View Full Version : Need a graphic artist/illustrator

Nov 4, 2005, 12:22 PM
I am new to this web site and I think it is a great place.

Among the things I do in this world to try to make a living is that I am an artist. I do abstract style paintings and am starting to move into collage and metal sculpture.

As an artist--there is one thing I am very lousy at and that is: my skill at drawing leaves much to be desired. I never went into art when I was younger because my drawing ability was so poor. I still had the desire to create art and found other ways to produce art that suited me.

For those of you are fellow artists--I am sure you have an idea of what I speak.

Since my drawing abilities are limited, it is frustrating when an idea comes to me that requires representational precision.

I have an idea for some artwork that I am not able to produce--hopefully you will find my idea interesting and will consider doing it.

I do not care what sort of way you generate the art--by hand, CGI or airbrush.

I would not ask for much from you other than a copy of any hard copies that you might produce and credit along the lines of "from a concept created by ____"

As a bisexual person--I think you will find the idea to be interesting and might be something that is marketable in some fashion to people who are members of this site.

Message me if you are interested in discussing my proposal in greater detail.