View Full Version : Hobbies... what do we like to do for fun?

Oct 17, 2007, 4:05 AM
One of my favorite things to do is to get out late at night, find an empty back road and drive... fast! Unimpeded by traffic and other such nonsense. I like to roll down my windows, blast some random metal or electronica... or turn the radio off and listen to the engine and road noise, and drive. I especially like to do it during the full moon with a clear sky. I love driving in general. To be stuck in traffic is like locking me in a cage in the back seat. Sometimes I can be a little road rage-y.

I also like hanging out with a few close friends, drinking a beer or two... or four, smoke a little pot, and play video games. Or sometimes we watch a movie or cartoons. Or we'll get our guitars out and pretend like we know what we're doing. Sometimes we roll a blunt and walk on the beach at night... very peaceful. It's all about relaxing at the end of the day... when you know you have no more commitments to anyone or anything, that's when it's time to relax.

I may have revealed too much here *gasp*.

What do you people like to do in your "free time"? What hobbies do you enjoy?

the mage
Oct 17, 2007, 7:27 AM
ok so driving fast at night on open roads is just fucking dumb not to mention illegal. Ever seen the remains of a car that hit a deer or moose or other car or person????????????????????

Stupid "hobby"

Find a proper race track where you need to show some qualification and skill in driving.

I drove professionally for 20 years, and would never go night racing, because I actually do know what I'm doing behind the wheel.

My model railroad keeps me out of trouble.

Weed should not be your "hobby" either. I have NO issues with weed.
Its being used as a crutch will disappoint you in the long run though ..

Oct 17, 2007, 8:51 AM
Gee Mage, don't hold back honey, tell us what you really think. ;)

I have this fabulous knitting machine, on which I create sweaters and lovely warm wool socks. I also crochet by hand, cross stitch or needlepoint. I love the feeling of the fibers in my hands and seeing something take shape. I used to sew a lot, but now I have fun with the knitting machine which makes this cool purring noise as you run it. My friend calls it power tools for women. He's just jealous because I replaced the exhusband with my own damn power tools and have built custom bookshelves and my own bed with drawers underneath it. Building your own bed makes it possible to have all manner of eyebolts hidden to tie up one's playmates, or have them tie you up. Which brings me to my other favourite hobby....

Oct 17, 2007, 9:14 AM
Reading, writing, and arithmetic. I know, I'm a nerd.:wiggle2:

Also I love woodworking and buying and selling stock on the market and the things that go with that.


Oct 17, 2007, 10:00 AM

Oct 17, 2007, 12:49 PM
Music has always been abig part of my life. Listening to lost of different musci, and playing. I play the FLute. OK, Ha Ha Ha, i can hear the comments.

Oct 17, 2007, 1:19 PM
Well, for a while I had to give up some hobbies as I have hurt my back. But now that is better I have taken up the sport of kayaking. It seems not to irritate my back. Being out on the water, be it fresh or salt water is so wonderful. I have been out in turbulent waters and waves which is daring and frightful at the same time. I have also been there in water as still as glass. For me the solitude is a refresher to my soul. I also have been lucky to come under the wings of a fine teacher. He had made the instruction fun and easy while keeping safety issues at hand.

Oct 17, 2007, 1:23 PM
See my profile/personal ad on this site.

I wrote about my hobbies and interests there.


Kayaking is fun! I haven't been in one in years but last time I was I went into one with friends at the beach. I also enjoy rafting but have not done that for awhile either.

Oct 17, 2007, 1:25 PM
Music has always been abig part of my life. Listening to lost of different musci, and playing. I play the FLute. OK, Ha Ha Ha, i can hear the comments.

Me an all Hillwalker... music is food for the soul...hav me guitars an me keyboard.. piana wen me gets 2 me dads.. an then jus lose meself... can play fiddle a lil..but wen an 8 yo pikked it up an showed me jus how crappie me wos thot mayb best not botha..its er teachin me!!! tee hee

An lissen 2 mos kindsa music.. but hate loathe an detest country crap.. wotta whine..no ta!

C u lot :bigrin::tong: not all me dus for a hobby! So ther!!!:tongue:

Oct 17, 2007, 1:30 PM
An me certainly don drive like an arsehole for me thrills.. neva know jus wots gonna jump out in front ofya.. not that gr8 a driver ne ways..but me not a looney wiv it! So chill wiv the wheels Metal babes...thats a lethal weapon yas drivin!

Oct 17, 2007, 1:48 PM
I like taking long drives.

Used to do (some ) rockclimbing , but haven't had that opportunity for a while.

I also like hiking and camping.

I like talking to people, all types.

Oct 17, 2007, 2:16 PM
I guess i should add my "outdoors hobbies" too. My Dad gave me an incredible sense of adventure so the outdoors has also been big in my life. Backpacking, and hiking, and been a avid paddler for years. Nothing like trowing the crazy fute i play into may backpack or kayak and playing in nature.

