View Full Version : I Would Love to Play with a Guy but Only with a Woman Present!

Nov 9, 2007, 6:33 AM
Interestingly I noted a comment by Diamond Dog replying to the "Cock Fetish" thread. His comment about a men wanting to play with other men, but they would only do that with a woman present really struck a common chord with me.
I have heard this comment so many times from men who want to play with me, but insist on having my wife present in a MMF threesome. Mind you a MMF threesome is great but why do they insist on having a woman there. Is the woman their security blanket so they can convince themselves they are not bisexual.
Personally I prefer a woman present for sexual reasons in a MMF threesome, not because I feel the need for her presence and I have done MMF threesomes with women other than my wife.
My wife is happy if I want to play alone with a man as long as I tell her. Currently I have played alone with two different men and enjoyed the experience. :) :tong: :2cents:

Nov 9, 2007, 7:02 AM
I, too, believe that other "bi" males request the presence of a woman to protect their macho ego. Maybe they ultimately view homosexual activity as a sign of weakness ?

Nov 9, 2007, 7:09 AM
I know of several men here who request this , Im really hoping that they reply to this thread. Im curious to see a response.

Excellent thread sweetie !

the mage
Nov 9, 2007, 7:33 AM
The men you speak of are merely using their own willingness to put up with another man there to get at the pussy. Nothing more. They are users and losers.
In those scenes the woman is being USED as a toy.

I personally detest men who approach with a request to fuck my woman.

A man who plays with men is a different breed, he does not want kinky pussy play, he want s a cock.
The users are like the men in the parks on weekday afternoons. Cheating, lying to a woman at home, lying to you the person they play with, spreading lies and deceit to all they meet. They are the ones firmly in the closet.

Nov 9, 2007, 7:59 AM
I had a ffm threesome with my now x wife, and yes, she and her friend set it up. Lucky me.When I asked her about a mmf she said "maybe".To me it's not a matter of using the woman, it's about everything being equal.The more spice you add, the hotter the dish. As I have said before, MM does not interest me now, should have done it when I was young, but missed the boat. Next life maybe.:eek:
To some of the younger ones here, you don't know how lucky you are today.

Nov 9, 2007, 8:47 AM
Absolutely agree. The pleasure shared in MMF or MFF for that matter is precisely that it is ALL THREE people sharing and enjoying each other, not the same at all if the woman or any of the 3 is just there observing. Personal note- I've never been a good observer; I always join in!
LOL yall

Nov 9, 2007, 9:16 AM
I don't REQUIRE a woman present. That said, having an appreciative audience makes things twice as hot!

Nov 9, 2007, 9:57 AM
Speaking only for myself, I like MMF 3some because I like both pussy and cock therefore that is the best of both worlds. I also like where the lady is introducing her man into sex with another man for the first time.

I would only play with a married man if his wife were present or I knew his wife was okay with it because I don't want to get involved with a married guy who is cheating on his wife and have to put up that if he got caught.

Nov 9, 2007, 5:43 PM
If a guy says he needs a woman there or that he is curious.........we ignore him. We learned that lesson long ago. Just our way of playing. If a guy claims to be bi he is told up front that the wife will not be joining in. That usually results in the end of the communications between us. Weeding out the fakes isn't difficult.:bipride:

Nov 9, 2007, 7:04 PM
Funny this topic comes up. My wife and I have a friend that we have been with probably ten times now over the last 4-5 years. The first time, we took him out of town with the intentions of seducing him. We are all great friends and things went good. Except for the fact that our friend is straight. I announced that I was bi, that didn't seem to matter. He is the kind of "straight" guy that won't touch me but will let me touch/suck him during our encounters. The one time I tried to get him to do something without the wife there, he acted like I was trying to molest him. That wasn't the case at all, it would have been one sided like usual, but I think that he thinks I want to penetrate him and get the favors returned. But I know that wouldn't happen and I am OK with that.

PS That is also why we are on here, trying to find some other "friends".

Nov 10, 2007, 2:01 AM
The men you speak of are merely using their own willingness to put up with another man there to get at the pussy. Nothing more. They are users and losers. You are absolutely correct..but my opinion is that your perspective is wrong. My first mmf experience was with my g/f who practically begged me to suck another guy so she could watch. She had fullfilled every fantasy I had so I reluctantly did it for her the first time. It was probably the wildest sex I ever had. So yes, I was willing to do it in order to get at the pussy....and so was he. After the first time I decided that I actually liked it. We continued to engage in mmf 3somes together for quite some time. She got off watching and of course joining us, we got off on each other and on her watching. She just loved watching him cum in my mouth, just as much as I loved sucking him till he came so she could enjoy the show. I still fantasize about those times, and would be more than willing to do it again...anytime she wants to join. I have no desire to engage in a mm 2some. Is that so wrong? I've never claimed to be "bi" (never was much for titles), but I have engaged in a lot of "bi" sex. I'm not sure what you want to call it but if that makes me a "loser" then so be it.

Cantaloupe Island
Nov 10, 2007, 2:48 AM
I can kind of relate. I have had a desire to have a woman present if I did have gay sex. But the the woman would be my g/f. And therefore the act of another man fucking me and my g/f accepting that side of me, is what I enjoy. It's not just to turn on the woman. It's a sign of acceptance.

Nov 10, 2007, 4:20 AM
The men you speak of are merely using their own willingness to put up with another man there to get at the pussy. Nothing more. They are users and losers.
In those scenes the woman is being USED as a toy.

I personally detest men who approach with a request to fuck my woman.

A man who plays with men is a different breed, he does not want kinky pussy play, he want s a cock.
The users are like the men in the parks on weekday afternoons. Cheating, lying to a woman at home, lying to you the person they play with, spreading lies and deceit to all they meet. They are the ones firmly in the closet.

