy Nasdaq giving up more than 3 percent.

Bernanke, appearing before Congress’ Joint Economic Committee with the Fed’s economic forecast, said the central bank is tracking developments closely but didn’t offer solid evidence the bank is prepared to further cut interest rates. Cisco’s sales forecast further dampened investor enthusiasm as investors worried about spending.

The market’s renewed slide comes a day after stocks tumbled amid concerns about continuing credit woes, a weakening dollar and rising oil prices.

The market also had fresh reason for concern about toxicity within the credit markets. Morgan Stanley issued a detailed accounting of its exposure to subprime debt, pleasing investors by eliminating some of the uncertainty that has wracked Wall Street to varying degrees in recent months. But Morgan said late Wednesday its fourth-quarter profit could be reduced by $2.5 billion in write-downs related to troubles in the credit market, a reminder of the widespread damage from soured loans.”

Another $2.5 BILLION but gang that’s just a small piece of the problem. Not real Money. Smile.

A later report explained that “BanksFace $100 Billion of Writedowns on Level 3 Rule (Update3)


Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) — U.S. banks and brokers face as much as $100 billion of writedowns because of Level 3 accounting rules, in addition to the losses caused by the subprime credit slump, according to Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc….

“This credit crisis, when all is out, will see $250 billion to $500 billion of losses,'’ said one analyst, who’s based in London. “The heat is on and it is inevitable that more players will have to revalue at least a
decent portion'’ of assets they currently value using “mark-to-make believe.'’


WASHINGTON — President Bush suffered the first veto override of his seven-year-old presidency Thursday as the Senate enacted a $23 billion water resources bill despite his protest that it was filled with unnecessary projects.

The 79-14 vote included 34 Republicans who defied the president. Enactment was a foregone conclusion, but it still marked a milestone for a president who spent his first six years with a much friendlier Congress controlled by his Republican Party.

Mukasey Nomination Now Up for a Vote…..Generals Fear Al Qaeda Resurgence after our surgence in Iraq.

Meanwhile, what next in Pakistan, our ally numero uno in the war on terror/war of error’?

Veteran Pakistani journalist writes on the MaximNews Network:

UNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / - 08 November 2007 — Pakistan’s elections will he held by mid-February, state media quoted Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf hours after President Bush spoke with the General asking him to hold elections and take off his uniform.

Gen. Musharraf is under growing pressure from the United States and his domestic opponents to end the emergency declared Saturday and hold elections in January, as originally planned.

According to reports some 4,000 protestors have been incarcerated by the Musharraf regime in a crackdown on lawyers, poetical workers, human rights activists.

News reports from Islamabad say the centre of the capital is virtually sealed off. All roads leading to President House and the Supreme Court are inaccessible.

The General has barricaded himself in. Even the army tennis courts which stand next door to the entrance to the Prime Minister’s residence are under guard.

The law courts have ground to a halt. Half the country’s Supreme Court judges have been dismissed including the top judge, Iftikhar

In the five days since emergency rule, it seems the protests are growing but only very slowly and tentatively.

Meanwhile the New York Times reported Thursday that military attachés from the United States and several other Western nations are discreetly contacting senior Pakistani generals and asking them to press General Musharraf, the president, to back down from the emergency decree he issued Saturday night, according to a Western diplomat.

And while this going on so-called “zealots” are on the move:

General’s troops routed by zealots imposing Sharia on tourist haven

Zahid Hussain reports for The Times of Londonfrom Islamabad

Dozens of Pakistani security forces policing a former tourist haven surrendered to militants yesterday, raising the stakes in the country’s political crisis. The police officers and troops, outnumbered and demoralised, laid down their arms before hundreds of pro-Taleban extremists who are imposing Islamic law in an area beloved of Western hikers.

The surrender, in the scenic Swat Valley, was deeply symbolic at a time when President Musharraf is pleading for continued Western support as a key regional ally.

General Musharraf argued last week that he was imposing martial law to help the fight against extremists. Yesterday’s cave-in illustrated the limits of Pakistan’s efforts to combat the spread of militancy. And the unwillingness of those in uniform to fight allies of al-Qaeda in northern Pakistan contrasted with the brutal repression by the security forces of lawyers on the streets of the capital.


Sidney Blumenthal writes on Salon:

Every aspect of Bush’s foreign policy has now collapsed. Every dream of neoconservatism has become a nightmare. Every doctrine has turned to dust. The influence of the United States has reached a nadir, its lowest point since before World War II, when the country was encased in isolationism.


The Times of London: Blair ‘knew Iraq had no WMD’

TONY BLAIR privately conceded two weeks before the Iraq war that Saddam Hussein did not have any usable weapons of mass destruction, Robin Cook, the former foreign secretary, reveals today.

His revelations, taken from a diary that he kept as a senior minister during the months leading up to war, are published today in The Sunday Times. They shatter the case for war put forward by the government that Iraq presented “a real and present danger” to Britain.

Cook, who resigned shortly before the invasion of Iraq, also reveals there was a near mutiny in the cabinet, triggered by David Blunkett, the home secretary, when it first discussed military action against Iraq.

The prime minister ignored the “large number of ministers who spoke up against the war”, according to Cook.”

The Bottom Line he House of Commons was knowingly misled.

And in our own House of non-commoners: more impeachment talk.

When Dennis Kucinch introduced an impeachment resolution against Dick Cheney, I scratched my head asking, what about his boss? Maybe he heard me

Presidential hopeful Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who brought an impeachment resolution against Vice President Dick Cheney to the House floor on Tuesday, says he is also planning a similar resolution to impeach President Bush.

The news came during a conference call Kucinich held with supporters Monday evening, although technical problems kept most on the call from being able to hear the congressman.

But activist David Swanson, who spoke directly with Kucinich during the call, summarized the contents of his conversation in an email:

“He is going to introduce a privileged resolution on the floor of the U.S. House Tuesday morning to force a vote on his resolution to impeach Cheney,” confirmed Swamson. “While that bill includes offenses related to Iraq and Iran, Kucinich plans to focus his remarks on Iran and the fact that the current Pentagon bill includes funding to retrofit bombers to carry 15-ton bombs.”

Concerning the possible resolution against Bush, Swanson said Kucinich “wanted to let everyone know that he will not only continue pushing for the impeachment of Cheney but will also take up the impeachment of Bush with a new resolution.”

Hey Dennis: Can’t you get a phone that works?


I told you about that AT&T whistle blower who exposed the ways they were intercepting emails for the government. I didn’t tell you about “THE SECRET ROOM.” Scary.


ISRAEL: IDF facility tapped all calls from Israel abroad until 2004

Watch (or hear) the two-minute video of the broadcast on the Haaretz webpage — much more info (or disinfo) there than in the story, including the familiar line that eavesdropping helped “national security”…. I’m sure that by 2004 the program *was* anachronistic! So who would you guess is doing the wiretaps now?

Haaretz.com/Channel 10 daily feature for November 6, 2007.

For thirty years, the Israel Defense Forces military censor operated a special surveillance facility in the center of Tel Aviv, officially designed to tap the phone conversation of foreign journalists reporting to their home countries.

The underground facility remained in operation until 2004, but only recently, it was revealed that the soldiers serving in it did not limit their eavesdropping to the journalists’ conversation alone.

Among the conversations tapped were those prime ministers held with world leaders and even private conversations by ordinary citizens.



Egyptian Police Sentenced In Landmark Torture Case

Washington Post: CAIRO, Nov. 5 — An Egyptian judge sentenced two police officers Monday to three years in prison for presiding over the 2006 torture of a 21-year-old minivan driver in a Cairo police station.

The abuse of Emad el-Kabir became a landmark in Egyptian rights cases – not because of the police torture, which rights groups say occurs daily here, but because police recorded the torture on a cellphone video camera.