Agree with darkeyes, "I canna git inta the winnin country stuff." How'd i do as the distant offspring of a bunch of Glaswegian's Darkeyes? :bigrin:

Oct 17, 2007, 2:49 PM
I guess i should add my "outdoors hobbies" too. My Dad gave me an incredible sense of adventure so the outdoors has also been big in my life. Backpacking, and hiking, and been a avid paddler for years. Nothing like trowing the crazy fute i play into may backpack or kayak and playing in nature.

Agree with darkeyes, "I canna git inta the winnin country stuff." How'd i do as the distant offspring of a bunch of Glaswegian's Darkeyes? :bigrin:

U an me cud b rite gud m8s Hillwalker!!! Start up a duo..make it a trio wiv Shiv n er fiddle.. tee hee.. but ne 1 who loathes country crap is ok wiv me!!

Easy 2 c that yas a distant offspring... the accent needs workin on.. me the not so distant offspring of a Glaswegian (much 2 me embarrassment tho e is a luffly ole sod.....an e cannae speak properly eitha jus like the rest of em!) tee hee..

Oct 17, 2007, 3:14 PM
When I was young I was an avid sailor -- not racing, but cruising & "gunk-holing" (no sex-metaphors, please - at least, not this time!). But a wife who's afraid of the water and a summer home away from the coast have put a crimp in that. Have always enjoyed wood working and photography. Spent several years brewing my own beer (been a few years since my last batch) and have done some acting from time to time. Have played guitar since Jr. High, and after some years of inactivity, over the last few years have been playing more and more, and regularly once a week w/ a couple other guys. With the consistent practice, I'm probably playing better now than I ever have, and it is pretty consistently the highlight of my day, and an anchor to my sanity!

Oct 17, 2007, 6:14 PM
The only good thing women are good at driving..........Driving men nuts :tong:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Ne more of ya lip ya b losin urs chookie babes:tong:

Oct 17, 2007, 6:16 PM
Notha thing me lil Oz chookie...ya quotin rong quote ya daft ole bugger!:bigrin: God me dus luff u ya ole fart!!!:tong:

Oct 17, 2007, 6:18 PM
Yessssssssssssssss:bigrin: chookie..2 late.. me saw it!!!

Oct 18, 2007, 1:59 AM
Riding motorcycles, playing MMORPGs, Stage combat, Renaissance faires, Disney pin trading, photography, aviation.

Think that's enough to keep us busy?

Oct 18, 2007, 2:24 AM
Social dancing... contra, blues, waltz, sometime swing. I go out dancing at least a couple times a week, sometimes a lot more.

Soccer... I play in a rec league on Sundays and occasionally do pick-up soccer.

LEGO... it's not just for kids!

Oct 18, 2007, 4:25 AM
ok so driving fast at night on open roads is just fucking dumb not to mention illegal. Ever seen the remains of a car that hit a deer or moose or other car or person????????????????????

Stupid "hobby"

Find a proper race track where you need to show some qualification and skill in driving.

I drove professionally for 20 years, and would never go night racing, because I actually do know what I'm doing behind the wheel.

I usually don't feel the need to explain myself or defend my actions, but damn...

When I say "back road", I really mean "back road". I'm talkin' like no people or anything for MILES, this being a pretty rural area. Plus, the speed limits around here are only 55mph, so at the most, I'm doing 63 or 4 or 5 (I'd love to go a lot faster, but I don't want a traffic ticket, I've done pretty well so far). If I hit a deer (which aren't all that big in the south, and there aren't moose in North Carolina) or a tree, that's my problem. I can understand you being pissed about my "fucking dumb stupid hobby", what with you being a pro or whatever. But it isn't like I'm drifting down a busy mountain pass, or drag racing on city streets.

If there were a track around here, I'd totally be there... well, if I had a car worth the track. Also, you've implied that I have no skill or experience behind the wheel of a car. I've had my license since I was 17 or 18, and I've been driving for a living for like 4 years. Sure it's no 20 years of racing, but it's still experience.

Oh, and yes, I've seen the remains of vehicles after many types of accidents. In my criminal justice class back in high school we watched a couple films with some particularly disturbing accident footage. And I've seen deer and moose and cow wrecks, I used to live in New Hampshire and that stuff was pretty common.

Oct 18, 2007, 6:46 AM
The deers prob 2 babes... or ya forget that??? Ask GEL..she knows a thing or 2 bout clattrin deer... an me dad ran ova a sheep 1ce... 7 or 8mph ova the limit may not sound bad lots ere wud agree wiv that.. depends werya r me sposes.. ne way..hav been known 2 touch 90 on the motorways ere... yea me knows..shud b ashamed.. prob is.. me mite be hammrin down the road.. but ther always as many ovatakin me as me is ovatakin...

Oct 18, 2007, 2:14 PM
When I have free time I kick back and turn on my amp.

I have a small collection of guitars and I'm currently self teaching by Earnie Balls
quick start guides. I just recently picked up Led Zepplins greatest hits music
book and have been thumbing through that and have been working on Stairway
to heaven.

When I've got a weekend I like to go to my local game store and duke it out
with my warhammer 40k armies. Most of the time I spend painting and I love it.
I have currently won 2 rogue trader tournaments with 2 and a 1st place award.

I also have tons of fun doing escalation leagues where u start at a small points
value and collect and build up to a full army.

