View Full Version : The most extraordinary skin

Oct 19, 2007, 8:33 AM
Girls, have you ever seen a guy just reach right down his pants and scratch/rearrange in public? Did you ever wonder why? The scrotum and foreskin are the most evolutionary advanced skin on the human body (the foreskin is the most). Besides being the most sensitive, vasculated, and elastic skin (matched by a few other skin structures), they are the only skin structures on the human body that have an integrated musculature. Not just lots of micro tendons connecting skin to muscle (as in lips), muscle fibers in the sub-derma. These muscle fibers are most influenced by temperature. Change the temperature and the skin will move. In it's most active form you will see a warm scrotum 'wave action' as it cools. With hair connected to the scrotal tissue, when the skin moves the hairs pull, rearrange, etc, thus the immediate need to reach down there and check what's going on. The function of the foreskin muscle seems to mainly be for complete foreskin retraction. After erection (sex?) the foreskin must be brought back completely over to protect the sensitive glans. The foreskin also sometimes massages itself and the glans (just to help remind a guy of the importance of sex!). It's possible for a woman to have this same skin in her foreskin (clitoral hood) or labia, but is uncommon. So next time you hear a girl say "Ugg, why do they have to do that?", you can wink, nod, and tell them "if you had their equipment, you would too!" :)

Oct 19, 2007, 9:06 AM
Ya cant kid me wiv all that bollox ( tee hee...), Blue...yas jus a mucky disgustin lotta sods who jus cant resist scratchin ya bits..an rite off puttin it is 2... an wen ya scratches ya arse..jeez... no wonda women take up wiv the gentler an more yummie sex!

Oct 19, 2007, 12:09 PM
Hee hee hee. I was wondering all morning what Fran's reaction would be. As usual, she had not disappointed me. Blue honey, we don't give a shit.

Oct 19, 2007, 1:17 PM
What they said. Oh please :rolleyes:.

Oct 19, 2007, 1:53 PM
I agree with you! An intact penis with a foreskin that has all the sensitive nerve endings is a wonderful thing to have! Thanks for posting this!

Oct 20, 2007, 10:08 AM
LOL Darkeyes... good sense of humor, plays well with others. I think High Energy and Anne are a little jealous of this 'piece' though (pun intended!) :)
It's just a science thing few people know about and are aware of. The funny part is that if evolution is measured by complexity (the more complex, the more evolutionarily evolved), then an old American argument about the foreskin being evolutionarily behind ... 'just a leftover piece of skin'... the truth is exactly opposite. The foreskin is the most evolutionarily advanced skin on the human body.
Disclaimer: And no, this isn't some kind of sexist dig at women, that women are somehow less for not having this structure. Women are complete and just fine - just as evil and just as good as men.

Oct 20, 2007, 10:59 AM
Nope, never been 'jealous' of any equipment a man has. I can borrow it anytime, return it to it's owner, and be damned glad I don't have anything to catch in a zipper ;).

Oct 20, 2007, 1:32 PM
Kate me an the kids wer walkin long the sea front at Ullapool this mornin an 3 half decent guys wer walkin toward us. In space of 100 yards till they reached us.. each of the dirty getts had scratched is knackers at least twice, an Kate.. neva 1 pass up a chance 2 get an eyefull of a decent lookin arsehole turned round knowin that they wud b doin same as we passed.. an jus wot tho did she get eyefull of??... five banana fingies rammed str8 up an arsehole havin gud ole claw!!! Jeez is it ne wonda that we think guys r a rite mucky lotta sods??? 3 guys.. 6 bollock scratches an an arsehole claw in 100 yards?? Jeez!

Oct 20, 2007, 1:33 PM
Nope, never been 'jealous' of any equipment a man has. I can borrow it anytime, return it to it's owner, and be damned glad I don't have anything to catch in a zipper ;).

...an me wiv u on this 1 Anne darlin..wtf we wanna evolve wen we got it all ne ways???

