View Full Version : Bi Sexual Couples

Oct 15, 2007, 4:51 PM
We like to read the Posts and Profiles on the different sites.What we are amazed at is the amount of men that are married and "BI" without there partners knowing.Guess we just got lucky and found that being open is MUCH more enjoyable than trying to go it alone.We have found out over the years that there are LOTS of swinging couples out there where the man is so curious about Bisexuality that if they had a honest relationship with there spouse they could be enjoying EVERY aspect of the BI and Swinging world.This post is by no means intended to "Judge" anyone.Just our opinion and we all know what they are like LOL

Oct 15, 2007, 5:12 PM
Very well said nothingtabboo!! We have also noticed how many bi men there are that their significant other does not know about their bi side. Not to pass judgement either, but it is sad.
We, as a couple, have also found that our lives are much more fulfilled bi being honest and open.
Just keep looking, other couples who feel the same are out there!! :bipride:

Oct 15, 2007, 5:50 PM
Since when did someone's sexual orientation become considered a "lifestyle"? :rolleyes:

I seriously wish the word lifestyle was banned from queer lexicon as it is used by the enemy to describe us.

It makes people think that their sexuality is somehow wrong/fixable and can be cured with religion/prayer, shame/fear, lots of forced sex with the opposite gender, and brainwashing.

Why not just use the terms pervert or sodomite as political and positive terms?

My homosexual male friends use words like faggot, vaginal virgin, homo, cocksucker, faerie, and other words that are normally considered to be homophobic slurs but aren't since they're used and redefined in this context.

I have absolutely no qualms with someone calling me queer, ac/dc, a switch hitter, fence sitter, or any of the other made up terms for us.

Yes more people should be honest; but in some cases they're not and I see it as their problem and not mine.

What's defined as cheating is established and defined between them and the person/people who they're in a relationship with not by outsiders.

Many times a person's spouse/partner knows that their partner is with other people besides them; but they just doesn't care, they allow it, or they themselves are with other people.

Swinging is a funny thing.

I certainly wouldn't consider it to be another world as they're just orgies and sex parties.

I also would not see being bisexual as being a world or anything like that.

I think that people are into swinging now since they're just nostalgic for the 1970s.

Why not bust out the snuff bullets, razor blades, mirrors, have bareback sex, and swallow too?

Oct 15, 2007, 6:39 PM
Last Saturday on my husbands 46th birthday he told me he was bisexual. I was shocked and overwhelmed with emotion but I wasn't ever mad. But since he has told me our marriage and sex life have been great. I didn't expect to be turned on by his desire to be with another man but I am. He says he hasn't been with a guy since high school but he has been thinking about it more lately after I used one of my toys during sex. I think this is something I could do with him and he says he doesn't want to be with someone else unless I'm involved. I just want to make safe choices for the both of us and I don't know where to start. The truth is very liberating.

Oct 15, 2007, 6:55 PM
Since when did someone's sexual orientation become considered a "lifestyle"? :rolleyes:

I don't see where anyone compared being BI to a lifestyle. Pretty much it seems that the flavor of the topic is that being open and honest would allow someone to enjoy life that much more.

We all know that when we hide a particular behavior or thought that it becomes something less than enjoyable (reference all of the posts on here from people that seem absolutely miserable hiding their sexuality.

I too find it hard to imagine that someone has to hide their sexuality from, of all people, their spouse. I know that without the love, support and encouragement from my spouse it would be an absolutely miserable existence.

I think that if more people were to sit down and discuss their feelings, they would find more understanding than they imagine. I could be wrong, but hiding just seems to add to the misery.

my :2cents:


the mage
Oct 15, 2007, 7:54 PM
Being open and out to my Lady has led to 10 years of Love and SEX SEX SEX!!!
..............with Her I might add..........................
and with men too. Yes, far too many couples are living less than full lives due to the inability to simply talk to each other...

As to the lifestyle thing, there are couple who self identify as "lifestyle", and it does revolve around their sex. They are often Master- slave Relationships and their social circle is built on their sexual networks. There are other examples too.

Oct 15, 2007, 8:09 PM
I don't see where anyone compared being BI to a lifestyle.

from nothing taboo's profile:

Been in the lifestylefor about 6 years now and Have found it to be a blast.

Also note the 'no single males' and the picture where a man says that he loves being with two women at once.

and post:

the BI and Swinging world.This post is by no means intended to "Judge" anyone.Just our opinion and we all know what they are like LOL

If you have an open relationship, that's based on communication and trying to be honest, great whatever works for you.

If you want to call yourself poly to disguise the fact you're in an open relationship, to sleep at night and feel special, or to believe that you're not in an open relationship go right ahead.

If you're married to a man or a woman and have sex with other people behind your partner's back be as safe as you can be (even using condoms/dental dams for oral sex) and get tested often, get a divorce/seperation/come out to them, or just keep it all a fantasy and don't act on it.

I don't care if you're a hetero centric male or you're more hetero than I am, and want to see two women have sex with each other at once or be with two women, and if you think that two chicks at the same time is the best sexual thing ever; but at the same time though I hear that enough and get it shoved down my throat all the time from my hetero male friends.

Oct 15, 2007, 8:19 PM
Geesh!!!!! this was just a simple statement about how married men may benefit from being upfront and honest with there spouse and may actually gain more from it than keeping it a secret.There was NO mention or reference to any SINGLE male whatsoever. To those that have "issues" about us not wanting "single" males, you now know why!

Oct 15, 2007, 9:05 PM
Geesh!!!!! this was just a simple statement about how married men may benefit from being upfront and honest with there spouse and may actually gain more from it than keeping it a secret.There was NO mention or reference to any SINGLE male whatsoever. To those that have "issues" about us not wanting "single" males, you now know why!

NT, don't mind DD... he has his pulpits and is convinced he is the Last Word on them.

Nice work, DD, ya jackass.


Oct 15, 2007, 9:50 PM
Nice work, DD, ya jackass.


I've gone into "fuck it!" mode with my opinions, like a friend of mine. :)

Oct 15, 2007, 10:00 PM
I've gone into "fuck it!" mode with my opinions, like a friend of mine. :)

That's nice... but that usually only works if you have something constructive to say that may actually help the situation, rather than being a fucking bully to people who don't fit your "post-label" vision of the world, which seems to be narrower than all the labels and shit many here use.

And as parents from around the world would say to copying your friends... If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you too?

And right now... you have a good idea of what that answer is, I hope.


Oct 15, 2007, 10:14 PM
That's nice... but that usually only works if you have something constructive to say that may actually help the situation, rather than being a fucking bully to people who don't fit your "post-label" vision of the world, which seems to be narrower than all the labels and shit many here use.

And as parents from around the world would say to copying your friends... If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you too?

And right now... you have a good idea of what that answer is, I hope.


Well no I wouldn't jump off a cliff if my friend did it.

This friend and I have a lot in common and that's all I was saying.

I'm not trying to intentionally initate them or anything.

Oct 15, 2007, 10:28 PM
I've gone into "fuck it!" mode with my opinions, like a friend of mine. :)

I like exposure to “fuck it” mode opinions, even if I believe the basis of facts for these opinions are deficient or expect unrealistic human behaviors. These opinions stimulate me to rethink my views.
However, a “fuck it” mode opinion requires a “fuck you” mode response to balance the discussion.

Nevertheless, your arguments are not without merit. Rather they are presented in "fuck it" mode and sometimes somewhat out of context with the intent of the thread author and other respondents


Oct 15, 2007, 10:50 PM
I like exposure to “fuck it” mode opinions, even if I believe the basis of facts for these opinions are deficient or expect unrealistic human behaviors. These opinions stimulate me to rethink my views.
However, a “fuck it” mode opinion requires a “fuck you” mode response to balance the discussion.

Nevertheless, your arguments are not without merit. Rather they are presented in "fuck it" mode and sometimes somewhat out of context with the intent of the thread author and other respondents


Eh life goes on.

Oct 16, 2007, 12:09 AM
I'd like to get this back to what I think is the initial intent of this thread - what a shame it is that there are so many bisexual guys out there that can't or won't be able to share it with their SO. I am sooo lucky that my wife not only knows but enjoys my bisexual adventures (she's bi herself but didn't know it for a long time). We have hetero friends and bi friends of both genders and life is so great.

The real shame being that bi girls are so well accepted in the swinging community but bi guys aren't. That's what makes the taboos that put this homophobic cloud over so many frustrated guys and their mates.

That all being said, what can we do about it? I'm afraid, nothing but feel pity.

Thanks for listening.

Oct 16, 2007, 12:42 AM
nothingtaboo: you hit the nail on the head. honesty is the key, and yes being open is much more enjoyable. i am having sooo much fun expressing myself. dressing as i please male or female (kit here the labels are getting confusing not sure what to call myself). just wish we had come out to one and other 30 yrs ago. so as wife to all the bi guys out there let her know, you just might find your best friend and partner in crime:bigrin:


Oct 16, 2007, 7:38 AM
What we are amazed at is the amount of men that are married and "BI" without there partners knowing.

.........and those are just the ones that come into your sphere of awareness. I have suspected for a long time that it's most probably the tip of a very large iceberg. Think of all the males that rationalize to themselves that there is a difference between an affair with a female, and sexual exploration with another male. " I'm not cheating because the opposite sex wasn't involved".
I make no judgement. I've traveled both roads and am aware of the pros and cons of both.

We are a bi couple not because one of us was bi and the other decided to come along for the ride. It's just who we are.