Yes, there are men like that who claim to be Bi, only because it provides them with an easy route to meeting MF couples and having sex with the woman and not with the man. I don't detest them, but I think they are pathetic because they are essentially superficial people who care only for themselves and what they can get from others. If they were genuinely rounded individuals they wouldn't have to resort to such deception to sleep with a woman, would they?

I, too, believe that other "bi" males request the presence of a woman to protect their macho ego. Maybe they ultimately view homosexual activity as a sign of weakness ?

Well, not necessarily ...

Some of the these men are not "protecting" their ego or macho identity in a negative sense. I think that some of these men are coming to terms with their sexuality (either Bi or 100% gay) and are "using" the presence of a woman as some sort of stepping stone to being able to relax when they are with a man. I feel sympathy for these people - there are many people on this site like this or have been like this (I should point out that I've never been one of them since I'm capable of making love to a man without the presence of a woman), and that these men are probably more in touch with themselves than they think and certainly more self-aware than the types of men that the Mage despises.

the mage
Nov 10, 2007, 9:44 AM
There are always exceptions....but
99% of the time its a man PRESSURING a woman to have a 3 way.
or a man wanting to play with men only with a woman there as a supposedly "first time"

Bullshit to you all who play that game.

If a man who wants to play insists that his first time be with a couple fine, but do not pressure women into it and the reality is that there dam few women who want to be there.

Stop using them. Have the guts to say to YOURSELF its ok, I CAN PLAY GAY

cause no matter how you spin it you are having homosexual sex mister...

Nov 10, 2007, 1:26 PM
There are always exceptions....but
99% of the time its a man PRESSURING a woman to have a 3 way.
or a man wanting to play with men only with a woman there as a supposedly "first time"

Bullshit to you all who play that game.

If a man who wants to play insists that his first time be with a couple fine, but do not pressure women into it and the reality is that there dam few women who want to be there.

Stop using them. Have the guts to say to YOURSELF its ok, I CAN PLAY GAY

cause no matter how you spin it you are having homosexual sex mister...

Dam few women who want to be there?????? You need to get out more and enjoy life.

Nov 10, 2007, 5:58 PM
Ok, I dont mean to sound as if I disagree with any of the other postings here, however, has anyone considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, there are some of us out there that would consider the fact that a man can have sexual intimacy with another man AND a woman at the same time simply because it can be so freakin exotic?
I am in my late forties now and my only experience with another male was when I was in my teens.
I never had any other real thoughts of sexual intamcy with another man until my ex wife started introducing "her" fantasy of "us" being with another male.
At the time, because of my past experiences, which I can totally admit I enjoyed, I was able to see myself get totally into the fantasies that she brought up.
Some of our best sex was when we talked into each others ears about what we would be doing to another man at the same time or what she would want to see another man doing to me while she watched.
Fast forward to my current relationship.
My other half has ALWAYS had fantasies of exploring her bi curiousity.
We discussed them and by mutual agreement, we found some friends online and was able to let her and her new female friend explore to their hearts content while us men did nothing more than watch.
The women wanted to be able to explore without any distractions from us men and asked that we watch only.
We RESPECTED their requests on both occasions and my other half walked away with some very memorable experiences and us men walked way with some damn good masturbation material.
My point is this, anyone, whether a single male or a male/female couple, that wants to engage in a threesome or foursome, should know exactly what each of them are looking for.
If I were single right now, I would most certainly want to join in with a male/female couple because that is what I am looking for to satisfy MY sexual fantasies and hopefully fulfill the other couples fantasies as well.
I could easily see myself enjoying a cock running up and down my lips and mouth, but even as I type this, what really enflames my desire would be to "share" a cock with another female running her lips and mouth up and down the opposited side of the cock we would both be enjoying.
My other half has expressed interest in seeking out "my" fantasy, but her words appear to speak louder than her actions and I dont think it will ever happen unless I become single one day.
AND incidentaly, I will not look to fulfil my fantasy unless it is with my other half or I become single.
At any rate, I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in and say that if I were single, I would would rather seek out a male/female couple instead of looking for one on one with another man, simply because to me, the mmf scenario can be so damn exotic and erotic and the bottom line is this, Thats what I would want.
I say that no matter what any of you are looking for, try to remain open minded because not everyone out there is selfish.


Nov 10, 2007, 6:13 PM
Hi everyone!

This is my first post - I've been lurking for a while, but just haven't gotten around to posting yet.

If you've looked at my ad, you know that I specify that my wife would like to be present. This is her rule, not mine, at least at first. In previous relationships she's been cheated on, and I think she feels this would give her a little more power over the situation.

Just my two cents. :)

Nov 10, 2007, 8:21 PM
Ok, I dont mean to sound as if I disagree with any of the other postings here, however, has anyone considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, there are some of us out there that would consider the fact that a man can have sexual intimacy with another man AND a woman at the same time simply because it can be so freakin exotic?

<snip for berevity>


Of course not. How dare you consider possessing another opinion! Dissent against the dictates of the Non-Judgemental Enforcement Group, and you will be considered intolerant. :rolleyes:


Nov 11, 2007, 12:19 AM
Intellectually, I can understand how MMF sex can be so important to some males even though I very much prefer MM sex and find MF sex pleasant. But, I do not multitask well. Multi-partner sex excites me as fantasy, but not reality. Given this is a bisexual site; am I in the minority, for prefering single partner sex rather than MMF sex or FFM sex?


Nov 11, 2007, 1:44 AM
Truthfully MM sex scares the hell out of me, which is why I'd want to have a female present. Yes a security blanket, if you will, as someone above stated. I was raised in a lesbian community, BUT by parents that objected to homosexuals. I'd say I have been homophobic for a good time but have recently been aroused at the thought of someone having sex with my wife while I lick and suck them both off at the same time. Though this appears to only be a fantasy at this time I still enjoy the talks and idea that it could occur sometime. I could never cheat on my wife, and though she has been with another guy during our marriage (with my blessings BEFORE it occurred) I would feel extremely guilty if I went around behind her back.

