View Full Version : Frankie's Wail

Oct 26, 2007, 9:19 AM
I am Ann
Am not Frankie
She never was
And Franky is gone
As if he too never was
Half is no more
And half as if no more
I am 4 not 3
Am 1 not 2
Still the baby
And treated just like
I am me
Frances or Ann
God help me
Fukked if I know..
Why the lies?
Why the denial of Ann?
Of Frank?
Our birthright denied
My name not mine
Forgive them little boy
Forgive them for you
Forgive them for me...

Skater Boy
Oct 26, 2007, 9:58 AM
Nice poem, Fran. Do you have multiple personalities by any chance? :tong:

Oct 26, 2007, 10:42 AM
I have a few like ne 1 else.. nice an a nasty 1's.. funny an serious 1's.. sad an happy 1's.. angry an content 1's... positive an negative 1's.. at present the more negative is kinda winnin the war is all...

Skater Boy
Oct 26, 2007, 11:02 AM
I have a few like ne 1 else.. nice an a nasty 1's.. funny an serious 1's.. sad an happy 1's.. angry an content 1's... positive an negative 1's.. at present the more negative is kinda winnin the war is all...

Well, if its any consolation, I know the feeling. I think EVERYONE has various personas within them, its just that they consider them "moods" or aspects of their whole personality. But I try not to let my negative ones take over if I can help it... gotta keep 'em in check otherwise they start to take over sometimes.

But I can be fairly misanthropic if I allow myself the luxury...

Oct 26, 2007, 11:39 AM
Your poem is very well done Fran. Its tough to create beauty out of pain.

thanks for sharing this poem with us.

Remember even in the dark, there is some light.

all the best luffly girl


Oct 26, 2007, 11:42 AM
You are always Frances to me. Frankie, Fran, Frannie to others. But the name little girl doesnt matter. You are who we love. Who you are. Little Ms Vanity, my little basket case. :)

Oct 26, 2007, 11:57 AM
Know you are ALWAYS loved dear one. The heart does not have to tell you in words, you sense it. From across the sea, from across the globe YOU love are in our hearts. Remember.


Skater Boy
Oct 26, 2007, 12:17 PM
Yeah, I would say that you've got plenty of friends round here, Fran. You're one of the most popular people on this site, and technically you're not even bisexual, lol.

Good luck fighting those demons, and thanks for sharing your burden with us all...

Oct 27, 2007, 4:48 PM
Awwww Frances my little M & M. Tough, crunchy crust but soft, sweet and vulnerable inside. It's what makes you, you babes...emotions and all. Gawd, don't I know what it's like to feel up one minute and down the next. Makes ya fun and annoying at the same time. lol

Luffsya muchly sweetness

Oct 27, 2007, 5:39 PM
Time to bounce you on my knee, hon??? Lots of huggles.....your poem was dark yet enlightening...and I'm always here for you babes!!!

Lots of love,
Mumsy Kate

Oct 28, 2007, 7:14 AM
All me can say is sum peeps shudda enlightened me a long time ago..mita stopped a lotta strife an anger...

Oct 31, 2007, 7:41 AM
To mine own Vanity Fair. A prayer for the enlightenment and compassion and relief from pain she so desperately needs.

Lay beside thee
I sense and feel thy tears
The loss and anguish within thee, sweet vanity
Thy needs once more to be whole
Allow me to hold thee
To wipe away thy tears
No longer brusque
Now soft and vulnerable
Thy pain gnawing at thee
That past is no more
Not forgotten, yet it cannot harm
Thou art mine own comfort
Mine own joy
To hear thee laugh and sing
Make merry with life
‘Tis mine own bliss

Mere words cannot kill thy pain
These baubles are not all that I offer
And give freely my sweet vanity
But love, and my life
Thine to treasure or no
As is thy wont
My whole being
To be thy prop
Thy joy
Those who have transgressed
Who have harmed thee so
Did nothing from malice
But from grief and love
Thou art mine own sweet vanity
My life
Yet thou art not mine alone
Forget it not my dear
Those who have loved thee far longer than I
Have grieved once for their loss
Spare them thy ire
Dispense with bitter recrimination
And return the love which has always been thine

I grieve to see thee so
Return to us all that is thy essence
The love, the joy, music and laughter
Thy zest for life
That once inexhaustible compassion and forgiveness
And thy understanding
Not simply to me
But to all who are a part of thy world

Oct 31, 2007, 3:15 PM
Alls I know was that Frankie was a lesbian in a long gone soap opera called Prisoner, and she was a cranky bitch at that too

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Oct 31, 2007, 4:23 PM
Alls I know was that Frankie was a lesbian in a long gone soap opera called Prisoner, and she was a cranky bitch at that too

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

OMG!!! Ya ole sod!!! Ya has given me a rite gud belly laff wiv that!! Ta Chookie... :bigrin: