View Full Version : I've invented a new word - mysandrogist

Oct 15, 2007, 6:51 PM
I created a new word. Mysandrogist. Same as mysogynist, except opposite polarity. We all know mysogynists (Chauvinists), and we know mysadrogists (castrating women), but it's time we add official legitimacy to the female scum suckers. Now we can speak of the scum suckers of either gender in clean laboratory-style-dissection deplorability. I simply took the word mysogynist and carved it up. Myso -gyn- ist, replaced gyn with andro, eliminated the problematic vowel 'o', and since 'tist' (as in scientist) wouldn't work right, added 'gist' (as in anthropologist). Mys -andro- gist, mysandrogist.
So remember:
Mysogynist - male scum sucker
Mysandrogist - female scum sucker

What'cha think ? :male::female:

Oct 15, 2007, 7:32 PM
they beat you to it..

mysandry,mysandrist (http://www.answers.com/misandry&r=67) - -the common prejudice you've never heard of.


Oct 15, 2007, 8:56 PM
I'll be doggone! Well, I suppose wheel was invented and fire was discovered more than once! I still like my mysandrogist over mysandrist. I came up with the idea back in the 90's... looking for a more... laboratory clean - unemotionally charged (vice 'feminazi') way to catagorize certain (sorry excuses for) women I sometimes run across. I just grew tired of the standard 'just ignoring them' as polite society recommends.

Oct 16, 2007, 1:10 AM
thanx blue: i've been working with a woman for years, that i can't figure out, self distructive, or foolish i'm not sure. however "mysandrogist" fits the bill. gonna postit note the word to her work station. probably won't do any good, cause i don't think the neandertal can read. (sorry about the typos)


Oct 16, 2007, 12:29 PM
The term is "Misandrist" and in my opinion it needs to be used a lot more than it is these days [preferably said with disdain to a radical feminist when she's ranting on about 'patricarchy']. However, outside of men's rights blogs/websites the word really doesn't seem to be used much which is a shame really as misandry is a real problem in the world [eg: how family courts treat fathers etc..., how men are portrayed in adverts and the media etc...].

Izzfan :flag3:

Oct 16, 2007, 1:00 PM
The term is "Misandrist" and in my opinion it needs to be used a lot more than it is these days [preferably said with disdain to a radical feminist when she's ranting on about 'patricarchy']. However, outside of men's rights blogs/websites the word really doesn't seem to be used much which is a shame really as misandry is a real problem in the world [eg: how family courts treat fathers etc..., how men are portrayed in adverts and the media etc...].

Izzfan :flag3:

Men aren't treated any worse than women are when it comes right down to it with the advertising and TV.

Coporate TV seeks to grab us by the "boo-boos" and force us to pay attention. They do that with every trick avaiable to them. Playing off whatever prejudice/ stereotyping that they think they can get away with.
Why? Advertising and selling.

OTOH: It's no easy to write a screen play in a week and make it perfect. Stereotyping and playing to the lowest common denominator is often a product of that rushed production. IMO

As far as the courts go, with child custody, I won't speak to that, not being in that place.

& yes I agree hatred of one another is a real problem. Wether its men or women, gay or straight, trans or cisgender. There is more than enough hatred and bias to go around. Often it seems to me that we are no better than the chimpanzees that we came from.

Oct 16, 2007, 1:21 PM
I've invented a word, too, but I don't know what it means yet: illiterate.

the mage
Oct 16, 2007, 2:00 PM
I REFUSE to let one single more word into my head until I've used up all the words previously put there.

Oct 16, 2007, 2:34 PM
I REFUSE to let one single more word into my head until I've used up all the words previously put there.