I;m not sure if I answered this at all but it makes sense to me.

Nov 11, 2007, 2:35 AM
The men you speak of are merely using their own willingness to put up with another man there to get at the pussy. Nothing more. They are users and losers.
In those scenes the woman is being USED as a toy.

I personally detest men who approach with a request to fuck my woman.

A man who plays with men is a different breed, he does not want kinky pussy play, he want s a cock.
The users are like the men in the parks on weekday afternoons. Cheating, lying to a woman at home, lying to you the person they play with, spreading lies and deceit to all they meet. They are the ones firmly in the closet.

All types of people like public sex and even out gay men and bi/str8 men and women do too!

Having sex in public has nothing to do if some1 is closeted or not and many people gay/str8/bi have public sex or they cheat on BF/GF/husband or wife. It has nothing to do with someones orientation. :rolleyes:

Nov 11, 2007, 5:09 AM
The men you speak of are merely using their own willingness to put up with another man there to get at the pussy. Nothing more. They are users and losers.
In those scenes the woman is being USED as a toy.

I personally detest men who approach with a request to fuck my woman.

A man who plays with men is a different breed, he does not want kinky pussy play, he want s a cock.
The users are like the men in the parks on weekday afternoons. Cheating, lying to a woman at home, lying to you the person they play with, spreading lies and deceit to all they meet. They are the ones firmly in the closet.

There are always exceptions....but
99% of the time its a man PRESSURING a woman to have a 3 way.
or a man wanting to play with men only with a woman there as a supposedly "first time"

Bullshit to you all who play that game.

If a man who wants to play insists that his first time be with a couple fine, but do not pressure women into it and the reality is that there dam few women who want to be there.

Stop using them. Have the guts to say to YOURSELF its ok, I CAN PLAY GAY

cause no matter how you spin it you are having homosexual sex mister...

Jesus, calm the **** down! You are getting bigot all over your shoes...

Did it not occur to you that some people play MMF because that's what they like? Nothing to do with using women (and I challenge you to provide proof that anywhere NEAR the majority of women in a real life consenting MMF are being used), nothing to do with being closeted, nothing to do with any of that stuff. They just WANT to do it. And we don't have to psychoanalyze the reason WHY they feel the urge, we should just say: "Go for it, if that's what you want to do!" Because that is what we, as a group, are asking from the wider world. Let's not be hypocrites guys...

the mage
Nov 11, 2007, 10:13 AM
Jesus, calm the **** down! You are getting bigot all over your shoes...

Did it not occur to you that some people play MMF because that's what they like? Nothing to do with using women (and I challenge you to provide proof that anywhere NEAR the majority of women in a real life consenting MMF are being used), nothing to do with being closeted, nothing to do with any of that stuff. They just WANT to do it. And we don't have to psychoanalyze the reason WHY they feel the urge, we should just say: "Go for it, if that's what you want to do!" Because that is what we, as a group, are asking from the wider world. Let's not be hypocrites guys...

...............................not what I said.......go back to the original posting please and reference IT!! OF COURSE people play in public. Silly people.. To the one who said get out more.. hehehe boy you do not know me. My Lady and I have fucked while a dozen or more watched, we love it.
We've been to swinger parties. D/s parties S/m parties GAy parties bathhouse and every type you can imagine. I do live in Toronto a haven of sexual freedom boys.

Heres one for you who take time to read, go to projectvoyeur.com go to the amateur photos dated Nov 6 and look at the photo spread titled Lady in black. that is my Lady.

Now, of course women do love to play and many play in groups and if they are there at all it dam well better be because they want to. be!!

The words actually say that over all, women in great numbers do not enjoy any part of male to male sex and are not turned on by it and do not want to see it smell it or be it. THOSE women are to be left alone and not pressured by stubborn men.

Nov 11, 2007, 12:37 PM
In re: The comments by Mage

Experience obviously dictates opinion. My lady and I were deply in love and closely enough bound to share absolute honesty as to our sexual desires and pleasures, as I suspect most, if not all of the couples who frequent this site are. We supported each others desire to have same sex fun Each of us loved to warch the other eat pussy or suck cock. She enjoyed seeing me have straight sex with another woman as I enjoyed watching her with another man. We swung mostly on a couple basis, but also had the infrequebt threesome. We had our quarrels, but not about sex. I don't beleive women are as pliable as Magee siggests.

Nov 11, 2007, 3:12 PM
The more the merrier. Whether participating or watching.
I like playing with a guy with a woman watching. I like playing with a guy with a guy watching. I like playing with a woman with a woman watching. I like playing with a woman with a guy watching.

I like playing, period.
Seems like most of this thread may not.

Nov 11, 2007, 4:35 PM
I don't mind if a sexual situation is set up so that it is MMF or FFM or MMM whatever.. the more the merrier, if that is what I am in the mood for at the time.
What gets me going, is they guys who read my personal, or chat with me in the chat, however we "hook" up and after asking what I like and telling me what he likes, suddenly and out of the blue, "will you wife be there? would she like to watch? would she like to join?" and I say no. All the sudden I am not open enough and being selfish.
Most of the time if I am (sorry for this particular word, but it fits) Trolling for a male sexual partner, I am looking for someone for me. My wife has a couple bf that she plays with and one of those we have done the mmf thing and enjoyed it.
So the annoyance comes not that many like and want threesomes, it is when I have made it clear that I am looking for someone for a bit of 1on1 and those questions pop up.
well that is my :2cents:

Nov 11, 2007, 5:20 PM
and the reality is that there dam few women who want to be there.
You need to get out and meet more women. Other than my g/f there are only 2 other women that know that my g/f and I have engaged in bi mmf sex (read earlier post..it was at HER request).
First other to find out was g/f's little sister. Turns out my g/f let it slip in a moment of oneupmanship. Little sis has boldly stated (to both g/f and I) that if I ever decide to quit dating her big sis, she would love to replace her in the the group.

