View Full Version : Threesome

Oct 19, 2007, 12:36 PM
Recently, after dating the same guy for 4 months, he brought up the idea of a threesome. I have had lots of sexual thoughts about being with another woman. However, I have never went as far as to have actual sex with one. After some thought, I decided it is something I would try. I like the idea of being with another woman. The part I'm having trouble with is sharing my man. I am a bit insecure. What if he is more attracted to her than me? I just have a feeling this thought will take away from the experience for me. Any suggestions? Feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Oct 19, 2007, 1:00 PM
Talk to him. Tell him you may be willing, but ask what he is looking for out of the situation. The biggest thing is trust. If you can't trust him with you involved, you are possibly in the wrong relationship any way. Find out if he had someone in mind. Do you have someone in mind? You should tell him that. Tell him your fears about him being involved, maybe he can watch the first time.

Oct 19, 2007, 6:01 PM
The first time can be so nervous, not like what your fantasies are like. However if you take your time, and find the right person then it can be really good. Just take your time, and happy threesum's.

Oct 19, 2007, 6:42 PM
Recently, after dating the same guy for 4 months, he brought up the idea of a threesome. I have had lots of sexual thoughts about being with another woman. However, I have never went as far as to have actual sex with one. After some thought, I decided it is something I would try. I like the idea of being with another woman. The part I'm having trouble with is sharing my man. I am a bit insecure. What if he is more attracted to her than me? I just have a feeling this thought will take away from the experience for me. Any suggestions? Feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I have had sex with women before. I recommend it highly. If he likes her better, so it goes. There wouldn't be much point being with a man who didn't like you best.

Oct 21, 2007, 6:30 AM
Perhaps the question that should be asked is why he brought this up? Does he want this for you, or for himself? Does a threesome with another woman have to involve you sharing him? If you are uncomfortable with sharing him, say so. If he's genuine, he'll respect that boundary and not cross it unless/until you feel ready to. If he keeps pushing the issue, irrespective of what you say, then your feelings/wants are probably incidental to his.