View Full Version : Drive

Nov 4, 2007, 1:46 PM
I am a sexual being with a sometimes insatiable appetite. My sex drives seem to fluctuate from zero to hyper-drive. There are times when I seem lackadaisical towards sex, and other times…caught up in the obsession that is rooted in this thought/body energy process. Sex sometimes seems to totally consumes my thoughts, my dreams and beyond. I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember…in fact I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t. I was asked the other day if I was a sex addict to which I replied No…however it does seem to top my list often as one of those things that seem to garnish my undivided attention on a pretty regular basis
If this drive fluctuates from 0 to 100, I finding myself in idle at about 65 with ebbs and flows running the gamut.

0-20 Sex doesn’t cross my mind often. I mean if it happens cool..if it doesn’t… no big deal. There is more to life than sex

20 to 40 Sex crosses my mind a few times in the course of the week. Bills have to be … The car washed . Walk the dog but hey,,, check out the new neighbors wonder if they’re bi….hmmmmm some food for the thought

40-60 Just your average sex drive coasting along with one eye on the road and the other on the rear view mirror…one hand on the wheel and the other teasing myself to the ready….If the potential comes into view I’m ready to pounce. Alert status one.

60-80 OK. Sex is occupying a lot more of my time that other things. I’m on this computer first thing in the morning and then till late at night. I’m sometimes unable to sleep as pornographic images play themselves out in my mind with me as the central character….with a cast of thousand filling the supporting roles at one level or another. I really need to get to work on time this morning.

80-100 Fuch the house…fuch the job….. fuch the world.. I need a fix ‘cause I’m going down…bang bang…. shoot shoot

So how fast do you drive?…Feel free to make alterations to the above as your sexuality dictates.

Ambi :)

Nov 6, 2007, 2:26 AM
OMG, i'm at 60-80 most days, and sometimes go up to 90.

i scare myself:bibounce:

Nov 6, 2007, 4:42 AM
I don't try to rate or classify such things in ratios/percents or at all.

I don't see the point of it, and I don't think such things (such as sexual attraction to both genders, sex drive, sexuality in general, etc.) even can be classified this way at all.

Nov 6, 2007, 7:21 AM
I don't try to rate or classify such things in ratios/percents or at all.

I don't see the point of it, and I don't think such things (such as sexual attraction to both genders, sex drive, sexuality in general, etc.) even can be classified this way at all.

Im right tere with you ambi, but I have to say ive never seen such a negative person in all my life , like this guy.

Seems like you never have a good thing to say , and most say if you have nothing good to say , dont say it.

Its no wounder the world is such a mess.

Nov 6, 2007, 7:55 AM
Hav been known 2 pik the odd hole in DD from time 2 time... but wotf is negative bout is statement ere??? Cos e's rite... an if ya thinks thats negative..then mayb ya shud rip ya brain outa that lil heada urs a put it wer it belongs.. in tweenya ears wer it hasa chance 2 grow...

Nov 6, 2007, 8:50 AM
I'm usually at about 60-75 % on my current cocktail (seroquel/propanolol)
On my old cocktail (geodon, lexapro, tegretol) Barely 40 %.
The only reason I agree to this crap is my doctor found a med that doesn't turn me into the walking dead. It's a sedative, but doesn't make me timid, afraid and severely introverted. Certain meds (SSRIs) are notorious for killing one's drive.
Anticonvulsants usually are just as bad, whereas with neuroleptic (typical and atypical antipsychotics it's kind of hit or miss.
Unmedicated: 135 % at the very least. If I'm tired :cool:
This is why so many crazy people don't take their pills.

Nov 6, 2007, 9:20 AM

I think that your comments are valid...I certainly do see a bit of negativity on this site with some responses. I think when I read this thread, I personally took it as a some what tongue and cheek reflection and rather humorous. Everyone needs a chuckle now and then.

In the spirit of the above....I tend to be cruising on the 80 mark. But there are those days when I am in overdrive for sure. But then again, everyone needs a speeding ticket now and then! Gee....I wonder what the next police officer will be like.....


The above IS said in Jest.....or is there truth to it....no one will ever know.

Nov 6, 2007, 2:48 PM
Onewhocares. Im glad im not the only one who see's it. And its not just in this thread , its most of them. I thought that the threads were for fun and to see what others think, not for people to comment back rudely. Then I get ripped by someone else with less to say than the first.

Oh well life goes on, sad to see some living so negative.