Oct 20, 2007, 2:29 PM
I do agree that men have an unfortunate habit of leaving us cold by scratching their groin and rectal areas at the most inapproriate times. In public is quite inappropriate, but it gives us a nice feeling of superiority and something to talk about.

With regard to the retention or not of a foreskin, I am glad to say that in this country most men are uncircumcised and thats how I like it. Whether it is a superior piece of evolution I very much doubt but it is fun to play with. It gives an added dimension to what you can do with it compared to the uncircumcised. It looks nicer too.:)

Oct 21, 2007, 3:09 PM
Can me turn it round a lil Vikki babes... wot yas tryin 2 say is uncut aint quite so gross....:tong:

Oct 22, 2007, 3:15 PM
Awww, come on DE, give us guys just a wee break! Were not all that crude! I try to keep and scratching of the nether areas as private as possible. :bigrin:

Why even your countryman and comedian i love (Billy Connally) feels we as men were shortchanged and given that pouchy dangling part. IN his skit he suggests that we were given scrotums because they had extra elbow skin and didn;t know what to do with it!

Ye cane blame me fur tryin ta sway ya pinion.


Oct 22, 2007, 4:47 PM
Hillwalker..me don mind ya bein crude... thats ok wiv me.. its the continual maulin of ya bits an ya arse that me finds revoltin!!!

An wots Billy Connolly got 2 do wiv owt?? 1st off he a man, 2cd off he cums from the west, an 3rd he is a Tim... apart from humour aint got much goin for im as e?? tee hee... Wot e didn tellya, prob cos e dusn know...he gave men their waste arse skin for a face!!!

Oct 22, 2007, 6:57 PM
Ok people, I know that I am not the brightest bulb in the universe, but is there anyone other than me having a rather difficult time understanding what people from across the sea...namely Scotland are trying to say on here? I love them dearly, but I am affraid to answer some of the posts because I have not idea what they mean. If the is some sort of middle ground, say a dictionary or the like that I could use, could someone please post this. If I am the only one who can not understand them, then tell me and I shall not post after them. Thank you so very much for your consideration.

Belle from Boston....ah hem as close to the Scottish coast as can be.

Oct 22, 2007, 7:05 PM
Hillwalker..me don mind ya bein crude... thats ok wiv me.. its the continual maulin of ya bits an ya arse that me finds revoltin!!!

An wots Billy Connolly got 2 do wiv owt?? 1st off he a man, 2cd off he cums from the west, an 3rd he is a Tim... apart from humour aint got much goin for im as e?? tee hee... Wot e didn tellya, prob cos e dusn know...he gave men their waste arse skin for a face!!!

For belle with love...

Hillwalker, I dont mind you being crude. Thats fone with me. It is men continually mauling their sexual organs and back passage (in public) I find rather distasteful.

And What has Billy Connolly to do with anything. Firstly he is a man, secondly he comes from Glasgow and thirdly he supprts Celtic Football Club. So apart from his humour what does he have going for him? What he didnt say, probably because he doesnt know, is that he gave men the surplus skin off their bottoms for faces!!!!

Now understand yummie Belle??? tee hee:tong:

Oct 22, 2007, 7:26 PM
Oh My....the dictonary opens to a page that Belle understands. Tee Hee....

Well, as just a point of order I happen to like said Billy Connoly. I recall him from past TV shows in America....Head of the Class.

Sorry, guess I am a fool for a man of Scottish decent and would be wonderful if he wore a kilt. Ah Hemmm........what DO they wear under those kilts. It is cold in Boston to be sure in Winter?


Oct 22, 2007, 7:42 PM
Ya don wanna kno Belle..take me word for it...its gross!!!! An ifya wanna c Connolly in a kilt...catch sight of Mrs Brown wiv im an Judy Dench.... an ya will soon get an idea of wot me means!!!:tong:

Oct 23, 2007, 6:08 AM
Frances could have mentioned the world tour series of films he made for the BBC. There was no sign of a kilt simply Billy dancing around standing stones and various other places naked as the day he was born. Little Ms Vanity and I may have different opinions on men, but not on a naked prancing Billy Connolly. It was funny though.