View Full Version : Bisexuals?

Nov 7, 2007, 6:17 PM
A while ago it was world war 3 in my house when I came out as a Bi.....I was told I wasnt bi...I wasnt gay or lesbian....which is true...I am not gay or lesbian...I like both males AND females.....

and I was also told I dont have the behaviors or actions that gays and lesbians have.....

does bisexuals have that or is that ANOTHER myth??? I am trying to do some research on that but I cant find anything....

Nov 7, 2007, 6:27 PM
WWIII? Who do you live with and how old are you?

The people who you're talking about are just going by stereotypes about homosexuals that most people who are homosexual don't fall into completely or at all.

As far as mannerisms for being bisexual goes I get pegged as this but it's not surprising and I use it to my advantage and I can tell who is gay/bi and who isn't and it's just something I have a natural ability to do.

Nov 7, 2007, 6:43 PM
my mom and dad...they are really old school about a lot of things including sexuality...they say its sick etc....nobody can tell I am bisexual....thats why I wondered if being bisexual you have to have manorisms

but I can tell when a girl or guy is gay or lesbian or bi.....

Nov 7, 2007, 9:54 PM
look, as i understand this, you think that because you identify as bi, you have to act/dress/vote/ whatever, a certain way??

big secret.... be yourself! don't try adopting mannerisms or whatever else just because someone else thinks you need to to be this way..

deal with life, everyone, in and around you, as you have every day since you were born. act on your attractions towards both sexes, and i include emotions of the whole spectrum here too, as you normally would, but apply that equally. while men don't always date as well as women for some of us, or women as well as men in my case, be open and honest and most importantly be YOU!. it's really surprising how sweet and open most people are with you when they find someone thats not a plastic wannabe.

all that other stuff? mannersims, and stereotypes and what have you? it's just things that other people throw in front of you to keep you in their little corner of the world and not over in yours, which should be out exploring where you really belong...

Nov 7, 2007, 10:13 PM
Nobody ussaly can tell I am bi either, though a couple friends did suspect I was before I came out to them. A gay friend of mine said I was to nice to be fully straight..lol, and a bi friend of mine said my ass swings more like a womans than a guys so he kinds figured...lo. But to me a straight person could have those two things also..lol. Be proud of who you are and enjoy being you.:flag2:

Nov 7, 2007, 10:16 PM
Hmm lol Ok this is my view on it. Ask youreself this question....
Can you tell by looking at someone what their favorite movie is?
How about their favorite music?
I think it goes kind of along the same line, as when people look at me they just see a woman, and sometimes a husband and wife when we are out and about. My husband and I are both bi. When you look at my husband you cant tell he is bi either. Now yes you can tell that some women are lesbians and that some men are gay. But you cant tell everyone is. I recently had a good friend of mine say something about a guy being hot. I said wait a minute, are you gay? He replied, Im not obvious enough? lol He isnt obvious at all and I had no idea until he said something.

As for your parents. Some people have a very tightly closed point of view. My parents are like yours. They were raised a certain way, with certain ideals. It doesnt make them bad people. I would never tell my parents I was bi. For a couple of reasons, my dad would make far too many lesbian jokes and my mother would make a face like "eww" and tell me how gross that was.

Your parents cannot decide for you what you feel inside. I have to give it up to you for having the bravery to come out to them, that couldnt have been an easy decision. They are probably shocked, they are most likely way mis-informed and probably think that people are are gay/bi are complete sluts. Well some are lol but most arent.

If I were you, I wouldnt worry about what they think about it. I would continue to be honest and open with them. Hopefully they will come around and become comfortable with you talking about it and when you keep being open with them they will see this is who you are and is not just a phase.

There is no "manerism" that I know of that bi people do outwardly for the rest of the world to take notice of. Maybe Im wrong, but I havent ever seen it.

Hang tough through this. Be who you are, and dont worry about what others think cuz when it comes down to it, YOURE the only one who matters what YOU think.

Hope that helps :o) Take care!

Nov 7, 2007, 10:28 PM
It took me a loooooooooong time to reach where I am with my orientation.

The short and sweet version?

Fuck the world's expectations! You be who you are. Don't try to "fit" anything. Just be You.