Oct 18, 2007, 4:40 PM
A new one i'm taking up is paintball! Everything about it is fun, the adrenaline as you take cover behind stuff, when you get a well placed shot or even the rush of stinging pain when someone hits you...worst one I had was on the finger!
Gym is also a big hobby, ever stressed out, I run out my issues and push some weights and feel good and my other two hobbys are gaming and films, Imo you can ever watch too many films.
Nothing crazily new for a hobby there, but they bring my enjoyment and satisfaction :)

Oct 18, 2007, 6:37 PM
Hmmmm Well, I do like to raise a little hell from time to time.


Oct 19, 2007, 12:29 AM
The deers prob 2 babes... or ya forget that??? Ask GEL..she knows a thing or 2 bout clattrin deer... an me dad ran ova a sheep 1ce... 7 or 8mph ova the limit may not sound bad lots ere wud agree wiv that.. depends werya r me sposes.. ne way..hav been known 2 touch 90 on the motorways ere... yea me knows..shud b ashamed.. prob is.. me mite be hammrin down the road.. but ther always as many ovatakin me as me is ovatakin...

I didn't forget about the deer, their problems don't really count. There's way too many of them anyway. They're also tasty.

The highways anywhere are insane. I could be doing 80mph, and there will be someone going past me at 85, and someone past them at 90... it's crazy.

Oct 19, 2007, 12:51 AM
well as i've stated before, fishing is one of my greatest passions, and after 5 years up here, i'm just now starting to get the time to explore one of the best cold water sport fisheries in the nation.

then again, my g/f and i have recently been introduced to ocean kayaking.. doing that in the north part of puget sound, we've literally come face to face with otters, seals, lots of wading birds, etc. still no orcas, but that's just a matter of time.. it's a great way to sight see without causing a lot of ruckus.... it's nice to paddle into a good swift forward glide,[ trust me, with two people in a good rhythm you can really fly in one of these things] then set back and relax and listen and watch as you drift silently thru the water....

but, if i just totally want to run away and cleanse the soul..... let me loose in the desert southwest to roam for a few days on my own.. somehow, for me, it just does good things to my spirit. i don't know if it's the vastness of the open skies, the nakedness of the wasteland itself or what, but i can go out there in a totallyabouttolosemyfrigginmindfunk and come back feeling as if i've been washed clean...

but, yeah , for the most part, put a fishing rod in my hands,and point me in the direction of fish..

Oct 19, 2007, 2:33 AM
I didn't forget about the deer, their problems don't really count. There's way too many of them anyway. They're also tasty.

The highways anywhere are insane. I could be doing 80mph, and there will be someone going past me at 85, and someone past them at 90... it's crazy.

Soz dus disagree wiv deers probs not countin... but then me cares bout all life on this sad ole world of ours..an don think we so special we hav ne more rite 2 life than ne otha livin thing.... far 2 many peeps in this world 2.. but officially at least, its kinda disapproved on 2 run em down wivya car... neva eaten peeps so dunno if they tasty or not..well dus..but not that kinda eatin me talkin bout:bigrin:

Week or 2 bak a guy wos in court ere for doin the fastest eva recorded on a British road...cant memba the speed.. but wos summat like 163 mph.. mita been faster but that is crazy... also read summat yesterday bout them producin a sports car wich will do 270 odd.. ther is a reason for a car able 2 do these kinda speeds wen motorway speed limits in the UK r 70 an the continent 80?? Wot silly arseholes human beins r....

Oct 19, 2007, 5:17 AM
And then others when I dont think she is so bad after all.:)

Oct 19, 2007, 8:59 AM
I camp and fish and have just started hiking again, which is really good for my pudgy ass. I paint, woodwork, remodel houses, grow herbs (no, not that kind ;) ) and decorate cakes (3D ones mostly, not so much frilly, lacey thangs).
I have more hobbies than I have time for.:rolleyes:

the mage
Oct 19, 2007, 9:22 AM
I didn't forget about the deer, their problems don't really count. There's way too many of them anyway. They're also tasty.

The highways anywhere are insane. I could be doing 80mph, and there will be someone going past me at 85, and someone past them at 90... it's crazy.

............interesting thing about hitting large wild life, deer moose ect..
They seldom stay outside the car. The car bumper undermines their legs and the main body makes first contact with the windshield, usually going right thru and decapitating the driver.

Very messy.
..have a nice night race....

the mage
Oct 19, 2007, 10:28 AM
I fly traction kites for outdoor fun as well as cycle and hike.
45mph down the grass runway on the end of a kite is fun.

Oct 19, 2007, 5:27 PM
Here's a similar thread I started a while back

Oct 19, 2007, 7:19 PM
When i get the house to myself (not often) i plug my guitar through distortion pedal and 75 watt amp,My son loves my guitar but not to loud (he is only three)

Oct 20, 2007, 5:29 AM
I wouldnt call intellectual pursuits "fun", but I find learning relaxing all the same - call it a "busman's holiday". Right now, I'm perfecting my German language skills under professional guidance with a view to a more permanent relocation back to Germany.