The NY Times reported “In Tests, AIDS Vaccine Seemed to Increase Risk”

In a puzzling and potentially troubling development, an AIDS vaccine tested in a closely watched trial might have increased the risk among vaccine recipients of becoming infected with H.I.V., researchers reported yesterday at a scientific meeting in Seattle.

The Mail & Guardian in South Africa reported:

Cold virus suspect in Aids vaccine failure

A cold virus used to make an experimental HIV vaccine that was discontinued in September somehow may have caused volunteers to be more susceptible to the Aids virus, the vaccine’s developers said on Wednesday. Researchers were doubly dismayed when it appeared that those who had been vaccinated were more likely to become infected.


Nov 9, 2007, 8:05 PM
find a hobbie or something......you have way to much time on your hands

Nov 9, 2007, 9:53 PM
Can I have the cliff-notes version.


Nov 9, 2007, 9:53 PM
Thanks a lot mage.....

I had a really nice high going, and you have just managed to totally screw it up.


Nov 10, 2007, 6:09 AM
ahahhhh me dus luff peeps who cheer up me day an giv me lots 2 look forward 2.. ta Magie...but didn reely need alla that 2 kno the worlds in a crap mess.. an ya havnt even scratched the surface hun..wen we get the rest????:(

Nov 10, 2007, 8:33 AM
Oh my.Thank god for chatrooms.Dum de dum.and i cant wait for the new season of "idol"!fuckin lemmings.

Nov 10, 2007, 9:04 AM
Oh my i got to cut back on the coffee.

the mage
Nov 10, 2007, 9:27 AM
Ok, so your responses are indicative of your attention to these matters.

Typical of most people, which is why the hyper wealthy will succeed in their quest to wipe out the middle class and your society is going in the crapper.

Too much comfort, too much complacency leads to the next dictator.

Your children will get the society and the planet you leave behind.

Nov 10, 2007, 10:38 AM
Is that the cliff-notes version?


Skater Boy
Nov 10, 2007, 11:16 AM
There's probably some truth in what "The Mage" writes. But I just couldn't be bothered to read it all. Its hard to tell where fact ends and paranoia begins, and I'm paranoid enough as it is already...

Time for my daily dose of Amisulpride me thinks... care to join me, Mage? :bigrin:

Nov 10, 2007, 11:27 AM
There's probably some truth in what "The Mage" writes. But I just couldn't be bothered to read it all. Its hard to tell where fact ends and paranoia begins, and I'm paranoid enough as it is already...

Time for my daily dose of Amisulpride me thinks... care to join me, Mage? :bigrin:

Good call, fellow mental mutant. Time for some Seroquel.

We are the future :bigrin:

Nov 10, 2007, 11:33 AM
Personally I appreciate someone who pays attention as to what is taking place in the world today. Those who think the mage as to much time on his hands are probably the ones living in fantasy land , you dont see it , so its not high on your list to think about.

Tighten up people. The US , the land of the free , yeah ol glory is on its way to caving right in.

Skater Boy
Nov 10, 2007, 12:15 PM
Tighten up people. The US , the land of the free , yeah ol glory is on its way to caving right in.

Maybe you two are right, and America's days are numbered. I'll admit the possibility, and probably wouldn't even be that surprised.

But if thats the case, then there's very little I can do about it. Maybe I should email all my American buddies and tell them to build air-raid shelters in their back yards? Or stockpile tinned foods? Or write a letter to their local politician? Or even emigrate to Mongolia?

Alternatively, I could just take an extra pill, and then sleep on it.