The other woman is an ex of mine that we (g/f and I) are friends with. She is openly bi and has joined us on 2 occassions. She recently learned of our "other" 3somes and has been begging to join. A 4way is probably in the near future.

I have done no study, but the only 3 women that I have broached the subject with, are crazy about it. Maybe it's just the women you know don't have an interest in seeing YOU with another man?

the mage
Nov 12, 2007, 8:03 PM
You need to get out and meet more women. Other than my g/f there are only 2 other women that know that my g/f and I have engaged in bi mmf sex (read earlier post..it was at HER request).
First other to find out was g/f's little sister. Turns out my g/f let it slip in a moment of oneupmanship. Little sis has boldly stated (to both g/f and I) that if I ever decide to quit dating her big sis, she would love to replace her in the the group.

The other woman is an ex of mine that we (g/f and I) are friends with. She is openly bi and has joined us on 2 occassions. She recently learned of our "other" 3somes and has been begging to join. A 4way is probably in the near future.

I have done no study, but the only 3 women that I have broached the subject with, are crazy about it. Maybe it's just the women you know don't have an interest in seeing YOU with another man?

.............ooohhhh aren't you sharp .. doesn't that zinger sting.....
Well to point out the obvious to the dim is a public service so bud, head to the local porn vid store ( got one?) and check the size of the hetero and girl on girl sections V/s the gay section...do the retail math..(can do??).that is what drives the industry..

Nov 12, 2007, 10:02 PM
The men you speak of are merely using their own willingness to put up with another man there to get at the pussy. Nothing more. They are users and losers.
In those scenes the woman is being USED as a toy.

I personally detest men who approach with a request to fuck my woman.

A man who plays with men is a different breed, he does not want kinky pussy play, he want s a cock.
The users are like the men in the parks on weekday afternoons. Cheating, lying to a woman at home, lying to you the person they play with, spreading lies and deceit to all they meet. They are the ones firmly in the closet.

Not really. I require the woman to be there for several reasons.

One reason was, as stated a security blanket, but not out of a fear of losing any masculinity, rather because I was unsure of myself in the situation and wanted her there to help direct the action and teach me the right way to get the man off. That reason is no longer valid.

Reason number two is that I am not as attracted to men as I am to women and am still afraid a solo encounter would not be able to hold my interest.

Reason three is MMF is my kink. I love it when the woman gets down there and helps me perform oral on her man. I enjoy cum swapping with her. I enjoy double penetrating her. I enjoy her watching me with her man and I enjoy watching them together.

I had many straight threesomes with willing couples before I explored my bisexual side. It was never about just getting to a pussy, but about the shared experience. It was about giving her two (or more) men to play with.

Straight or Bi a MMF (or MFM for straight threesomes) is a wonderful primal experience.

Nov 12, 2007, 10:04 PM
Can we drop the pissing contest? :rolleyes:

As for the original topic... My take on it is that yes, there are a fair number of guys out there who are willing to put up with playing with the guy in order to get a piece of the girl. There are probably also a fair number of guys out there more like me... If I ever get a chance to have a first time with a guy (at least one that doesn't involve a scumbag getting me drunk and then taking advantage of me) I do want a woman there, because -- at least in my mind -- it means that there's at least one familiar dynamic I can understand and work from. If it was just me and another guy, then there'd be nothing familiar at all, and that thought makes me uncomfortable.

So there you go, another perspective on the situation. :)

Nov 13, 2007, 2:40 AM
.............ooohhhh aren't you sharp .. doesn't that zinger sting.....
Well to point out the obvious to the dim is a public service so bud, head to the local porn vid store ( got one?) and check the size of the hetero and girl on girl sections V/s the gay section...do the retail math..(can do??).that is what drives the industry..I hate to use your own analogy against you but you are right, the numbers say it all. Compare the number of men to the number of women in videos stores. Of course the m-f and f-f porn selection is larger...DUH!!
It is a shame when you have to resort to name calling and insults to get your point across. How very mature of you. And I am not your "bud". With an attitude like yours it is obvious why you can't find any women to join you for sex.

Nov 13, 2007, 4:01 AM
We've been to swinger parties. D/s parties S/m parties GAy parties bathhouse and every type you can imagine. I do live in Toronto a haven of sexual freedom boys.

I did go to the site url that you spammed and if that is your wife I don't find her to be sexy or hot at all.

Nobody cares about your "Lady", the open relationship that you both have with each other, or the site you're spamming. It's all just pointless dicksizing and a major ego boost for your already low self esteem. :rolleyes:

All places can be a "haven of sexual freedom" if you let them be one.

You don't have to be in a major city for this to happen.

I really don't know of any male bath house or a male sex party/orgy for men only that would actually allow a woman inside much less a presumed het male/female couple to get naked and have sex in such an environment.

I don't know of any homosexual men who actually are excited to see a naked woman, who much less want to be a voyeur and see a naked woman in the flesh having sex, or gay men who would actually want a presumed het couple or a Male/Female swinger couple in a space/environment that's for male sex only.

I've even been in gay bars and seen male/female couples make out, or try to pick up another man/woman, and then get kicked out since people there at the bar and the bar staff didn't like it.

Anyway you can find all of those places/events in any major city and in small rural towns too.

head to the local porn vid store and check the size of the hetero and girl on girl sections V/s the gay section...do the retail math.that is what drives the industry..

It depends on which adult video store you go to.

I've been to adult video stores where there is WAY more gay/bi MMF porn than het/lesbian porn.

Nov 13, 2007, 5:10 AM
.............ooohhhh aren't you sharp .. doesn't that zinger sting.....
Well to point out the obvious to the dim is a public service so bud, head to the local porn vid store ( got one?) and check the size of the hetero and girl on girl sections V/s the gay section...do the retail math..(can do??).that is what drives the industry..

Umm, you do realise that the vast majority of porn is bought by hetro males right? Hence there isn't much MM stuff...

the mage
Nov 13, 2007, 7:44 AM
I did go to the site url that you spammed and if that is your wife I don't find her to be sexy or hot at all.

.......................why would I lie fuck nuts???

......................................You are the self professed woman despiser so you do not count and I do not count on you for gratification.

Nobody cares about your "Lady", the open relationship that you both have with each other, or the site you're spamming. It's all just pointless dicksizing and a major ego boost for your already low self esteem. :rolleyes:

............... but you looked didnt you .... I do not need my dick enlarged it is fine thanks. My womans showing off has little to do with my desires.
My ego is fine, I live with and love a fine woman and I'm well off enough to be in comfort, how about you?

All places can be a "haven of sexual freedom" if you let them be one.

................you are wrong again, you need to travel outside your ignorant little box. Sex of the wrong sort gets you killed in many places.

You don't have to be in a major city for this to happen.

I really don't know of any male bath house or a male sex party/orgy for men only that would actually allow a woman inside much less a presumed het male/female couple to get naked and have sex in such an environment.

...................Learn to read and comprehend before espousing your crap.

Sure, we did it all in 1 big night of adventure.... think a bit ,tool

I don't know of any homosexual men who actually are excited to see a naked woman, who much less want to be a voyeur and see a naked woman in the flesh having sex, or gay men who would actually want a presumed het couple or a Male/Female swinger couple in a space/environment that's for male sex only......

..................once again you speak ,for the world eh???

private parties abound

I've even been in gay bars and seen male/female couples make out, or try to pick up another man/woman, and then get kicked out since people there at the bar and the bar staff didn't like it.

........... well here in a civilized place your human rights would prevent that.

Anyway you can find all of those places/events in any major city and in small rural towns too.

It depends on which adult video store you go to.

I've been to adult video stores where there is WAY more gay/bi MMF porn than het/lesbian porn.

............ look at the industry sales numbers numb nuts,

Nov 13, 2007, 2:04 PM
why would I lie fuck nuts???

You are the self professed woman despiser so you do not count and I do not count on you for gratification.

My ego is fine, I live with and love a fine woman and I'm well off enough to be in comfort, how about you?

you are wrong again, you need to travel outside your ignorant little box. Sex of the wrong sort gets you killed in many places.

Learn to read and comprehend before espousing your crap.

well here in a civilized place your human rights would prevent that.

look at the industry sales numbers numb nuts

This is the internet. People lie about all sorts of things if you haven't noticed. Who really knows if the person at the site actually is your wife or not besides you, and who is to say that I even looked at your link that you spam?

Despite what people here think I'm not a "woman despiser" just because I go through times when I'm not sexually attracted to women at all. Your faux feminist posts are all the same and are akin to tiresome worship.

Does it matter about me? At least I'm not an immature and ignorant 51 year old fool who can't act like an adult.

Dicksizing has nothing to do with your own size. It means that you're feeling shitty about yourself hence the low self esteem and flaming, and have to take it out on others by flaming them.

I actually have traveled a lot and I know all about how other countries/cultures view sex that's not heterosexual or "normal". Does any of this matter though?

I do read people's writings, it seems as though you don't though.

You should learn how to use the quote feature, how to actually write coherent posts that make sense, and how to quote people so it makes sense and reads properly.

What does a drunk swinger M/F couple making out and harassing bar patrons have to do with human rights? It's got fuck all.

They were annoying, drunk, and kept harassing people by trying to pick them up when people kept saying no thanks. It's not surprising why they were asked to leave.

Bar staff has the right to refuse you service or kick you out if they don't like you, or you'll get kicked out/cut off or asked to leave if you appear very drunk, are making people feel uncomfortable, or are harassing other people.

In the city of montreal a gay bar that's designated as being for men only doesn't allow women inside. Do I feel that this is a "violation of human rights"? Well no I don't, it's a private business and there are businesses strictly for women where men aren't allowed in (such as gyms/health places etc.).

Who cares about industry sales? Most of the population is heterosexual so it makes sense that most porn made is heterosexual.

Nov 13, 2007, 5:02 PM
You NEED a woman present?
I don't get it.

Jan 1, 2008, 5:00 PM
Wow Brian! I guess you and your 'Lady' really did actually go and have sex in an all male/male only bath house! Multiple times too!

Yeah right, liar! :rolleyes:

I'm sure you'll refute this or deny it, or just lie even more to cover your tracks but sometimes the truth hurts Mr. flaming liar troll.

Of course this isn't the first time you've been caught lying but who cares?

[QUOTE=the mage;72523]I've been to the baths......
didn't like it at all.
I went alone which was an error.

As far as certain bi men wanting a woman there I don't really see anything wrong with this.

Lots of men who are more on the hetero side of their attractions are into cuckolding

I have bi male friends who only want sex with a woman in a MMF/MFM 3 way when another guy is there and everyone is having sex together.

I don't expect people to really get this or understand it, but who cares?

Jan 1, 2008, 5:34 PM
We just ignore guys that want a woman there. We only play together but we ignore guys that claim to be bi but want a women there. If they want a woman there then they need to bring one with them. That solves the issue. Put up or shut up.

Jan 1, 2008, 6:09 PM
Honestly, I'm going to answer this because I used to say I'd ONLY do something with a guy if a woman were present.

Truthfully, it was not about a "security blanket" or anything. I may be wrong, but I'd be willing to bet I speak for a number of them when I say even though, they might like cock or a man's ass somewhat, their attraction to men, which is secondary, by a LONGSHOT, is just not strong enough to warrant 1-on-1 gay sex. HOWEVER, many of these "bi"/curious guys love the idea of doing these things with a man and an appreciative female audience. Even if she is not doing anything. The female being there is more than a security blanket. It gets the guys off a lot more.

