View Full Version : Pet Peeve

Oct 23, 2007, 8:10 PM
I'm sure all of you have experianced this a time or two in chat, or just on IM
You get some Dingbat who without introducing him/herself that says "Hi, wanna fuck, or wanna see me naked on cam?"
Depends on my mood I might laugh it off or say "Sure" or if I'm not particlarly in a great mood I might say, "Why, does your weinie head have more intelligence that the one on your shoulders? If so, keep walkin" But on those times when I really dont mean to be too overly crass, and dont want to be bothered with "Dolt-ism" I'll tell them "Ya know what, I'd much rather see if you have an intellect rather than see a body part, or talk a great game and get you off, while I get nothing out of it...other than practise for my next Erotic Story"
Some take great offence and get pissed, (Oh Well) and a rare few will go, "Oh..ok. Sorry, lets start over....""
I does bother me that a person thinks just because that you are Bi, or are in a Sex Positive Lifestyle that you are automatically horny at that precise moment. I know there Has to be some folks out there that enjoy starting up a good conversation,starting up a 'friendship', or getting to know someone before acting like a complete Horn Dawg.
I'm as adult as the next person, but sometimes it really bugs me that people have to think with the "Little head" first, or the Little man in the boat" that wants to come out and play.
Get a lively conversation going, find out what a persons likes, dislikes, turn on's and tun off's are before you go bombarding them with crass crap. Once you get a "Feel" of what they are like, then flirt a bit. To us ladies that's vastly more exciting than, "Hey Baby, u wana?"
Sorry Ya'll..just had to vent a little..:}

Oct 23, 2007, 8:14 PM
Well, yes I do find it rather annoying that they just pop up. Many, and I am being generous here, do not even take the time to read your profile. I am a lucky lucky woman on here as I have made a great man friends. I think that my being polite and not speaking directly about sex turns many off. They do not want to be bothered to get to know me. I am not some fantastic person or anything, just being me.


Oct 23, 2007, 8:48 PM
Bothers me too, Darlin'.
Sometimes during the middle of an active conversation in chat room. Poor manners.
One of my biggest pet peeves is hypocracy; while it's true you can't stand for anything without being a hypocrite to some degree... To pretend to be somewhat a moral authority, and to run from morality... NOW and NAACP come to mind... Grrrrrr
But yes, your feelings are valid and shared regarding the uninvited 'pop up' IMs.

Oct 23, 2007, 9:27 PM
And if that isn't bad enough, we also get the dork who thinks that because we are a couple that we are looking for a guy for her.
The imbeciles don't even read the profile.
They see the picture and just assume that since our profile headline says that we are seeking a BI guy, then that means that we are seeking a straight guy.

We have long since stopped underestimating the power of human stupidity when it comes to sex and sexuality.

Oct 24, 2007, 12:19 AM
Yes, I think we all have had the odd run in with someone who thinks that because it is called "bisexual.com", we are all here to score. I rather enjoy the jokes we tell, the stories we share, the ideas we have, well you know. I have learned not to take these people so seriously and have learned also to spend my time on here as I wish, not held hostage by someone else. If the people you talk to are truly your friends, they will understand.:2cents:

Oct 24, 2007, 6:37 AM
Yes, i have to agree... If i had a nickel each time LOL:-) I wouldn't be rich but you get the point. Same with cyber. Ya get the "Hi wanna Cyber?" Sheeesh....And they usually haven;t even taken the time to fill out a profile let alone read yours.

But i donlt let them ruin it for the rest of this great group! The vast majority of people i've chatted with or met here are considerate, honest, and caring people. People you'd be glad to call a friend.

Oct 24, 2007, 6:42 AM
My pet peeve is when people come online knowing full well they will run into all kinds of things, and then complain when certain things happen. Like today when I logged on and found this thread complaining about how other people act, it bothered me, even though I knew it would be here, since no forum exists that doesn't have a thread for people to complain about other people. But it bothered me anyway and so I stop to annoy myself further by adding to it.

Oct 24, 2007, 6:57 AM
And then you have people like SOMEOTHERGUY who has to find the negitive in peoples posts and must speak out about how they annoy him, annoying himself at the same time. Now im not sure this is a pet peeve of mine but it definitely does get old when I see this. Is it really so hard for you to pass up SOMEOTHERGUY ? Perhaps some therapy ? Let it goooo. Breathe in , breathe out. I really don't see Cat post much, dont see her chat, what she sees is people like you who have to disect her thread and basically tell her she's an asshole. Way to Go !

