View Full Version : I'm the most happiest woman on this planet - thank you Kimi

Oct 21, 2007, 11:53 PM
This subject has nothing with love or anything similar. It's about brand new world champion in Formula 1 (and prettiest guy on planet), Kimi Räikkönen.

Just today, thanks to my achivment, my fellow Finn, and my great friend finally became a World Champion in Scuderia Ferrari F1 Team.

After so many years working with Kimi, after so many stupid circumstances in wrong team, we finaly reached our goal. The fastest driver on this planet has been crowned as a world champion, and all my work has paid off.
In comparing with some other happy things in my life, it means nothing with this what happens today here in Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
This is the highest point of my life, i reached my goal, i'm delighted and extremly happy, and at the end of the day there is no words to describe that.

This is Kimi Räikkönen, 28 years old world champion, so called Iceman, so cheers my friends, all the work did payed off.





maailma esitaistelija 2007.

Oct 21, 2007, 11:56 PM
Champion of F1 a great accomplishment and only for working hard and never giving up when it got hard he kept going and after all of these years he is now an immortal in the sport and his name can ring out and no one will ever forget Kimi the fastest Finn in raceing.

Oct 22, 2007, 12:05 AM
Thank you Gb11, this is racing nation, and maybe i overreacting with races here, but that's me......isn't he cute, adorable, irresistible?

Oct 22, 2007, 5:59 AM
Nope .. Dagni babes.. soz.. cute he aint.. he a guy.. spose e cant help it:bigrin:

Oct 22, 2007, 6:19 AM
CONGRATULATIONS to the Kimi the fastest FINN. Great Photos. Perserverence pays off. The champagne must have tasted oh so sweet after all the years of hard work. WIsh you only the BEST.

Oct 22, 2007, 6:49 AM
Nope .. Dagni babes.. soz.. cute he aint.. he a guy.. spose e cant help it:bigrin:

And what pray, do you know about what constitutes a cute man, dear?

Oct 22, 2007, 8:05 AM
Me knows.. an ther only 1 worth a sod as u know fine me lil Scrummie:bigrin:

Oct 22, 2007, 8:48 AM
Fran honey, he's adorable and has lovely blue eyes. On top of that, and incredible accomplishment earned from hard work and dedication. Very cool. Congratulations!

Kate, in between keeping the baby taken care of, could you put your sweetie on a leesh? :bigrin:

Oct 22, 2007, 9:13 AM
Fran honey, he's adorable and has lovely blue eyes. On top of that, and incredible accomplishment earned from hard work and dedication. Very cool. Congratulations!

Kate, in between keeping the baby taken care of, could you put your sweetie on a leesh? :bigrin:

It has been known HE babes... tee hee.. an its fun...:bigrin:

Oct 22, 2007, 12:01 PM
Thanks to Kimi and his great team for this incredible accomplishment. They all deserved this great victory!
As a Ferrari fan I'm happy too!

Oct 22, 2007, 5:50 PM
Team Radio"Well done Kimi great season great race well done we are looking forward for the next year.Great job!!Thank you for making Dagni Happy"!!!

Oct 22, 2007, 5:58 PM
Team Radio"Well done Kimi great season great race well done we are looking forward for the next year.Great job!!Thank you for making Dagni Happy"!!!

Oct 22, 2007, 7:10 PM
Sumhow don think Dagni will b 2 chuffed if McLarens appeal goes accordin 2 plan... but like mos things 2 do wiv formula 1.. it all stinks an is bent as a mafia drug run.... me stick 2 me fooball ta!!!:tong:

Oct 22, 2007, 9:17 PM
I didn't expect some comments here, but the facts speaks for itself. I worked with Kimi for so many years in McLaren Mercedes, i supported him on every field, but this title in Ferrari is smth special.
If smth representing my country which is not that big and geographicly on very uncofortable and cold north, that is our World Champions in all fields of motosport with Kimi Räikkönen on top.