Regardless, if the woman even just watches and does nothing, her being there is the thing that makes the experience worth it for him. In his mind, anyway.

Most of these guys are not likely to notice "cute" guys or "hunks" by their facial features in public.

The attraction to men has to be a certain strength to really get the most out of strictly gay sex. Many "bi"/curious guys "gay" sides just are not THAT strong, to get off without a woman being there. (Same reason many of those same "bi"/curious guys don't like kissing guys on the mouth. It's just about the cock/ass and they are more into women.) But, I could be wrong.

Skater Boy
Jan 1, 2008, 6:16 PM
I think I have to agree with DiamondDog and Ziggy on this one. Different strokes for different folks... whatever turns you on best.

I'm sure there are some men who use the women's presence as a kind of "security blanket", but there's probably just as many who don't.

Personally though, I DON'T happen to need a woman present. But if one is... well, it might be fun...

Jan 2, 2008, 1:29 AM
A man who plays with men is a different breed, he does not want kinky pussy play, he want s a cock.

I don't 'play gay' as you described it in another post. Therefore I don't have to justify it to myself like it seems you do. In a very real sense, I am gay. And straight.
I am a man who plays with men. And Women. Either one bi themselves, or together. I've never fucked around on anyone. Both give me something emotionally that is unique to them. That said, I don't think it's fair how you pigeon hole so many different groups of people based on your own obviously limited experience.
My sexual impulses are sort of a part of my bipolar nature. Sometimes I'm extremely stable in what I feel and want, and sometimes I rapid-cycle and go through a myriad of alter egos as well as emotional states.
But, enough about me.
The point I'm making is, the realm of human sexuality is a hell of a lot more complex than your obviously embittered and bleak deconstructions.
I grow sick of your weak attempts at repartee, and I'm not the only one :rolleyes:

the mage
Jan 2, 2008, 9:11 AM
I don't 'play gay' as you described it in another post. Therefore I don't have to justify it to myself like it seems you do. In a very real sense, I am gay. And straight.
I am a man who plays with men. And Women. Either one bi themselves, or together. I've never fucked around on anyone. Both give me something emotionally that is unique to them. That said, I don't think it's fair how you pigeon hole so many different groups of people based on your own obviously limited experience.
My sexual impulses are sort of a part of my bipolar nature. Sometimes I'm extremely stable in what I feel and want, and sometimes I rapid-cycle and go through a myriad of alter egos as well as emotional states.
But, enough about me.
The point I'm making is, the realm of human sexuality is a hell of a lot more complex than your obviously embittered and bleak deconstructions.
I grow sick of your weak attempts at repartee, and I'm not the only one :rolleyes:

.........................I make no claim other than what is being re-iterated by the notes of several other couples here.
I made no claim upon your life. I do claim that any man who insists an unwilling woman be there during his sex with another man is an unworthy fool.. I also claim that the percentage of women willing to be there is small.
Nothing more.

Jan 2, 2008, 2:22 PM
I would have no problem with having sex with a man without a woman present as i'm attracted to both men and women. mmm and mmf threesomes are both appealing, but have never experienced yet. I do hope that I someday meet some people who are willing to explore these avenues.

Being open about what each person involved wants and exploration seem an important elements in such activity. I know i've got a lot to learn and this I feel will help.

Happy hunting! :three:

Jan 2, 2008, 8:25 PM
I asked my husbands' feelings on this topic and he said that he prefers I am there b/c we enjoy doing this together and he enjoys it just as much if not more having me there because we experience how great everything is together....but he has done things with a couple of men without me and I actually wanted him to b/c I wanted him to experience it without me and really "let loose" without wondering how im feeling or what Im doing- just enjoying what HE is doing...and he enjoyed it alot too and didn't feel "weird" about it.

I have notice ALOT of men contacting us online (not just this site) and it seems like all they have alterior motives to just get to me through him by playing "bi". Its frustrating because we want someone that genuinely is okay with just being with him and if things go right and everything is comfortable than maybe I would join...but definitely not going to give off false impressions on that happening so ALOT of men dissapear after they hear they wont be getting me! :rolleyes:

Skater Boy
Jan 3, 2008, 5:15 AM
I have notice ALOT of men contacting us online (not just this site) and it seems like all they have alterior motives to just get to me through him by playing "bi". Its frustrating because we want someone that genuinely is okay with just being with him and if things go right and everything is comfortable than maybe I would join...but definitely not going to give off false impressions on that happening so ALOT of men dissapear after they hear they wont be getting me! :rolleyes:

Sounds like maybe you should clearly state in your profile ad/s that its only the male who wants to play. Or simply just list yourself as a SINGLE MALE. Otherwise, if you advertise yourself as a couple how can you be surprised when people contact you expecting to play with BOTH of you? Its a kind of "false advertising".

May I ask... who uses this account at Bi.com mostly? Is it you or your male partner? If its yourself, surely YOU can decide (judging by the looks and personality of the individual who contacts you) whether you wish to "play" with that person, no? Why should it be "play with my hubby AND THEN, IF I feel like it I MIGHT have sex with you"?

You should be honest with the person from the start. Just as they should be with you.

Cute pictures, btw.

Jan 3, 2008, 10:20 AM
Sounds like maybe you should clearly state in your profile ad/s that its only the male who wants to play. Or simply just list yourself as a SINGLE MALE. Otherwise, if you advertise yourself as a couple how can you be surprised when people contact you expecting to play with BOTH of you? Its a kind of "false advertising".

May I ask... who uses this account at Bi.com mostly? Is it you or your male partner? If its yourself, surely YOU can decide (judging by the looks and personality of the individual who contacts you) whether you wish to "play" with that person, no? Why should it be "play with my hubby AND THEN, IF I feel like it I MIGHT have sex with you"?

You should be honest with the person from the start. Just as they should be with you.

Cute pictures, btw.

In our profile it states we are looking for a couple- and if a male does contact us then he's told right away that we're looking for a couple so we can both play but if its just a single male then it'll just be he husband playing with him mostly... We're not looking for 'just' sex so I'm not going to advertise specifics about what we plan to do in the bedroom. I know its a long shot to expect to meet someone on any of these sites that might want to actually build the friendship first but thats what we're looking for and I guess we'll just have to continue waiting...

I (female) am usually the one sitting at the keyboard but he's usually next to me- Im just the more talkative one so I kind of take over ;) I have talked to men and felt comfortable- but then it seems like they start asking so many questions of what him and I will be doing... I've already been with men, I've got my husband for that...we both want to explore our bisexuality....thats the whole point of this "search"...but if we find the right person/people and everything is great and comfortable then we'd ALL like to share and have fun with a bi orgy or something of that sort :bigrin::bigrin:;)

Skater Boy
Jan 3, 2008, 10:49 AM
In our profile it states we are looking for a couple- and if a male does contact us then he's told right away that we're looking for a couple so we can both play but if its just a single male then it'll just be he husband playing with him mostly... We're not looking for 'just' sex so I'm not going to advertise specifics about what we plan to do in the bedroom. I know its a long shot to expect to meet someone on any of these sites that might want to actually build the friendship first but thats what we're looking for and I guess we'll just have to continue waiting...

I (female) am usually the one sitting at the keyboard but he's usually next to me- Im just the more talkative one so I kind of take over ;) I have talked to men and felt comfortable- but then it seems like they start asking so many questions of what him and I will be doing... I've already been with men, I've got my husband for that...we both want to explore our bisexuality....thats the whole point of this "search"...but if we find the right person/people and everything is great and comfortable then we'd ALL like to share and have fun with a bi orgy or something of that sort :bigrin::bigrin:;)

I see. Well, if you're actually looking for a couple (rather than singles) and your profile clearly states so, then thats fine. Any single men who contact you must expect to get what they're given (if anything).

I can understand how having FOUR people (two of each sex) might be preferable to just three.

Oh, and its NOT such a long shot to find someone looking for friendship as well as sex on this site. I know there are definitely those who are after NSA fun, but there are also lots of people here who consider the former equally (if not more) important than the latter. :)

Jan 3, 2008, 11:04 AM
I see. Well, if you're actually looking for a couple (rather than singles) and your profile clearly states so, then thats fine. Any single men who contact you must expect to get what they're given (if anything).

I can understand how having FOUR people (two of each sex) might be preferable to just three.

Oh, and its NOT such a long shot to find someone looking for friendship as well as sex on this site. I know there are definitely those who are after NSA fun, but there are also lots of people here who consider the former equally (if not more) important than the latter. :)

Thank you for being so understanding..sometimes It sounds like we're expecting too much out of all this so its nice that someone understands what im saying!! :cool::bigrin:

the sacred night
Jan 3, 2008, 12:11 PM
I do claim that any man who insists an unwilling woman be there during his sex with another man is an unworthy fool.

On this you are absolutely right, and I sincerely doubt anyone here would disagree on this point. Any sex involving someone unwilling is bad. Most people on the planet agree with you on this point, so there is no need to argue it.

I also claim that the percentage of women willing to be there is small.

This point is something rather more difficult to pinpoint. Since you are using porn sales as your indicator, I'll point out that a lot of factors affect porn sales other than just what type of sex people like. As someone stated before, porn is mostly made by straight men for straight men, so women may not seek it out at all either because it's not marketed to make them want it or because they can't find what they like, or because in our society there is a belief that women in general are not into such things, so many never consider the possibility, or those that are into it secretly may still be too shy to go and buy it. Also, you are just talking about sales of DVDs in adult book stores. There are a lot of other ways for people to get porn, especially women who worry they will be seen in an adult bookstore and labeled sluts or approached by men or what have you. Some have subscriptions to magazines that come directly to their houses, or get their porn from web sites, or even order DVDs over the internet, and some just do without. Adult bookstore movie sections are only one slice of the pie if you're trying to figure out what types of porn sell the most, and even then, porn by itself isn't the best indicator of what types of sex people would want to have in real life. Some people like to watch things they would never want to do, or want to do things that aren't as fun for them to watch. Also, some just do without.

That said, if you really want to know how many women want to see/think about/participate in/watch gay sex, I suggest you google the term "yaoi." It's an entire sector of the Japanese Anime/Manga market that includes manga (Japanese comic books basically) and anime made by women for women featuring gay male relationships and sex. This is not marketed to men at all, and the authors/artists who create it are women the vast majority of the time, as are the fans of it. Also, if you go to writing sites such as www.fictionpress.com or even more, if you go to fanfiction writing sites like www.fanfiction.net, and do a couple searches, it will not take you long to find pornographic stories about gay male relationships and sex written, yet again, by women for women. I can recommend some particularly good ones, if you want to start your search off well, and I've even written a couple.

Many women only feel comfortable divulging such things in the presence of other women, and often only in places with a certain degree of anonymity, like the internet. Not to say all women are like this; I'm certainly not. I've told people in real life that I get off on 2 guys, and found that some of my female friends felt the same way. The fact that women get off on 2 men for presumably the same reason men get off on 2 women is in no way news to me, but I think the secret is fairly well kept to circles where we can be assured of not being judged for it. I'm personally trying to change that because I want more women to be able to be free and open about their sexuality, and to realize sex is for their pleasure too, not just something you do to keep a man around. That battle is a slow one, though, because a lot of people are ashamed of their desires, insecure about sharing them, and a whole lot of other things our Victorian past has imposed on us.

:soapbox: Mkay, all done for now.

Feb 3, 2008, 2:02 PM
The Sacred Night


Well Said... I would love to know more detail on reading some comics or stories at that website especially yours..

on the Topic of men desires to have woman present... It seems there are lots of opinions of fraud and losers etc.. which in some cases I am sure is true.

As for me, I enjoy my wife's participation in the mmf encounters we have had and cannot express how incredible the feeling of sharing another man together with my wife has been. We have experienced threesomes so far only with one other male friend for almost 1 year now. Some men like myself are not attracted enough to men to desire kissing lips or hugging etc....affections of love. For us the male bi-play so far has been only oral sex. Neither my wife nor I desire receiving or performing anal sex with anyone. My wife enjoys intercourse with our male friend.

Regardless of who we are and what we want, it all comes down to what turns you on and what doesn't. Enjoy life and the close intimate friends you have who know you understand who you are and who respect you! And Have FUN Life is too short!!!


Feb 3, 2008, 2:41 PM
I don't REQUIRE a woman present. That said, having an appreciative audience makes things twice as hot!

I hope our situation some days evolves to this!!!:female:

Feb 3, 2008, 4:34 PM
There are always exceptions....but
99% of the time its a man PRESSURING a woman to have a 3 way.
or a man wanting to play with men only with a woman there as a supposedly "first time"

Bullshit to you all who play that game.

If a man who wants to play insists that his first time be with a couple fine, but do not pressure women into it and the reality is that there dam few women who want to be there.

Stop using them. Have the guts to say to YOURSELF its ok, I CAN PLAY GAY

cause no matter how you spin it you are having homosexual sex mister...

Well then given what you are saying I should be happy that my husband would like to experience things on his own first before bringing me in (which I have requested). Very insightful...more food for thought.

Feb 4, 2008, 1:41 PM

I must say I have read you posts, threads and your profile I am very very impressed


Feb 5, 2008, 2:45 PM
I can kind of relate. I have had a desire to have a woman present if I did have gay sex. But the the woman would be my g/f. And therefore the act of another man fucking me and my g/f accepting that side of me, is what I enjoy. It's not just to turn on the woman. It's a sign of acceptance.

I think this sums it up. Some guys just want to be accepted by mommy.

Feb 5, 2008, 3:51 PM
Can we drop the pissing contest? :rolleyes:

As for the original topic... My take on it is that yes, there are a fair number of guys out there who are willing to put up with playing with the guy in order to get a piece of the girl. There are probably also a fair number of guys out there more like me... If I ever get a chance to have a first time with a guy (at least one that doesn't involve a scumbag getting me drunk and then taking advantage of me) I do want a woman there, because -- at least in my mind -- it means that there's at least one familiar dynamic I can understand and work from. If it was just me and another guy, then there'd be nothing familiar at all, and that thought makes me uncomfortable.

So there you go, another perspective on the situation. :)

I think canuckotter's point of view is great but I would guess is unusual. I think from my perspective therea re probably 4 reasons why men request a woman present:

1. They really want to have sex with the woman as a primary objective and are only giving the man "lip service" as they say
2. They are avoiding the feeling that they have a homosexual side and feel that at least if a female is present they aren't having homosexual encounters (which is a part of all bisexuals)
3. They are truly interested in a group sex approach (ie., they are interested in "helping" the woman please her man, etc)
4. They are looking to have a familiar or backup to supplement the MM experience

I'm sure there are a few other less common reasons but this (I would guess) covers it.


Feb 5, 2008, 8:10 PM
Well there are different reasons for each man on if they would want a woman there or not. I have different fantasies involving this. Some are MM, others MMF. I suppose it depends on the humidity in the air that day. Maybe it depends on the people involved and the vibe being sent off.

Next argument can be why red is a better color then blue.

Feb 9, 2008, 3:00 AM
I grew up having to fight for my part of a large family. I'm not outwardly submissive, yet I feel uncomfortable if thrust into a situation where I have to constantly be the alpha male. Privately I enjoy being submissive and as a bisexual that means accepting the part whether its the male or female that my attentions are drawn to at the moment. One of my first sexual encounters dealt with a male friend and a girl we both knew we could fool around with. We would meet together and just talk for hours about everything. Finally we ended up in the secluded backyard of a vacant house where we played strip poker with her. My male friend and I lost misserably although she wasn't far behind. She offered to play with us and had us stand cock to cock while she tongued and stroked us. She said she liked bossing her brothers around and that we were no different. She coerced me (wiithout much debate) to go to my knees and suck my friend off while she watched. Dhe was a true mistress and my friend and I became her sexual toys. Since then I have always enjoyed the way a woman feeds me a cock; telling me to suck it and enjoy the cum. It is my private submissive side coming to the fore and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Feb 9, 2008, 4:23 AM
Enjoy yourselves... there are a lot of very nice and sensual couples here that seek this just like I do...

Yeah but who wants to sleep with you?

You're old and you have nothing to offer but your small cock.

Mar 28, 2009, 9:20 PM
Me personally, it does not matter if it is just another man or with a woman watching. She does not even have to join in. She can just sit and watch. If she wanted to join, I would not knock her back. The ain thing is to have fun and respect each other.

Mar 28, 2009, 9:58 PM
interesting. what the fuck, if i want to fuck a guy, me on top , giving pleasure to him. i dont need a woman around, she might be surprised that a man can get and give such plesure to each other. all other who need a woman present, have a problem. but on the other hand, a woman only can add senuous pleasure. confused not me, only looking to make life more enjoyable. :flag2:

pat c
Mar 28, 2009, 10:08 PM
The more the merrier. Whether participating or watching.
I like playing with a guy with a woman watching. I think the fact that she is watching turns me on even more even if she does not get involved (guss it's the thought of her watching)