Oct 24, 2007, 7:03 AM
My pet peeve - I can't stand stupid people :eek:

Oct 24, 2007, 7:09 AM
Flirtin'? in ere cat? God neva! Shockin'....

Stupid peeps Gel? in .com?? Yas jestin..

Bad manners Blue? Jeez ..jus cant believe that..

Peeps makin assumptions?? Omg!!! Neve cum cross that...

Makes me wonda wy me cums in ere..disgraceful..all of it!!

Oct 24, 2007, 7:24 AM
And the point is...what???

Incidentally, can you spell I-R-O-N-Y?

Or is it merely C-O-I-N-C-I-D-E-N-C-E you are posting on a site that, collectively speaking/interpreting, cannot make up its collective/divisive mind whether it is most concerned with sex or...forgive me (or not) for saying so...love?

Something to chew on...

Oct 24, 2007, 7:31 AM
I’m sure it matters even less, but I was replying to the OP --- NOT ‘darkeyes’ (who, for whatever reason(s), refuses to express his/herself intelligibly).

Oct 24, 2007, 7:32 AM
Scuse me rubbatoy... seems 2 me that we jus bout the same as rest of humanity.. big debate bout sex an luff.. not jus restricted 2 in ere.. sugest ya pipe down an join us an hav a giggle..not like a tosser...

Oct 24, 2007, 7:38 AM
Thank you, darkeyes, but I requested no suggestions.

I was merely clarifying my post.


Oct 24, 2007, 7:42 AM

Oct 24, 2007, 7:52 AM
And now, since it is so obviously necessary, I suppose I should offer even more clarification.

It is ironic, if not pitiful, that anyone should hang their shingle out on any site such as this one then complain that their respondents do not meet (in ANY way) their expectations.

To do so is akin to defying the old saw that one is unlikely to meet their dream-come-true in a bar.

If you want the attention (which the OP obviously does), then take it for what it is worth, make your decision(s), and move on.

If you do NOT want the attention, then STFU -- and move on.

Oct 24, 2007, 7:57 AM

Thank you for yet another brilliant, insightful reply.


Oct 24, 2007, 8:04 AM
yas very welcum babe...:bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 11:55 AM
Going along with the topic of discussion---I get peeved at the folks who come here and think that all we should be talking about on here is sex.

Not long ago-someone sent me a private message telling me "this is not an art site-this is a sex site" making comment I guess, on the fact that I have posted photos in the forum in the past.

I went to this person's profile---he was new and had no information in the profile beyond his age, gender, his state but not his town and that he was bi but not much more than that. No forum posts, of course.

I did not even bother to respond to someone so clueless and presumptious about our site as him.

I bet if he ever chats--he is one of those who automatically PMs people sayig something like: "Me-45 mwbim, slim 145 lbs 10" uncut cock-- hot and horny--lets cyber, phone or cam right now, but not if you are fat, old or ugly!!!!!"


Oct 24, 2007, 12:17 PM
I've never had a peeve for a pet, what do you feed one?


Skater Boy
Oct 24, 2007, 12:21 PM
I've never had a peeve for a pet, what do you feed one?

LOL! Who's in a silly mood today then? :bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 12:24 PM
I’m sure it matters even less, but I was replying to the OP --- NOT ‘darkeyes’ (who, for whatever reason(s), refuses to express his/herself intelligibly).

In response we have this song from "Rocky Horror Picture Show":

[Dr. Frank-N-Furter]
I'll tell you once
I won't tell you twice
You'd better wise up, Janet Weiss
Your apple pie don't taste too nice
You'd better wise up, Janet Weiss

I've laid the seed, it should be all you need
You're as sensual as a pencil
Wound up like an 'E' or first string
When we made it, did you hear a bell ring?

You got a block, well take my advice
You'd better wise up, Janet Weiss
The Transducer will seduce ya

Oct 24, 2007, 12:25 PM
LOL! Who's in a silly mood today then? :bigrin:

Ok I give, who??:tong:

Oct 24, 2007, 2:50 PM
And then you have people like SOMEOTHERGUY who has to find the negitive in peoples posts and must speak out about how they annoy him, annoying himself at the same time. Now im not sure this is a pet peeve of mine but it definitely does get old when I see this. Is it really so hard for you to pass up SOMEOTHERGUY ? Perhaps some therapy ? Let it goooo. Breathe in , breathe out. I really don't see Cat post much, dont see her chat, what she sees is people like you who have to disect her thread and basically tell her she's an asshole. Way to Go !

I find his posts to be hilarious! The post in the 'Can of worms' thread about gummi worms made me laugh! :)

Sarcasm does not always translate well into text or posts for some people.