Facts are clear, he is cute, prettiest guy i ever saw, a great driver, fastest driver on this planet, and when everyone around shows their hysterical sides of personality, Räikkönen represented what really means to be Finn: cool, focused on job, quiet, laid-back and extremly professional.

I am, and i always be proud that i've been part of this title.

Oct 23, 2007, 9:24 AM
Dagni hun.. me had lil bitta fun bout this but nuthin wos meant cept as fun... take it from me tho babes... u aint the happiest girl on the planet... the followin lil song wos the catalyst for me 2 b that at weekend...

Fingernail Moon - Annie Lennox

Fingernail moon
up in the sky
come out and see me
see me sometimes
'cause I'm here alone
stuck in the blue
no distance between us
between me and you
I've got nothing to hide
I got nothin' to loose
You'll be by my side
Common tell me the truth

Elegant Moon
you cut like a knife
it does me no favours
stay out of my site
suspended like glass
all ancient and new
All of space lies between us
between me and you
there's no need to be shy
there's no need to be scared
I need you tonight
Come on out if you dare

I'm just a girl with my feet on the ground
I'm just a girl with my head going round
I feel so sad
Something unsettling under my skin
I don't know the reason or were to begin
Calling the circles I've found myself in
I want to reach out and touch you
my sweet sickle moon
Up in the sky
come out and see me
see me sometimes
'cause I'm here alone
After all we've been through
with the distance between us
between me and you
It don't matter how long
It don't matter how far
I'll meet you tonight
under the stars

Oct 23, 2007, 9:33 AM
Mind u hun... mumsy Kate mite jus take issue wiv both of us 2 day!!!:tong:

Oct 24, 2007, 7:08 AM
Well, I guess (?) I should first say 'I'm sorry', but I am not.

The plain fact is 'sports' such as the one promoted in this thread are meaningless.

That the world invests so much in such trivial pursuits while ignoring the real plight of so many is tragic.

That men like myself are downcast for saying so is a crime against nature.

That so many women are too is even more tragic.

And that is all.

Oct 24, 2007, 7:15 AM
Acrually lubaloy..not gr8 inta motor sport..in fact loathe it wiv a vengeance.. but 1 thing motor sport an F1 is no exception dus, is develop many of the safety an otha features ya hav in ya lil runabout... so meaningless...

An me trusts ya aint tryin 2 tell me that me luffly adorable jambos r meaningless? Cos me can get jus a lil tetchy if ya r... an ther a picke jar on me mantle wiv ya name on it...:bigrin::tong:

Oct 24, 2007, 9:36 AM
Lubaloy i think that you are missing the great benefit of F1 since the technology of F1 had pasted to our cars and we are driving better and safer cars!And many drivers had died in order that you can go to your work without taking any risks for your live!And as for the planet that you say you have to learn that F1 cars they would start to use friendly environment gasoline produced by vegetables!!

Oct 24, 2007, 10:01 AM
Nice point Schumi babes.. but jus askya a question? Wer we grow alla them veggies?? Y javta plant em sumwer..So far as me undastands it.. even more rain forest 2 get chopped down... not 2 sure as a long term solution its that triff..

Skater Boy
Oct 24, 2007, 11:06 AM
Well, I guess (?) I should first say 'I'm sorry', but I am not.

The plain fact is 'sports' such as the one promoted in this thread are meaningless.

That the world invests so much in such trivial pursuits while ignoring the real plight of so many is tragic.

That men like myself are downcast for saying so is a crime against nature.

That so many women are too is even more tragic.

And that is all.

I don't think that ALL sport is "meaningless", but I do agree that most sports are over-rated, and that the sportsmen are over-payed. take footballers (ya, "fitba" Fran) for example... they earn... £20, 000+ PER WEEK in some cases... and for what? Many of them are bad role-models, and I fail to see how even a great sportsman can command such salaries, when in reality, sport is little more than "entertainment". I would much rather see the money that is wasted on paying them multi-million pound salaries spent on more useful things like providing sports academies and facilities for school-children and the general public. that would weed out the ones who are only "in it for the money" from the ones who are in it simply because its something they love to do.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind motor racing, as such. but in the grand scheme of things, who wins "the championship" this year (as opposed to last year, the year before that, and the year before that, etc) is pretty meaningless when there are other, much more pressing issues going on in the world.