Nov 8, 2007, 12:00 AM
Okay, we have some rigid guidelines if you're going to be one of us. First of all you have to be very politically opinionated and yet open minded. If you are an American male, you have to pack a weapon (Smith & Wesson preferred - 9mm my favorite!). You cannot be fully lesbian and bash men badly - no penis hating. You cannot be fully gay and despise women (except mother, of course). If you're female you probably live somewhere in Scotland and speak in a strange cryptic semi-english language that you emulate in your texting.
But seriously. Be yourself. Everyone here - male or female - enjoys both dick and pussy... and the myriad of wonderful traits behind the sexual organs!
Yes, be assured there IS middle ground. You, like us, can have both physical and emotional needs of a man AND physical and emotional needs of a woman. And for a lucky few of us, that comes together!
Good luck!
Let the other family/friends in WWIII read my post!

Nov 8, 2007, 12:32 AM
thanks you all...that helped a lot!!

I didnt think there were mannorisms either...

my parents do the sick thing and you arent thing....

Nov 8, 2007, 12:53 AM
A while ago it was world war 3 in my house when I came out as a Bi.....I was told I wasnt bi...I wasnt gay or lesbian....which is true...I am not gay or lesbian...I like both males AND females.....

and I was also told I dont have the behaviors or actions that gays and lesbians have.....

does bisexuals have that or is that ANOTHER myth??? I am trying to do some research on that but I cant find anything....

Hi :)

I came out as a lesbian last year and my mom was ranting I didn't ACT like a lesbian and how one of my brothers (who is gay) "acted" gay ever since he was a little boy.

She also mentioned "theres no such thing as bisexual, it just means people are very confused."

Well, since Im quiet, and personally, Its no ones business what my sexually is... I didn't know you had to ACT like a lesbian to be one.
I like my privacy, Im a quiet gal.

She then said Lesbians don't marry men. Ugh.... I told her there were a lot that DID.... she said I was wrong. Then all of a sudden believes me after watching a episode of Oprah over the same subject.

But you know what?
Im happy just being me. None of my friends know except those Im close to.
My best friend said she had a strong feeling I was back in school but out of respect, said nothing cause I hadn't said anything.

My mom is old school too.....
Shes soooooooooo out of date with the whole sex and sexually stuff and thinks shes right.

But you know what??
ONLY YOU..... JUST YOU. know who you are, know whats best for you.
Sure its nice to get advice from people, its nice to know people you care about think they know whats best.... but in the end,
only you know what makes you happy.

If you want to date both men and women then GO AHEAD.....
Your parents can believe whatever they want but you know better. :)

Over time they'll adust.

Just like my mom did kinda.....
I stopped telling her things and she got sooo curious that one day she was like "So, meet any nice girls online yet??" lol
So in some way shes ok with me being a lesbian.... :)

Be yourself :) If you want to be with a guy, be with him... if you want to be with a girl, be with her..... make yourself happy and know deep down your parents really want you to be happy :)

Nov 8, 2007, 1:15 AM
Even among lesbians and gays--you have a whole spectrum of gays, lesbians, etc.

With gays, you have those who are very effeminate, drag queens and hyper macho, leather wearing types.

With lesbians you have the very butch and "lipstick lesbians."

With boy gays and lesbians-you have ones who are very radically conservative and those who are radically leftist--just like bisexuals and straights too.

It is not possible to paint any one group of people as having any kind of particular behaviors, traits, style of dress, political views or anything for that matter---

When it comes down to it--people are just people and they are highly variable----

As far as any special identifying characteristics of bisexuals--there are none that you can point to, because as far as what bisexuals do in terms of sex or anything else--runs the gamut. Even each person's definition of what is bisexuality varies from one person to another.

Nov 8, 2007, 11:29 AM
Thank you.....I really appreciate it....

I keep hinting to my mom I dont even want to date a man....shes like sure you do....and at this point I dont....I want a female..

Nov 8, 2007, 1:54 PM
Thank you.....I really appreciate it....

I keep hinting to my mom I dont even want to date a man....shes like sure you do....and at this point I dont....I want a female..

Try to think in your moms mind...
You're her DAUGHTER.... if your the ONLY daughter, course she wants to think you'll marry a man someday and give her bunch of grandchildren. She'll have a son-in-law too.
All moms want to think of their daughters getting married to some handsome man, with grandkids coming.

But if you want a female... then DATE A GIRL. :) Your mom will accept in time.
In the end, all your parents want is you to be HAPPY. and no one but yourself knows what makes you the happiest.

Date a girl, get into a serious relationship with her..... your mom will have to accept this is what your doing and this makes you happy.