Oct 24, 2007, 3:39 PM
I’m sure it matters even less, but I was replying to the OP --- NOT ‘darkeyes’ (who, for whatever reason(s), refuses to express his/herself intelligibly).

Me gonna cwy an cwy an cwy..don think rubbatoy luffs me vewwy much...:(

Oct 24, 2007, 4:02 PM
lubaloy...Be Nice...Please...She's a nice Person!!!

Oct 24, 2007, 4:48 PM
aww.. sweetpea.. ya r luffly.... hav a wee snog (muah) an a huggle...(((((((((sp)))))))))))))))):tong:

Oct 24, 2007, 5:06 PM
*grins* Ya know, I forget the thread topics and just enjoy watching Fran take on the @sshole du jour.

You go, girl!:bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 5:24 PM
I’m sure it matters even less, but I was replying to the OP --- NOT ‘darkeyes’ (who, for whatever reason(s), refuses to express his/herself intelligibly).

Never heard of phonetic spelling? Twit :bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 6:35 PM
Another pet peeve I have is some one who likes to talk/type using $20 words, specially when no one else is using them. Ok so maybe your a tad more educated than I, don't need to prove it to me !

Oct 24, 2007, 7:41 PM
Another pet peeve I have is some one who likes to talk/type using $20 words, specially when no one else is using them. Ok so maybe your a tad more educated than I, don't need to prove it to me !

Oh chillax.
I'm really not all that educated. Two years of trade school :stoned: and a high school diploma. I merely used what I considered an appropriate description of Fran's style of communicating. Sheesh. As I've said my entire life, how I talk is how I talk. I think you're reading into this a tad much. Granted, I can be an ass, but that really wasn't my intent, this time.

Skater Boy
Oct 24, 2007, 7:45 PM
Oh chillax.
I'm really not all that educated. Two years of trade school :stoned: and a high school diploma. I merely used what I considered an appropriate description of Fran's style of communicating. Sheesh. As I've said my entire life, how I talk is how I talk. I think you're reading into this a tad much. Granted, I can be an ass, but that really wasn't my intent, this time.

LOL, When I use protracted words, my mother says its "part of my language disorder"... but I think I'm just generally pompous and pretentious... :bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 8:38 PM
LOL, When I use protracted words, my mother says its "part of my language disorder"... but I think I'm just generally pompous and pretentious... :bigrin:

Wen me uses em Skater..me mum sez bout time me learned 2 speak propa english...jeez!!!

Oct 25, 2007, 1:29 PM
Oh chillax.
I'm really not all that educated. Two years of trade school :stoned: and a high school diploma. I merely used what I considered an appropriate description of Fran's style of communicating. Sheesh. As I've said my entire life, how I talk is how I talk. I think you're reading into this a tad much. Granted, I can be an ass, but that really wasn't my intent, this time.

That one wasn't geared toward you sweets lol :wiggle2:

Oct 25, 2007, 4:11 PM
You know, folks, we all have our own ways of talking either in voice or in print.

But the one thing that we all tend to forget sometimes is that when we say something in print like we say it in voice, it loses something. That's because when we speak, we vocalize our emotions (happy, sad, sarcastic, joking, etc.) so what we say can come out very differently from what we mean it to be. We have all seen it and I would bet that we have all done it. I know that I have.

So I have to side a bit with Azreal in this case. As he said, he speaks the way he speaks; and we should accept that as we expect others to accept the ways that we all speak when speak (or write).
I know that when I write something, I tend to come off as better educated than I sound when I speak, but that's only because I try very hard to make sure that I am understood very clearly (plus I take the extra time to edit what I write). Now, it doesn't always work, but then there are always going to be some people out there that no matter what you say around them, their skin is going to be so thin that everything upsets them.
I think that the term for them is "whiner babies".

Of course they are dangerously close to my most irritating pet peeve; the "I'm offended FOR them" people.

Like AZ says, we should all lighten up. After all, this thread isn't so serious as other threads.....let's treat it accordingly. :bigrin::tong::eek::eek::tongue:

Oct 25, 2007, 11:12 PM
Unsolicited IMs, yeah.
And dragons that want to crunch me up with ketchup!!!! Call it a pet peeve..
...not to mention my character looks like a ferret biker that would be a tasty snack for a dragon!