Decisions, decisions! :rolleyes:

Nov 10, 2007, 8:50 PM
Just keep rocking dude, keep on rocking :cool:

Nov 10, 2007, 11:16 PM
I can be paranoid about future events and the state of the country as well as anybody. But, all I can do as an individual is act as I feel in the best interests of my family and my country. This includes directing my working life to the betterment of humanity in my country and voting for those that are dedicated to not only my welfare but especially to the next generation. I refuse to feel guilt for our collective stupidity that may eventually yield a very painful situation that dispels our misconceptions of ourselves, relative to others in the world. Then, hopefully, we will have the willpower to revive our human rights as well as exhibit determination to improve quality of life in the United States. Only then, will we restore the reputation of the United States as one of the greatest of nations. Of course, we can go on hoping other nations will always perform even worse than we do. This strategy as worked much better than expected in the past.

So for tonight, "What? ME worry?"
Not me, I am go to sleep well.



Nov 11, 2007, 12:43 AM
While it's good to be vigil, you can overdo it. The world was supposed to end 40 years ago in a big nuclear 'poof', remember... "THE BUTTON"?... mutually assured destruction? Now it is just different variations. And yes, we're sliding down the slippery socialist slope... and environmental slope...
But dude! (I don't mean to be rude or unkind but) Check the content of your breakfast cereal!


Nov 11, 2007, 1:56 AM
The mage is right, even if the post was WAY too damn long.
If you've got dollars now, buy gold and silver. If you don't, be prepared for a long, rough ride.

Nov 11, 2007, 2:29 AM
stop reading conspiracy theories from tabloids/blogs that arent credible at all and are full of false information.

dont pass this false info onto others as fact when its not truth or fact.

let me guess you're a believer in HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories too based on your last 2 articles you posted.:rolleyes:

one might guess that u are jealous too!

people been sayin 4 years that world is in dire place and blah blah blah blah now that we have the internet idiots who believe in conspiracy theories and other crap can spread their lies and fiction faster!

the mage
Nov 11, 2007, 11:18 AM
Maybe you two are right, and America's days are numbered. I'll admit the possibility, and probably wouldn't even be that surprised.

But if thats the case, then there's very little I can do about it. Maybe I should email all my American buddies and tell them to build air-raid shelters in their back yards? Or stockpile tinned foods? Or write a letter to their local politician? Or even emigrate to Mongolia?

WAlternatively, I could just take an extra pill, and then sleep on it.

Decisions, decisions! :rolleyes:

................EXACTLY MY MAN!!!!!!!!!

My point here is that in reality an e mail to your local politico takes seconds, will not get you arrested(yet) and does affect things more in fact than your vote. Let thre pricks know you're watching ..

.................how about this tid bit?????

Every word you type HERE is analyzed by your government..

WASHINGTON - A top intelligence official says it is time people in the United States changed their definition of privacy.

Privacy no longer can mean anonymity, says Donald Kerr, a deputy director of national intelligence. Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguards people's private communications and financial information.

Kerr's comments come as Congress is taking a second look at the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act.

Lawmakers hastily changed the 1978 law last summer to allow the government to eavesdrop inside the United States without court permission, so long as one end of the conversation was reasonably believed to be located outside the U.S.

The original law required a court order for any surveillance conducted on U.S. soil, to protect Americans' privacy. The White House argued that the law was obstructing intelligence gathering.

The most contentious issue in the new legislation is whether to shield telecommunications companies from civil lawsuits for allegedly giving the government access to people's private e-mails and phone calls without a court order between 2001 and 2007.

Some lawmakers, including members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, appear reluctant to grant immunity. Suits might be the only way to determine how far the government has burrowed into people's privacy without court permission.

The committee is expected to decide this week whether its version of the bill will protect telecommunications companies.

The central witness in a California lawsuit against AT&T says the government is vacuuming up billions of e-mails and phone calls as they pass through an AT&T switching station in San Francisco.

Mark Klein, a retired AT&T technician, helped connect a device in 2003 that he says diverted and copied onto a government supercomputer every call, e-mail, and Internet site access on AT&T lines.

* Em

Nov 11, 2007, 2:50 PM
Skater Boy

Respectfully suggest you consider you own advice.:) UK. and Europe more directly threatened by Islamic terrorists and would be within easy range of nuclear missiles launched by Iran. Granted the USA may be more hated than UK, but not much more. After all, you are infidels too, except for the large contingent of Muslims in the UK, France and Germany. China, if it ascends to the most powerful nation, would have little compunction about turning the middle east into a sea of glass for the oil. They hate all religion and have no compunctions as to the sanctity of human life. NOT YOU, but those who salivate at the prospect of a weak and impotent America might be advised of the old saw: "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Again, sir, no offense intended toward you or your views. Just ranting in general, as usual.

Nov 11, 2007, 3:21 PM
Skater Boy

Respectfully suggest you consider you own advice.:) UK. and Europe more directly threatened by Islamic terrorists and would be within easy range of nuclear missiles launched by Iran. Granted the USA may be more hated than UK, but not much more. After all, you are infidels too, except for the large contingent of Muslims in the UK, France and Germany. China, if it ascends to the most powerful nation, would have little compunction about turning the middle east into a sea of glass for the oil. They hate all religion and have no compunctions as to the sanctity of human life. NOT YOU, but those who salivate at the prospect of a weak and impotent America might be advised of the old saw: "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Again, sir, no offense intended toward you or your views. Just ranting in general, as usual.
Beware the old tiger who is past is best.. e hunts an bites at ne thin weaker than imself an becums a man eater... only thing is ere we aint talkin bout big cats...

An the Chinese may b less than ideal 2 take ova as leader of the pack..but its hardly a wise thing 2 do... waste a resource.. much easier jus 2 trade for it..an that is jus wot they will do..jus like now... they may not b perfect but they aint crazy...

Dus wish sumtimes peeps wud think a lil more fore they open ther gobs an let ther belly rumble..or woteva the equivalent is for a thread... sum day peeps mite jus get a thot in ther head otha than try an scare us all inta anotha fukkin cold war...

Skater Boy
Nov 11, 2007, 5:22 PM
Skater Boy

Respectfully suggest you consider you own advice.:) UK. and Europe more directly threatened by Islamic terrorists and would be within easy range of nuclear missiles launched by Iran. Granted the USA may be more hated than UK, but not much more. After all, you are infidels too, except for the large contingent of Muslims in the UK, France and Germany. China, if it ascends to the most powerful nation, would have little compunction about turning the middle east into a sea of glass for the oil. They hate all religion and have no compunctions as to the sanctity of human life. NOT YOU, but those who salivate at the prospect of a weak and impotent America might be advised of the old saw: "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Again, sir, no offense intended toward you or your views. Just ranting in general, as usual.

lol, Slocum... you may be right for all I know and care. Tbh, I've been slightly sceptical about Western society's security and dominance for the last... oh, 10 years or so maybe. And there are those who who had their doubts long before I was even born. Are we in decline? I'm not sure- perhaps. But it matters very little to me right now. I have very few possessions (of any significant value) to call my own; I own no property or land; I am a somewhat alienated and minoritized individual who has no major investment in this society as such, and I therefore care very little if it all goes down the pan. I assume that if it does, then we will be forced into a much more primitive state of affairs, which certainly wouldn't be ideal. If there's something that I, personally, can do to prevent that from happening (without inducing more attacks of paranoia than I currently experience), then rest assured, I'll endeavour to do it. But as a young bisexual male, of perhaps less-than-average intellectual standing, with a somewhat dubious command of my own sanity, a non-existant level of financial purchasing power and very few (if any) significant or influencial social or political contacts... I suspect that were I to attempt to raise the British public's awareness on this issue, I would swiftly be committed, or at very least have my dosage of anti-psychotics dramatically increased. I think Hitler had a similar view of Germany being under threat, and needing to assert itelf somehow, and look where it got him! (I won't mention his sexuality, but feel free to Google it should you so desire). I could, as you say, stockpile tinned foods and the likes, but my budget wouldn't stretch much further than a crate or two of Mr. Del Monte's fruit salad. And I'm not overly partial to fruit salad. nor any other food that comes in tins, for that matter. Yes, I think emigration to Mongolia would probably be the safest option. I've considered such a move before on occasion, but I think I'll do a little more research on the potential destinations before deciding on one in particular. Its gotta be somewhere with a pleasant climate and a tolerant attitude to sodomy (hence the desire to leave the White Cliffs of Dover far behind me having arisen before).

