View Full Version : I need help

Nov 7, 2007, 9:35 AM
I'm new here and I need help. I have been a bisexual all my life.
I think I've fought it most of my life. I just didn't WANT to be. I hid for many years.
During my first marriage I was able to experiment a little which is when I REALLY knew and came to terms with it. My 1st husband was understanding and supportive.
We broke up after 13 years (totally unrelated to my sexual preference)
During my "single" time I was able to explore my bisexuality. I felt very comfortable with it. I've never "dated" a woman only men but have had sexual encounters with women friends.

To make a very long story short I met my now husband. Upon our meeting I was VERY upfront with him about my sexual nature. Told him it was not something that could be changed and in order for us to date there would have to be a very clear understanding of this. Like most men he was "all about it" until reality set in.
Funny all they can think is "woohoo threesome"

While we were dating we had one encounter upon his insistance, with a woman and he freaked. We were all drunk and he "pushed us together (in his words to see what it would be like) Had I not been drunk it would have never happened. He was fine when all started and he was the "center" of attention but when she denied him "access" and she and I started kissing within 30 seconds he freaked out and became VERY nasty towards me. At this point he had been very intimate with her already and all I did was kiss her. I stopped everything instantly and took myself out of the situation.

We never again went there- as he apologized and later stated he was/is a jealous man and could/can not handle this. He could/can never share me with another person. Pandoras box opened that night tho' I'm afraid because after a small moment of being with a woman again I forgot how much I missed it and the urges started all over again. Even tho' it turned into a very dramatic event. One of which I did not push for, he did.

After 4 years we married and here we are. He is not fine with it and now we are married.

I have a girl-friend that I've known for many years. I had slept with before him and during a "breakup" from him a couple of years ago. (We've been off and on over my sexuality) She is married and her husband is totally supportive of her and has full knowledge.

My husband is telling me now in order for our relationship to go forward I must end this friendship with her. He has said this many times before about not only her but a few other friends and I've always done it. Only to have him see how sad I get and say "please call _____ or lets go _______" It's like he pushes it and then gets mad at me! He even had me invite these same people to our wedding which they graciously declined because of his erratic behavior of "be friends- no- don't be friends"

I'm heartbroken and confused. Her and I have not been together sexually in a long time. We would like to be neither of us lie about it when asked. I believe in honesty.
He asks me and I tell him my feelings and he knows how we both feel but I have respected my marriage and not gone outside of it and she and her husband respect our marriage and offer nothing but their friendship. They keep their distance and NEVER even go there. They are very careful with him.

I feel like I should be able to discuss these urges and he see's this all as insult. I've tried to explain to him that people are attracted to other people everyday- but he says that married people don't yearn. That once you get married that's it! You are never supposed to think or want of anyones else but your spouse.
In a perfect world I suppose thats true but I've never believed that. People are people and feelings are feelings. You can not act on urges but you should still be able to talk about them.

I ask him over and over why did he want to marry me and he always says the same thing "because I love you" to which my answer is you love the "straight" me.

Can anyone help me out here?

I love my husband - when things are right I've never felt so much closeness or anything more perfect or right in my life. But this is tearing us apart. I've been reading things that say straight/bi relationships don't work. Like 85% end in divorce.
I don't want to lose my friends, myself or my husband but there doesn't seem to be any balance.

Nov 7, 2007, 4:15 PM
O dear this is not a good situation to be in...
Who are you heartbroken over? The fact that your husband has basically said that you can't be who you are, or because of your friendship and part time love interest in your female friend?

The most important thing you can do now is to breath and to remember that everything will be ok eventually. Yes some men are like that, being in a three sum and the sole attention is on him, althought not always. I guess that whilst having a three sum is in theory every man's fantasy, in reality its a different kettle of fish. ( I havent said what scenario this is, mmm mff mmf fff) But to have a successfull three sum its about loving each other....

Well to be honest with you, if your husband has refused point blank to ever consider that about your sexuality, then the anserw at least to me is clear..

You have said that you've spent most of your life in denial (one way or another), so the question that you need to ponder over is this. ' Do I need to hide my sexuality for ever?'

The answer is no that you don't.

I know that you said that you love your husband, but to love someone unconditonally he needs to accept who you are. And he hasn't.

What does need to be done between the two of you, is honest and frank conversation... Let him consider what you have said, and say after the month if he can not get over your sexuality then you will have to make the final choice. I can only suggest, but I can't do it for you...

Look towards the future, visualise the relationship that you want, regardless of the persons gender. How do you feel? Think about this, call it an ongoing exercise.

If you think that enfact you only want women sexually then you know which path to go down.

However if you want to date a woman, take her out and be taken out then you need time to collect your thoughts, to ditch your baggage, take one deep breath and take your first step forward.

I hope that this advice has helped you, and remember for any relationships that you do enter into, please just be honest with the person upfront.

Be proud of who you are, be proud of your sexuality.

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 7, 2007, 8:10 PM
I am sorry to hear about your suffering. The good news is that it does not have to last. This might sound harsh, but if you have explained your reality to your husband and he is unwilling or unable to accept it, then I think your marriage is not a very healthy one. People may have a hard time understanding other sexualities, and that's reasonable at first. We cannot expect everyone to be accepting from the beginning, especially when their views on marriage, for instance, are so rigid. But, if given time, they remain the same, you need to take a stand and perhaps move on to a situation that is more fulfilling. You cannot let your husband decide who you are, no matter how much you love him. Sometimes what/who we love is not good for us. It is sad and frustrating, but it is part of life. You decide who your friends are and what your sexual behavior is.

Nov 7, 2007, 10:17 PM
Based on your account of the facts. You do not have his respect as his equal in the marriage. He is good with a threesome with him in total control of the action, but not as supporting player with you controlling the action. Where is the equality in that? If you cannot find a way to get his respect (share the dominant role) then I do not see long-term happiness.
So, even though you tried to establish what you expected of him before the marriage, the problem is, he did not have enough respect for you to seriously consider what bisexual means to you. Why should he think beyond him having 2 women? The answer is RESPECT. Even as he gave you assurance of understanding, he did not hear you say that you wanted him for you male emotional/sex needs and other women for your female emotional/sex needs.

It seems to me you have to decide between him controlling you and you controlling you. I suspect he want to dominate in more than just sex. Marriage increases happiness only if both partners are basically compatible and respect each other enough so that it is possible to accommodate individual needs that sometimes conflict.

Maybe my comments are off target. But, I am a male and think like a male. As a male, I give respect to other and I demand respect from others. Otherwise, they have a problem.


Nov 7, 2007, 10:25 PM
Anything short of total acceptance is not worth it. He knew he was marrying a bi woman, right? This was no surprise? It's not fair of him to expect you to give up being with women. It's a hard road, and one I never thought I'd take, but I'm very glad I'm divorced.

Nov 7, 2007, 10:37 PM
He needs to allow you to be who you are and Im sorry but he knew who you were when he first met you and now he wants to control you? Its not right for him to do. You have to decide if youre truely happy being in your marraige with him. If youre not happy, whats the point? You need to be who you are, this is his problem and he is doing a good job of making it your problem as well.

Id look at the relationship youre in right now. Then you can figure out all the rest.

Nov 7, 2007, 10:57 PM
He needs to allow you to be who you are and Im sorry but he knew who you were when he first met you and now he wants to control you? Its not right for him to do. You have to decide if youre truely happy being in your marraige with him. If youre not happy, whats the point? You need to be who you are, this is his problem and he is doing a good job of making it your problem as well.

Id look at the relationship youre in right now. Then you can figure out all the rest.