The key to response of loverboys diatribes is: you can tell he's analytical, logical and places importance on the destination and 'correctness', rather than the journey and feelings. If you want to argue with him, out-logic him; but why, what would be the point? Folks like this usually have a large hidden pool of anger to draw energy from, way more than I want to waste in playing 'argument tennis'. If you want to negate his input, assault his identity to the core; display him publicly for the absence of character (and thus crucial mistaken decisions in life that led him to this point). OR we can throw open the gates (I like this the best) and tell him "well put! Touche! That was sharp witted!" thus encouraging good things and character development in him and using a bit of that character we'd like to think we have! :)

Yeah, those IMs bother me almost every time I come into chat... but that's because I believe in southern manners...

Oct 28, 2007, 6:04 PM
NoNoNo,,,I wasnt refering to in Here, Loves. I was talking about "out there" All of the people I have met on This site have been warm, wonderful and respectful. (All except one, but there seems to Always be One that Has to have something to bitch about. You find that in Any group)
And no Green Eyes, if he Had told me I was being an asshole, he would have heard about it Way before now, I can assure you..lol.
This thread was all about the perspective of Respect and on lineTact, and we can tell who has that and who doesnt......
I Do go into chat now and then, but because of the time differences, many of ya'll dont see me a great deal. I have gotten nothing but friendliness and manners in there as well. :} I also run two groups, run a small business and tutor disabled college students on line, so I dont have alot of time to go into chat too often.
But hey, ya might see me now and then, so say Hi. I, unlike some people, am friendly and greatly enjoy Getting to know someone before casting aspersions about them. I dont mind being contacted via IM..as long as someone acts like they have some intelligence and sense. (And yes, there Is a big difference)
Nuff said.
Have a great Sunday Ya'll.
Known as Mama Minx in the Lifestyle World. :D

Oct 28, 2007, 8:10 PM
You know, folks, we all have our own ways of talking either in voice or in print.

But the one thing that we all tend to forget sometimes is that when we say something in print like we say it in voice, it loses something. That's because when we speak, we vocalize our emotions (happy, sad, sarcastic, joking, etc.) so what we say can come out very differently from what we mean it to be. We have all seen it and I would bet that we have all done it. I know that I have.

So I have to side a bit with Azreal in this case. As he said, he speaks the way he speaks; and we should accept that as we expect others to accept the ways that we all speak when speak (or write).
I know that when I write something, I tend to come off as better educated than I sound when I speak, but that's only because I try very hard to make sure that I am understood very clearly (plus I take the extra time to edit what I write). Now, it doesn't always work, but then there are always going to be some people out there that no matter what you say around them, their skin is going to be so thin that everything upsets them.
I think that the term for them is "whiner babies".

Of course they are dangerously close to my most irritating pet peeve; the "I'm offended FOR them" people.

Like AZ says, we should all lighten up. After all, this thread isn't so serious as other threads.....let's treat it accordingly. :bigrin::tong::eek::eek::tongue:

Did you just call me a whiner baby ? Not trying to jump to conclussions, but you are speaking about something I considered to be a pet peeve.
If you''ll look , I wasn't talking about Azreal, wasn't even pointing at writers. But thank you for your insight as you are allowed. :eek:

Oct 29, 2007, 2:02 AM
My pet peeves....

-- I recently got a PM from some guy in BC on this site that asked WHY I was on this site if I wasn't looking for anyone ?? (Im attached... why would I be looking?!?! Can't I just come here for friendship?)

-- Im having a nice chat in the bisexuals.com chat room. (or any chat room actually)
omg... so many PM's asking for cyber, phone/cam sex... I nicely say "No Thankyou."
What do I get?? "Why are you here?? You're in the wrong place then"
Ugh... I WOULD turn off Private Messages but then I can't have a private chat with people I actually know :(

Oct 29, 2007, 7:39 AM
Ah, NiceQuietGal, (it sounds like) the guy from BC was trolling... and single mindedly/manipulatively so. I also (if I'm understanding you correctly) am bisexual, but my feelings are very monogamous. I've been with my girlfriend for a few years now and having sex with anyone else is just... not very probable. I come here because -regardless of my feelings/decision of monogamy- I still have bisexual feelings. I can come in here amongst mostly friends (and occasionally insulting folks) who also discuss all manners of issues both common and somewhat collectively unique to us bisexuals. It's a place we can let our guard down.
LOL, but of course there are folks regularly trolling, with hooking up being the sole motivating force of the universe! And that's okay, I've been there myself and (when I'm single) occasionally visit that state of mind! Never underestimate the mind numbing potential of testosterone. When I've been single for a while, I have two priorities: survival and getting laid... and not necessarily in that order! Just because a little IM window pops up doesn't mean you have to respond to it (little red X in upper right corner of IM window). The horndogs/trollers will move on to better fishing, trust me.