View Full Version : Heading to Ontario for a week :)

Nov 2, 2007, 3:28 PM
Hi all :)

Just a heads up that I'll be going to Ontario on November 9th till 18th :)
While I'll have computer access, I WILL NOT be coming on this site. (Don't think my friend and her boyfriend will like that. lol) but then, I don't plan to be online much while Im there.... that'll be rude.

Gonna have FUN!!!! lol I missed Ontario so bad :)

While in Ont I'll be staying with my best friend from High School and her boyfriend.
We'll be in St Catharines. Ive been there before as a child and its nice :)
She'll be showing me around since its been awhile and possibly handing out resumes!! :)

THEN if the plan goes well, I'll be moving to St Catharines :) Im excited lol
(as many of you know, I hate it here in BC)

I'm hoping to see some of my other friends in Ontario too :)

Talk to you all later :)

Skater Boy
Nov 2, 2007, 3:37 PM
That's a lot of :)s!

Nov 2, 2007, 3:47 PM
That's a lot of :)s!

Ya.... can't you tell im happy? :)
and excited :)
and hyper :)
and cheerful :)