I have nothing AGAINST America, per se, Slocum. And I certainly don't actively seek its demise, nor that of the UK. But I suspect that if said demise IS on the cards, that there's very little that I, personally, can do about it. For that matter, is there ANYTHING that ANY of us can do about it? I do find it amusing how some Westerners bitch about how their very own ideals (ie. Capitalism, Free Markets and Democracy) come back to bite them on the posterior. Its a dog eat dog world, and thus one dog is well within his rights to eat another. But to be honest, I prefer cats anyway. ;) :bigrin:

the mage
Nov 12, 2007, 7:48 PM
While it's good to be vigil, you can overdo it. The world was supposed to end 40 years ago in a big nuclear 'poof', remember... "THE BUTTON"?... mutually assured destruction? Now it is just different variations. And yes, we're sliding down the slippery socialist slope... and environmental slope...
But dude! (I don't mean to be rude or unkind but) Check the content of your breakfast cereal!


................my daily oatmeal and allbran mix does me wonders...
and by the bi I bring it up to make some neurons quiver nothing more. glad I could accommodate....My little world is quite in order.

By the way, HIV is a natural evolution nothing more, no conspiracy theories needed, nature is complex enough.

Nov 12, 2007, 7:52 PM
. And yes, we're sliding down the slippery socialist slope... and environmental slope...
But dude! (I don't mean to be rude or unkind but) Check the content of your breakfast cereal!


Me wishes... wud b able 2 eat me cereal a lil happier in mornin.... vive la socialiste...

Nov 12, 2007, 11:56 PM
woooooooooow i acually sat and read it all damn but i allready knew most of that stuff im in the service and i try to keep up with all that kinda has to do with job security and all lol

and trust me i have more consperious therorys (wooow time to screw the capin's hat back on lol) than you could put into the books of congress but hey what are you going to do email who call who and im not by anymeans saying or upholding the oh pitty us were helpless butheads my mother is irish dad is german so i bleed a odd color so im more the lets nuke some people type of guy but these people really only care about money and who looks the best and sadley we the people (of the world i have saw many colors of blood flow from many flags ) are the ones who pay for there stupidity so what to do who to call what to say there will allways be what there is i say take care of you and yours especially if you live in one of the largest english speaking countrys in the world ehhh hummm cause one day cnn will be on your doorstep i hope its not in our lifetime or our kids kids kids lifetime but i do belive the great eagle is going to get its wings clipped i honestly dont beleive that we would get whipped but i think its going to be very bloody look at all the worlds super powers in history and look at where were at today

you need not read the history books

Nov 13, 2007, 12:00 AM
ok i here by ban myself from posting while talking to the capin with his hat unscrewed lol but it still makes sense

Nov 13, 2007, 4:37 AM
It's good to be concerned with the state of the world, but what this thread reinforces is that if you hit people over the head with every crisis going, they'll just tune out. Not because they love gadgets and comforts (the swine!), but because you're hitting them with too much at once. The result is a feeling of overwhelm and helplessness.

Every word we write is being analyzed by the government? Whatever for? Is there a department somewhere tracking how many people like to drink cum from a cup?:)

Nov 13, 2007, 4:41 AM
Every word we write is being analyzed by the government? Whatever for? Is there a department somewhere tracking how many people like to drink cum from a cup?:)

Because Bill should have had Monica swallow and not blown his load all over her blue GAP dress.