Don spose me helpin 2 much ther huh Magie?? Soz.. lukky me don speak scots in ere..then ya' reely blow a gasket..wud gimme a giggle tho..tee hee:bigrin:

Oct 16, 2007, 11:37 PM
thanx blue: i've been working with a woman for years, that i can't figure out, self distructive, or foolish i'm not sure. however "mysandrogist" fits the bill. gonna postit note the word to her work station. probably won't do any good, cause i don't think the neandertal can read. (sorry about the typos)


eh, close enuff on the spelling.. my cave man cousins will get back to you shortly if you'd like them to teach her how to read..otherwise, sounds like she belongs in the proto human category

Oct 17, 2007, 12:07 AM
"... self destructive, or foolish I'm not sure...". I don't know if the new word applies, Raistkit.

Mysogynist = woman/vagina hater. We've (men) all been there, some dwelling longer than others, some can't escape. Think of adult men who view women solely as diseased semen receptacles.

Mysandrogist = man/penis hater. Gloria Steinman comes to mind. All women do it sometime. Some dwell there longer than others, Patricia Ireland can't escape. These women see men as a pig with a penis head for a head.

While it's normal to go visit on occasion (especially when breaking up a hetero relation!), the chronic ones (and we all have known plenty on both sides) are generally just sick people. It's just been considered bad manners for the past few decades to counter/label a woman even if she's spouting all the vocal 'pig' poisons.

I think it would be culturally enlightening to 'hear' Darkeyes' pronunciation in 'Scottish slang'! :eek: I'd liken it to christening the Titanic..
(no offense, Darkeyes, I'm just trying to be funny here!)

Oct 17, 2007, 12:30 AM
"... self destructive, or foolish I'm not sure...". I don't know if the new word applies, Raistkit.

Mysogynist = woman/vagina hater. We've (men) all been there, some dwelling longer than others, some can't escape. Think of adult men who view women solely as diseased semen receptacles.

Mysandrogist = man/penis hater. Gloria Steinman comes to mind. All women do it sometime. Some dwell there longer than others, Patricia Ireland can't escape. These women see men as a pig with a penis head for a head.

While it's normal to go visit on occasion (especially when breaking up a hetero relation!), the chronic ones (and we all have known plenty on both sides) are generally just sick people. It's just been considered bad manners for the past few decades to counter/label a woman even if she's spouting all the vocal 'pig' poisons.

I think it would be culturally enlightening to 'hear' Darkeyes' pronunciation in 'Scottish slang'! :eek: I'd liken it to christening the Titanic..
(no offense, Darkeyes, I'm just trying to be funny here!)

Sorry to be a downer, but why invent a new word when there is a perfectly good one in existence (which I'll admit to misspelling)? Making up words is cute when we're five, but after a certain point. . .

This is the former English major in me reacting, I guess.


the mage
Oct 17, 2007, 7:28 AM
Don spose me helpin 2 much ther huh Magie?? Soz.. lukky me don speak scots in ere..then ya' reely blow a gasket..wud gimme a giggle tho..tee hee:bigrin:

...............nope dont blow a gasket, just dont read it.

Oct 18, 2007, 2:35 AM
Why is there a 'g' in the word? Why a "y" instead of an "i"?

The root "andro" means male. "gyno" means female.
There's no such prefix as "mys-" but there is "mis-"

If you're going to make up words based on Greek and Latin roots you need to use ones that actually exist.

Oct 22, 2007, 8:38 PM
Sorry to be a downer, but why invent a new word when there is a perfectly good one in existence (which I'll admit to misspelling)? Making up words is cute when we're five, but after a certain point. . .

This is the former English major in me reacting, I guess.


You ripped apart words with extremely rare roots, prefixes, suffixes, rearranged, and made new words when you were 5, while the rest of us were learning our A-B-Cs ?!?

Wow, being among the rest of us mere mortals must be terribly trying for you... :eek:

Oct 23, 2007, 3:17 AM
You ripped apart words with extremely rare roots, prefixes, suffixes, rearranged, and made new words when you were 5, while the rest of us were learning our A-B-Cs ?!?

Wow, being among the rest of us mere mortals must be terribly trying for you... :eek:

"Criticize ideas. Do not criticize people. This means do not substitute criticism of the person for criticism of the idea."~~~onegoodmove.org commenting policy

All I have to say is...

When the heck did International House of Pancakes turn into IHOP anyway??? and what happened to the "cent" (c with a slash) key on my keyboard?!?!!?!@#$%

Sounds like a conspiracy to me....

Oct 23, 2007, 4:38 AM
Bit like en me wos young an Kentuchy Fried Chicken became KFC... chips wer crap ne way an chick not so much betta... so KFC reely means Kentucky Fried Crap....

An loss of ya cent off ya keyboard don botha me V babes luff ya as much as me dus... we use reel money ere...:bigrin:

Oct 23, 2007, 5:04 AM
"... self destructive, or foolish I'm not sure...". I don't know if the new word applies, Raistkit.

Mysogynist = woman/vagina hater. We've (men) all been there, some dwelling longer than others, some can't escape. Think of adult men who view women solely as diseased semen receptacles.

Mysandrogist = man/penis hater. Gloria Steinman comes to mind. All women do it sometime. Some dwell there longer than others, Patricia Ireland can't escape. These women see men as a pig with a penis head for a head.

While it's normal to go visit on occasion (especially when breaking up a hetero relation!), the chronic ones (and we all have known plenty on both sides) are generally just sick people. It's just been considered bad manners for the past few decades to counter/label a woman even if she's spouting all the vocal 'pig' poisons.

I think it would be culturally enlightening to 'hear' Darkeyes' pronunciation in 'Scottish slang'! :eek: I'd liken it to christening the Titanic..
(no offense, Darkeyes, I'm just trying to be funny here!)

Now me gonna take a breath an not ripya head off ere Blue.. (am a pacifist ne way so its all bluster).. but for last time me hopes.. wotya gets in ere is eitha English, sumtimes.. or Franspeak.. ya dus not get Scots slang.. me dus not speak scots slang.. me speaks ( in life) Scots, wich is considered slang by many, an has been for 300 years cosa the cultural arrogance an snobbery of the Scottish rulin classes an has seen for that 3 centuries a determined effort to erradicate it as that same snobbery has attempted 2 erradicate Gaelic from the highlander (wiv much greater success me adds ere.. tho ther wos an remains a bitta racism toward the gaels by the lowland masses.. an that didn help.). If ya wanna do a search hun, ya will find that Scots, or lallands or doric remains the every day speech of the majority of Scots people.. it is a spoken an ritten language, sadly diluted by 300 years of official disapproval, but wos the official language of church an state until 1707, an the language of Scots monarchs until 1603 wen Jamie Saxt King of Scots became James First King of England.... so hun..me dus not speak slang.. me speaks the everyday language of my (Scots) ancestors.. even if u, the english an the rulin classes of my country, an half of the ordinary peeps who speak it or speak witha scots accent belive othawise....

So babes.. me SPEAKS Scots, me writes in ENGLISH or FRANSPEAK, me dus not speak slang in ne shape or form... (wich aint wot me mum sez but wot dus she know?? She is English ne way.... tee hee)

An jus so ya know.. Fran is no snob bout er own language ova Engish... hav had a life long luff affair wiv the English language wich is wy me can actually rite it half decently wen me likes... me can write in Scots, cos me dad taught me wen me wos wee.. he is a member of the Scots Language Society.. (2 make me culturally hale (whole) he sed)

An me knows ya tryin 2 b funny babes.. so since ya wer.. me jus thot me giveya lil lesson in linguistic history... me giggles bout it.. me dad is serious.. e dus rip heads off.. tee hee:tong:

Oct 23, 2007, 6:01 AM
You are lucky Blue. She has given you the short version. Trust me.

Oct 23, 2007, 4:00 PM
You ripped apart words with extremely rare roots, prefixes, suffixes, rearranged, and made new words when you were 5, while the rest of us were learning our A-B-Cs ?!?

Wow, being among the rest of us mere mortals must be terribly trying for you... :eek:

lmao hehehehe yes if you do study english/literature/linguistics it is like that! ;) :tongue:

Oct 23, 2007, 8:14 PM
So that's the story about 'Franspeak'. The first time I asked, I got a 'Grrrr' response from Darkeyes in chat (teaching me I should ask someone else if curious). I didn't know how to refer to it... I'm sure it sounds wonderful. I think the Irish speak the most beautiful dialect/style/variation of the English language. Yeah, yeah typical perceptions; Germans sound like their choking, British sound like they're constipated, Americans sound like they're talking with mashed potatoes in their mouth... but the Irish kind of 'sing' the words. I really don't know much about the Scots... although somewhat enlightened now:). Someday, I would love to hear 'Franspeak'.
But Darkeyes, be careful not to speak it in front of TaylorMade. If my making up one word got the '5 year old' comment from her/him, you should prepare yourself for an insult assault!
Oh, by the way, TaylorMade, I'm sorry I spoke ill of you. I simply found the "5 year old" comment insulting as I was proud of myself for coming up with that word. I had deliberately searched thesauruses and internet and could not find anything like this word. I took a similar word, worked prefix, suffix and root to obtain my objective.

Oct 24, 2007, 2:32 AM
Germans sound like their choking.

Ever see a german porn? I find them to be hotter than lots of American porns.

I have hetero/gay/bi german porns and the people in them don't sound like they're choking even if I can only understand a word or a few words they are saying.

But the sex is REALLY hot and there's even lots of BDSM which is nice to watch and they even do BDSM with sex which used to be hard to find in American het porn.

I wish that in the one german gay porn I had they did not have such an ugly turk. I mean c'mon it's PORN I want to see hot men or at least guys who have handsome faces even if they do have average bodies.

I have an American gay leather porn where seriously they took the MOST fugly guys ever and put them in a dark cruisy atmosphere and it did not help at all!

Oct 24, 2007, 8:16 AM
So that's the story about 'Franspeak'. The first time I asked, I got a 'Grrrr' response from Darkeyes in chat (teaching me I should ask someone else if curious). I didn't know how to refer to it... I'm sure it sounds wonderful. I think the Irish speak the most beautiful dialect/style/variation of the English language. Yeah, yeah typical perceptions; Germans sound like their choking, British sound like they're constipated, Americans sound like they're talking with mashed potatoes in their mouth... but the Irish kind of 'sing' the words. I really don't know much about the Scots... although somewhat enlightened now:). Someday, I would love to hear 'Franspeak'.
But Darkeyes, be careful not to speak it in front of TaylorMade. If my making up one word got the '5 year old' comment from her/him, you should prepare yourself for an insult assault!
Oh, by the way, TaylorMade, I'm sorry I spoke ill of you. I simply found the "5 year old" comment insulting as I was proud of myself for coming up with that word. I had deliberately searched thesauruses and internet and could not find anything like this word. I took a similar word, worked prefix, suffix and root to obtain my objective.

Ya don speak Franspeak... Ya can but God, yad sound rite stupid!!:tong:

Wos unda impression me is British..mus b in error ther. will b if that tosser Salmond an is SNP m8s hav ther way...

Everywer in the planet every country has hundreds or thousands of accents an dialects.. ther aint 1 Brit or merican or German or ne thin else.. The Irish r British ya know... lots of em by nationality..the others by courtesy of bein resident in or riginatin from the British Isles (of wich the Republic is a geographical part).. tho they mite well get all touchy bout that.. but mostly we r jus peeps ryin 2 make a life.. But if ya wan an accent 2 make ya knicks wet..listen 2 summa the ne accents (ne england).. now summa them can be wet makin.. it fairly sings...

An Taylor is a pussy cat.. rite fond of er me is an so far we havent hada rite ole spat... she is smart, aint scared 2 say wot she thinks an dus enjoy er lil posts... we hav had the odd lil difference of opinion an thats how it shud b... but not the full scale no holds barred slangin match yet... if we gonna Taylor..make it in natural schema things.. not by manufacturin it now me sed that willya???:bigrin: