View Full Version : The Bisexual Insomniac

Oct 26, 2007, 3:09 AM
Ever find yourself wide awake at 3am, with more energy than you feel during the entire course of your workday? You toss and turn in your bed watching the minuets turn into hours knowing that you have a full days work ahead of you , but you just can’t stop the wheels from turning inside. Meditate, masturbate, medicate, contemplate, fluctuate, it can wait….but in the end… you’re still awake. Any other insomniacs and how do you cope?

Ambi :sleep:

Oct 26, 2007, 3:51 AM
Come on here and post rambling threads bound to piss people off!!!! LOL

Oct 26, 2007, 5:13 AM
I write, watch movies, read a lot (books, sometimes magazine articles, rarely newspaper articles, email, and stuff on the internet), sometimes watch TV if anything good is on as I avoid the news, watch porn, listen to music, exercise, clean, make coffee/tea, check/write email, write letters (the type you mail, remember those?), and I either sit around naked or in various pieces of leather.

Oct 26, 2007, 6:42 AM
I was for a long time. Then I got a prescription for Seroquel. Since then I sleep like the dead. I used to go to my friend's house after work, get drunk or high all night, sleep an hour or two, cook ten hours, repeat as often as necessary.
I try to take better care of myself these days.

Oct 26, 2007, 6:58 AM
I write, watch movies, read a lot (books, sometimes magazine articles, rarely newspaper articles, email, and stuff on the internet), sometimes watch TV if anything good is on as I avoid the news, watch porn, listen to music, exercise, clean, make coffee/tea, check/write email, write letters (the type you mail, remember those?), and I either sit around naked or in various pieces of leather.

LOL OK DD picturing you sitting around in leather would probably keep me awake but being at the point of desparation I'll try anything....anyone have a cow for sale? A sincere thanks for your input:) 12 hr. day here I come.


Oct 26, 2007, 7:04 AM
I try to take better care of myself these days.

You are wise beyond your years AZ. Had I known I'd live to be this old I'd have started a lot younger myself LOL


Oct 26, 2007, 7:07 AM
Come on here and post rambling threads bound to piss people off!!!! LOL

Your posts have never pissed me off 12V but please allow me to ramble I'm up and off to the unreal real world LOL...now as a sleepwalker:sleep:


Oct 26, 2007, 10:37 AM
I am definately a lot more awake late at night than I am during the day [I am NOT a 'morning person']... at the moment I don't really have any problems with insomnia [it's getting up the next morning on time that is the problem lol]. However, for what was probably most of the first half of this year I had mild insomina and found myself going to sleep at 4-5am rather than at 1-3am and I generally found that if I couldn't get to sleep by about 7am then I wouldn't be able to get to sleep at all [this led to some very evil tired days]. It's definately a spring/summer thing as I'm able to get to sleep really easily in autumn/winter.

Izzfan :flag3:

Oct 26, 2007, 11:15 PM
Fortunately, I have never had a problem sleeping. I usually sleep an average of 6 hours a night and I have not used an alarm clock in the last 20 years to wake up. I needed more sleep when I was a young man. My day night schedule has varied with my job requirements, but that has not changed my ability to sleep well.
Also, I definitely feel fortunate that I sleep well even when the day goes badly.


Oct 27, 2007, 10:31 PM
insomnia has never been one of my problems; trying to wake up and/or not sleep is more the problem, if that is what it can be called. like someone else here, i like the night and i am NOT A MORNING PERSON!!! i need an alarm clock, enough time between the alarm time and the absolute "...get up now..." time, a wake up call, a slap across the face (just kidding, but close enough). sleep is something i can do, like the teen that can't be woken up in time to get to school, i have slept through earhquakes, an explosion (gas leak in a neighbors house), and more nights on the tournament of roses parade route than i can think of!!!! sorry, not much useful suggestion here!

Oct 28, 2007, 12:53 AM
I will say one thing...when I do finally crash...I crash and burn to oblivion finally gaining entrance to the land of the living dead zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
