View Full Version : Article: HIV/AIDS virus invaded US from Hati.

Oct 31, 2007, 3:51 AM
This article and the findings from the study aren't really that surprising as I've heard that the virus was around and in the human population in America as early as the 1930s and 1940s. No I'm not talking about those whacko conspiracy theories that say that the US gov't created HIV/AIDS and holds the cure.

AIDS virus invaded U.S. from Haiti: study
Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:43pm EDT

By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The AIDS virus invaded the United States in about 1969 from Haiti, carried most likely by a single infected immigrant who set the stage for it to sweep the world in a tragic epidemic, scientists said on Monday.

Michael Worobey, a University of Arizona evolutionary biologist, said the 1969 U.S. entry date is earlier than some experts had believed.

The timeline laid out in the study led by Worobey indicates that HIV infections were occurring in the United States for roughly 12 years before AIDS was first recognized by scientists as a disease in 1981. Many people had died by that point.

"It is somehow chilling to know it was probably circulating for so long under our noses," Worobey said in a telephone interview.

The researchers conducted a genetic analysis of stored blood samples from early AIDS patients to determine when the human immunodeficiency virus first entered the United States.

They found that HIV was brought to Haiti by an infected person from central Africa in about 1966, which matches earlier estimates, and then came to the United States in about 1969.

The researchers think an unknown single infected Haitian immigrant arrived in a large city like Miami or New York, and the virus circulated for years -- first in the U.S. population and then to other nations.

It can take several years after infection for a person to develop AIDS, a disease that ravages the immune system.


"That one infection would have become two, and then it doubles again and the two becomes four," Worobey said. "So you have a period -- probably a fair number of years -- where you're dealing with probably fewer than a hundred people who are infected.

"And then, as with epidemic expansion, at some point the hundred becomes 200, you start getting into thousands, tens of thousands. And then quite rapidly you can be up into the hundreds of thousands of infections that were probably already there before AIDS was recognized in the early 1980s."

The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The path the virus traveled as it jumped from nation to nation has long been debated by scientists.

The University of Miami's Dr. Arthur Pitchenik, a co-author of the study, had seen Haitian immigrants in Miami as early as 1979 with a mystery illness that turned out to be AIDS. He knew the government long had stored some of their blood samples.

The researchers analyzed samples from five of these Haitian immigrants dating from 1982 and 1983. They also looked at genetic data from 117 more early AIDS patients from around the world.

This genetic analysis allowed the scientists to calibrate the molecular clock of the strain of HIV that has spread most widely, and calculated when it arrived first in Haiti from Africa and then in the United States.

The researchers virtually ruled out the possibility that HIV had come directly to the United States from Africa, setting a 99.8 percent probability that Haiti was the steppingstone.

"I think that it gives us more clear insight into the history of it (the AIDS epidemic) and what path the virus took -- and hard objective evidence, not just armchair thinking," Pitchenik said in a telephone interview.

Studies suggest the virus first entered the human population in about 1930 in central Africa, probably when people slaughtered infected chimpanzees for meat. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people and about 40 million others are infected with HIV.

the mage
Oct 31, 2007, 10:32 AM
How it got here matters far less than the fact that the fastest growing group of victims in both sheer numbers and rates of infection increase are young WOMEN!!!
They are being infected by Bisexual men who fuck around in the closet unsafely then go fuck women with out though or care...


Oct 31, 2007, 12:17 PM
How it got here matters far less than the fact that the fastest growing group of victims in both sheer numbers and rates of infection increase are young WOMEN!!!
They are being infected by Bisexual men who fuck around in the closet unsafely then go fuck women with out though or care...


Hets can get it too, and yes het men can get it from het women.

I know hets who think that it's not possible for a man to get HIV from a woman.

IV drug use and sharing of needles also has a big part too.

The whole "het women having sex with bi men (cheating bi men of course) = HIV/AIDS" is so 20 years ago.

The virus doesn't care about your orientation and people who are heterosexual get it if their partner cheats on them and doesn't use safer sex practises.

Also many hets (especially het women) think that HIV is something that only happens to drug users or bi/gay men and they think that they don't need to use condoms at all or that they can swallow just anyone and that it's all 100% safe.

Also many hets don't even see the point of being tested at all since they think that they don't have to have it done.

Oct 31, 2007, 9:06 PM
HIV is a het disease in most of the world and more so here in North America, where the growth is.

Oct 31, 2007, 10:50 PM
Those of us who were around back in the day remember at the time the introduction of the virus into the U.S. was attributed to a gay airline steward from Sweden.

the mage
Nov 1, 2007, 9:51 AM
Hets can get it too, and yes het men can get it from het women.

...............................of course but it happens less often than other way round.

I know hets who think that it's not possible for a man to get HIV from a woman.

................................wrong it spread both ways

IV drug use and sharing of needles also has a big part too.

The whole "het women having sex with bi men (cheating bi men of course) = HIV/AIDS" is so 20 years ago.
..................no you are WRONG you ASSHOLE you......what a stupid foolish ignorant thing to say. This group of people are in fact still the fastest growing group of infected.

The virus doesn't care about your orientation and people who are heterosexual get it if their partner cheats on them and doesn't use safer sex practises.

...................safe sex should be practiced by everyone not in a committed monogamous relationship of more than 1 year in duration as HIV takes a maximum of 6 to 8 months to cause seroconversion..Cheating has little to do with it. Safe sex does.

Also many hets (especially het women) think that HIV is something that only happens to drug users or bi/gay men and they think that they don't need to use condoms at all or that they can swallow just anyone and that it's all 100% safe...

.............Oral sex is not dangerous if you are healthy. Meaning unless you have open sores in your mouth you can in fact give no condom oral sex without worry of HIV. You can still easily catch 9 other STD's though.
There are NO documented cases of HIV spread thru oral contact only.
It takes internal seminal exchange.

Also many hets don't even see the point of being tested at all since they think that they don't have to have it done.

...............anyone who has EVER fucked without a condom needs to be tested, Oh, check for H.P.V. while you're at it....


Nov 1, 2007, 10:16 AM
..no you are WRONG you ASSHOLE you......what a stupid foolish ignorant thing to say. This group of people are in fact still the fastest growing group of infected.

:rolleyes: grow up.

You're not that good at debating and you easily contradict yourself in your arguments.

You're just perpetuating a negative stereotype about bi men that's 20 years old and outdated.


Myth: Bisexual people spread sexually transmitted diseases.
Reality: Bisexual people are no more likely to carry HIV/AIDS or other STDs than gay or straight people.

Yeah there are men on the down low. Most of them are gay men that are black/latino who identify as het, they don't see themselves having gay sex with men, or as being gay/bi/anything but het since that's part of a white culture, and they're closeted and in denial and yet have a wife and kids.




Actually yes there have been documented cases of people getting HIV from giving oral sex, do your own research. Yes it's low risk compared to other types of unprotected sex but it's not zero risk.

Sex has never been safe even if we've thought that it was.