I think that your comments are valid...I certainly do see a bit of negativity on this site with some responses. I think when I read this thread, I personally took it as a some what tongue and cheek reflection and rather humorous. Everyone needs a chuckle now and then.

In the spirit of the above....I tend to be cruising on the 80 mark. But there are those days when I am in overdrive for sure. But then again, everyone needs a speeding ticket now and then! Gee....I wonder what the next police officer will be like.....


The above IS said in Jest.....or is there truth to it....no one will ever know.

Nov 6, 2007, 2:56 PM
Onewhocares. Im glad im not the only one who see's it. And its not just in this thread , its most of them. I thought that the threads were for fun and to see what others think, not for people to comment back rudely. Then I get ripped by someone else with less to say than the first.

Oh well life goes on, sad to see some living so negative.

Assume yas talkin bout me ere..wos lettin ya off litely hun... still am..but that can change 2... 1 thing no 1 in ere can say is me has nowt 2 say..:tong:

Nov 6, 2007, 3:35 PM
Hav been known 2 pik the odd hole in DD from time 2 time... but wotf is negative bout is statement ere??? Cos e's rite... an if ya thinks thats negative..then mayb ya shud rip ya brain outa that lil heada urs a put it wer it belongs.. in tweenya ears wer it hasa chance 2 grow...

Preach on, Sister Frances :bigrin:

Nov 6, 2007, 5:23 PM
Not a bad thread and quantifying things like this does serve a purpose. With that in mind Id have to say most days Im cruising between 75 and 85. Sure I dont have a problem with work or family being affected in a negative way, but damnit, Im horny all the time (and I like it)

Nov 6, 2007, 6:26 PM
Hav been known 2 pik the odd hole in DD from time 2 time... but wotf is negative bout is statement ere??? Cos e's rite... an if ya thinks thats negative..then mayb ya shud rip ya brain outa that lil heada urs a put it wer it belongs.. in tweenya ears wer it hasa chance 2 grow...

"Do not think so little of me as to grant me your tolerance. Allow me your acceptance and understanding of who and what I am with the love, respect and dignity with which I do you."

Aye Lass, and perhaps you should rip yours from out of your ass and focus on that organ between your armpits called a heart. For one who pretends to stand for all humanity you sure come off as more of a hypocrite as of late. Dear Frances, Perhaps you should try practicing what you preach for a change.

Love you even when your arrogant:)

Nov 6, 2007, 6:49 PM
"Do not think so little of me as to grant me your tolerance. Allow me your acceptance and understanding of who and what I am with the love, respect and dignity with which I do you."

Aye Lass, and perhaps you should rip yours from out of your ass and focus on that organ between your armpits called a heart. For one who pretends to stand for all humanity you sure come off as more of a hypocrite as of late. Dear Frances, Perhaps you should try practicing what you preach for a change.

Love you even when your arrogant:)

Will stand for many things an bein called many things..won stand for that.. God or no God.... Tolerance is limitless cept wen peeps hav a go needlessly at sum 1 who makes a point validly in my humble opinion, an is accused of a negativity wich in reality wosnt ther... me tries 2 stand for all humanity..or at least the betterment of humanity...an not for summa the bollox wich peeps decide they gonna print... its argument..an peeps hav the rite 2 that argument, but they don have the rite not 2 catch sharp end of me tongue (or me keyboard) if they say summat wiv wich me disagrees.

Thats not hypocrisy..thats speakin me mind an statin how me feels.. that those peeps can say woteva they feel is ther rite 2..but talkin issue wiv them is my rite a human bein.. me dus not suffer intolerance well.. as me fond of sayin..me is intolerant of the intolerant.... an if me sees wot me thinks is intolerance then me says summat... sumtimes summat cuttin.. an if me has a fault then that can certainly b laid at me door.

The statement ya quote is in respect of me sexuality.. it is not intended as any kind of statement of ne thin else. If yas thot that then ya aint quite the all round bein ya thot ya wer.

So God me dear..if u think me hypocritical for ne of that so b it.. jus happens me disagrees wiv ya... but me aint flawless.. no 1 is.. not even ole all seein impotence..oo soz.. omnipotence erself... me jus human..like ne 1 else. So ya can stick that upya arse an smoke it!!!!

