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View Full Version : Im back...

Nov 3, 2007, 10:46 PM
I have come out to my family which was a total nightmare and a total trainwreck...I was told I had to leave this place because I wasnt bisexual....I have been gone for a couple of months due to my parents advice....I did so....but I still couldnt get it off my mind about my sexuality...and I have learned that I need to accept who I am....and just live with it...

I have changed a bit I have been through a few more relationships with the male and I didnt care for it and It still turns me off to see a mans thing....and I have learned I like to dress more like a male than female....

how yall doing???

Nov 3, 2007, 11:37 PM
I was gone for 6 months and my feelings are the same as they ever was.I just came back here today and much to my displeasure......Nothing has changed at all here. The same people are asking the same questions and the same people are giving the same answers.So if your coming back to this site to get answers or ask questions..........Give it 6 or 8 months and the answers will be the same. Just enjoy other bi people here and wherever you go and let it be known to all that are interested in being yourself. No matter if they have issues about you. Maybe you have some about them...............You don't have to come out to anyone but yourself..........have a good day

Nov 3, 2007, 11:42 PM
Welcome back both of you!

Nov 3, 2007, 11:51 PM
glad to see your still here.nothing changes.does it lol

Nov 4, 2007, 5:18 PM
thank you...I think we all have the same questions and want maybe the same answers...we all are either getting comfortable with our sexuality or wanting acceptance....because in our world we dont get that....

I know I feel that way a lot of times...my whole family doesnt accept the fact that Im bi...and I have to go to the outside world to gain acceptance and gain friends that do support me...and its still difficult...

Nov 4, 2007, 9:07 PM

I really do not think that everything is the same. As each day goes by people come and go and things do change. Life would be so boring if everything remained the same. Hope you find what you are looking for.


meteast chick
Nov 5, 2007, 8:16 AM
Welcome back to the both of you.

I hope you know that even though there are trolls and instigators in this place who want to give you the boot if you are not the a-typical bisexual, the greater majority on this site do not agree. We believe this is a wonderful place for all GLBT and heterosexuals to come and commiserate and share opionions and thoughts.

Everyone has their own ideas, and no, this place is never the same. I'm sorry to you if you think it hasn't changed. Best of luck.

luv and kisses,

Nov 5, 2007, 9:05 AM
I didn't know you were gone, but welcome back.