By all means, enjoy the game. But it IS just a game.

Oct 25, 2007, 3:18 PM
I don't like some comments on this thread. First of all, this is very personal thing, something very very personal for me what I achived together with my fellow Räikkönen, and i didn't expect such malicious comments, or talking about sport in general or whatever.
I know that most of the people on this site are not into Formula 1, i know that many people on this site don't like me and dont' understand my way of living and my aproach to life, but this is it: Motosport in general IS my life.

And maybe from outside some people may say that Formula 1 is wasting of money or whatever, but those people are best drivers on this planet, but I can talk only inside F1.
Schumi was completely right when he told that that are many part in cars which comes straight from F1, and that is true. Mercedes, Renault, Nissan, Ferrari, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Honda, BMW, Toyota...they all use some F1 technology on serial cars. Which makes those cars much safier.

And for real fans of motosport, no would say that 52 million € a year is huge money that Räikkönen receive, cause he risking his life when he's racing. Not just him, every other driver.

I think this is a good thread afterall, cause on first place, it's very personal and it means a lot for me. I only thing that i wanted see here is not talking or debating about "wasting money" on motosport, it's just personal succes that i have been part of.

When i readed some comments here today, I asked myself cause i'm daughter one of the Rally champions, am i worth as a person. Should some things put me in dilema cause i'm by the case Kankkunen's daughter and cause i eran my money working in Formula 1 team.

At the end of the day, i can make room for missunderstandings, but take this thread as something very very personal for me, and don't talk about motosport in general. This thread supposed to be about new F1 world champion and nothing else.

Oct 25, 2007, 3:25 PM
As Dagni and Shumi said before that F1 has made the safety of cars for the road safer that we can all drive without the worry that we will die. As Dagni also said this thread is not to discuss sports or raceing just to support one of our greatest members of this site Dagni and the contributions that she has made throughout her career to F1 and other motosports. From now on I recommend that we just applaud the great deal of work she has done to help a fellow country Finn win the F1 title.

Skater Boy
Oct 25, 2007, 4:53 PM
I don't like some comments on this thread. First of all, this is very personal thing, something very very personal for me what I achived together with my fellow Räikkönen, and i didn't expect such malicious comments, or talking about sport in general or whatever.
I know that most of the people on this site are not into Formula 1, i know that many people on this site don't like me and dont' understand my way of living and my aproach to life, but this is it: Motosport in general IS my life.

And maybe from outside some people may say that Formula 1 is wasting of money or whatever, but those people are best drivers on this planet, but I can talk only inside F1.
Schumi was completely right when he told that that are many part in cars which comes straight from F1, and that is true. Mercedes, Renault, Nissan, Ferrari, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Honda, BMW, Toyota...they all use some F1 technology on serial cars. Which makes those cars much safier.

And for real fans of motosport, no would say that 52 million € a year is huge money that Räikkönen receive, cause he risking his life when he's racing. Not just him, every other driver.

I think this is a good thread afterall, cause on first place, it's very personal and it means a lot for me. I only thing that i wanted see here is not talking or debating about "wasting money" on motosport, it's just personal succes that i have been part of.

When i readed some comments here today, I asked myself cause i'm daughter one of the Rally champions, am i worth as a person. Should some things put me in dilema cause i'm by the case Kankkunen's daughter and cause i eran my money working in Formula 1 team.

At the end of the day, i can make room for missunderstandings, but take this thread as something very very personal for me, and don't talk about motosport in general. This thread supposed to be about new F1 world champion and nothing else.

No offence, Dagni! :) I didn't mean to make you question yourself in this way. as sports go, Formula 1 is actually one of my PREFERED sports, so I have nothing against it in particular. And I certainly don't dislike you in any way. actually, you're kinda cute judging by your photos... ;)