Nov 6, 2007, 8:10 PM
LOl like you, it greatly depends on my mood, situation and circumstances. I used to be ready at the drop of a hat, but as age catches up to us and when life gets in the damn way, things change. My Signifigant Other doesnt have much of a sex drive, so my 'revving' days are non-existant with him. :(
But! When I go to Play Parties I can rev my engine up to high volocity(s) all I please. :D
I think maybe sometimes my Sexperation date has expired...like the slogan says, and other times it goes into overdrive..lol
Just depends on the time, and circumstances I guess.. :}

Nov 6, 2007, 9:07 PM
Unmedicated: 135 % at the very least. If I'm tired :cool:

LOL AZ.. If you'd lend me 35% we could both be at 100%...and that's me with a medication called Viagra.


Nov 7, 2007, 4:40 AM
"Do not think so little of me as to grant me your tolerance. Allow me your acceptance and understanding of who and what I am with the love, respect and dignity with which I do you."

Aye Lass, and perhaps you should rip yours from out of your ass and focus on that organ between your armpits called a heart. For one who pretends to stand for all humanity you sure come off as more of a hypocrite as of late. Dear Frances, Perhaps you should try practicing what you preach for a change.

Love you even when your arrogant:)
Its a long time since I spoke to God.

So here goes. I am Frances' partner and she can defend herself quite well without my assistance, but you are wrong in thinking her a hypocrite. She is many things. Vain, opinionated, loud, quick to anger, huffy, arrogant sometimes too, and as she says herself, cutting, sometimes hurtfully, but not that. It is a part of her nature to attack that which she sees as stupid and indefensible, sometimes too much so, but that is her. If she decides to go on the offensive it is because as a part of her belief in moving humanity on she will not sit idly by and allow people to say what they will without response. Her mode of defence is offense.

Frances accepts at all times the right of people to criticise anything she says, even when sometimes it becomes personal, something she tries to avoid herself, although in this she sometimes is less than a roaring success as you have probably seen. She expects that right to be extended to her. She doesnt suffer those she considers fools gladly, nor does she suffer what she believes is foolish in word or deed. Her belief in humanity is one of many reasons I feel as I do for her, but it does not extend to accepting anything anyone says without risk of her ire. She equally accepts that with every word she says or writes she runs that risk herself, allows that criticism but if need be will always come back if she feels it unfair or simply wrong.

She says she is intolerant of the intolerant. She is also extremely intolerant of what she considers stupidity.

You may repeat the accusation if you wish, she will see that as your right, and will defend you in keeping that right. She will naturally come back at you in her own inimitable manner I have no doubt.Yes, she is an imperfect human being, but hypocrite? I think not.

Skater Boy
Nov 7, 2007, 4:56 AM
I am Frances' partner and she can defend herself quite well without my assistance, but you are wrong in thinking her a hypocrite.

She says she is intolerant of the intolerant. She is also extremely intolerant of what she considers stupidity.

You may repeat the accusation if you wish, she will see that as your right, and will defend you in keeping that right. She will naturally come back at you in her own inimitable manner I have no doubt.Yes, she is an imperfect human being, but hypocrite? I think not.

Surely ANYONE who openly admits to being "intolerant of the intolerant" is, by definition, a hypocrite?! :bigrin:

Sorry... its been a late night/early morning... just ignore me (everyone else does! :()

Skater Boy
Nov 7, 2007, 5:01 AM
So God me dear..if u think me hypocritical for ne of that so b it.. jus happens me disagrees wiv ya... but me aint flawless.. no 1 is.. not even ole all seein impotence..oo soz.. omnipotence erself... me jus human..like ne 1 else. So ya can stick that upya arse an smoke it!!!!

Thou hast incurr'd the wrath of Frances... REPENT!!! :bigrin:

Nov 7, 2007, 5:02 AM
lol I see what you mean Skater Boy, but I believe you know just what she means. Just in case you dont, she means she will not stand idly by and allow those who are intolerant of others such as gays, bisexuals, ethnic minorites etc vent their spleen on them, and spread their bigotry without saying and if need be doing something to stop it.

Nov 7, 2007, 7:42 AM

Your clarification is much appreciated. Not all can understand, or may even dare to understand our Frances. An Interpretor is needed at times.. I have my own Scot to translate Frances's words for me.


Nov 7, 2007, 8:18 AM
Awwwww Naggy..ya still luffs me... wot can me say??? Dus ya luff me enuff 2 go 2 bank get out dosh an buy me me boots???:tong:

Oi..an wotya mean huffy???? Me is neva huffy!! :eek: