View Full Version : hooray!

Nov 2, 2007, 3:37 PM
when i was in the chatroom, i used to talk a lot about how badly i wanted to get my nipple pierced. well, for those of you dealt with me going on and on about it i would like to tell you....I DID IT! and i am SOOOOO happy! i should be getting my other one done soon so...can't wait :-)

Nov 2, 2007, 3:45 PM
Congrats :)
I want to get a tattoo... I know what I want and it has a BIG meaning to me.... but Im a baby :( I need someone to come with me and hold my hand!!! hehe

Im not really sure yet where I want to. Due to bad spine, my back is OFF LIMITS in case I ever need a surgery someday and I don't want the tattoo to get messed up OR they refuse cause of the tattoo.

Maybe on my hip to cover a scar :)

Nov 2, 2007, 8:13 PM
Hi nicequietgal
I know you didnt start this post but i have to say i have a severely messed up spine but i still have a large tatt either side, I dont pretend to know whats up with yours but i thought Fuck it if it gets ruined by an op hopefully i would be to old to care. Just my own experience:)

Nov 2, 2007, 8:44 PM
WTG Rissa! Now where's the pics? lol