View Full Version : Broke my i-Pod

Nov 4, 2005, 8:43 PM
This sounds silly, but I am mourning my i-Pod. It slipped out of my hands today, and fell to the floor. Now, I can't get it to do anything but show an apple icon. I hear it woking inside, but I can't get it to work. Worse yet, I had lost all my music on my computer, and only had it stored on my i-Pod. So, I am double screwed, and not in a good way.

For me, an avid music fan, My i-Pod was so much of my day. I had all my CD's stored on it and then some. I don't even think you can fix it.
I am so completly bummed.

RC :( :banghead:

Nov 5, 2005, 9:20 AM
Get a flash based one next time. They are almost impossible to break since they have no moving parts. The IPOD Nano is one of many types. These are the best for the gym, the only downside is they store less memory. Still better for active purposes.

Better yet, be different and dont get an IPOD like everyone else has. Get something by Creative or IRiver. Be different!

Nov 6, 2005, 11:11 AM
I have used the creative ones, and not enjoyed dealing with the software for them.
Also, I still like the amount of room I had on my i-Pod.
Just sucks that something that expenisve is so fragile.