View Full Version : Do you keep boxes..... (off topic)

Oct 15, 2007, 3:58 PM
Totally off topic.

Do you keep boxes that things come in with?? Such as things that contained dishes you bought or some other fragile piece??

Just wondering :) I have tons of boxes that things came in with and while I do have the space... I just wonder if I really need to keep them as I keep thinking of tossing them out.

Oct 15, 2007, 4:01 PM
It depends on what came in the box if I had it shipped, and what I keep in the box.

Oct 15, 2007, 4:31 PM
Depends on the size and shape of the box.

Plus I move around alot(my job). Do you?

What about Christmas? Got boxes for that?

Otherwise, toss'em. They can be a habitat for rodents and bugs, and other critters (espcially if they get to be too much.) They can also be just general clutter.


Oct 15, 2007, 4:45 PM
I do tend to keep the boxes of some of the more expensive electronic devices I have purchased like an MP3 player, my digital camera and devices relating to that----I have purchased the service plans on many of these things but they don't do the service work at places like Best Buy and Circuit City-- so you have to send them off. It is nice to have the original boxes the devices came in to ship them off should the need ever arise.

For many of these devices--they are small and so are the boxes, so individually they are no problem but as an aggregate--it does take up valuable space in drawers, cabinets or closets.

Oct 15, 2007, 6:39 PM
I do... but I think it's ridiculous and it's a sign of our very strange consumer throwaway society -- except that we don't throw away the boxes. Now that's weird.

Here's my premise:
I keep boxes for the electronic items I buy, in case I have to ship them back while they are still under warranty. Of course they never break under warranty. If they break after the warranty has expired it's almost always cheaper (or preferable) to buy new ones than to fix the old.

And of course, I forget to throw the boxes out when the warranty has expired.

So, long after I've thrown away the VCR, DVD, TV, computer, I still have the box it came in, taking up space in my attic or basement.

Now is that weird or what?

the mage
Oct 15, 2007, 7:55 PM
Well if they're in the attic, the dead air space and styro packaging is adding at least a little insulation value...;)

Oct 15, 2007, 10:49 PM
Well if they're in the attic, the dead air space and styro packaging is adding at least a little insulation value...;)

Thank you. I feel much better now. My mother has an obsession with boxes. "Oh that would be just the right size if I ever..." Her attic is full of them and all I've been able to think about is dealing with them when she's dead.

In the meantime, I had a friend check my attic for insulation and he discovered that the old lady who once owned this house has a similar obsession as my mother. Now at least I feel like they are worth something up there.

So no, I don't keep boxes. Best Buy has never had a problem finding a way to ship my laptop off for service.

Oct 16, 2007, 1:46 AM
Thanks guys :)

The boxes I have are mostly small boxes that figurines and other breakables came in with.
I have no use for them and they are collecting dust in the unused downstairs "storage" room.
I have thought of keeping them in case I moved but I most likely will FORGET they are there and wrap up the item in packaging material and put in box.

Christmas time if I need a box, I usually like to get those pretty decorated Christmas gift boxes instead.

Gonna toss them (recycle). I live in a townhouse so we usually have a spot for recycle and dumpster and sometimes people go through the boxes section to "steal" a box hehe

Oct 16, 2007, 3:23 AM
Me dus Tash.. for me teddy bears... have mentioned me babies jus 1ce or twice but me has a collection of teddies (mainly Steiff) wich me has since me wos a babba.. ther r jus 1 or 2... me flat is pretty big but it aint got enuff space 2 store me babies boxes... so me dad has a large corner of is attic devoted 2 em... ne thin else gets used so not gonna keep the boxes for that ole tat!

Now of course we hav the lil short cake, wot wos bought for Lou an given 2 er on day 1? Ya has it in 1...??? Only the luffliest Steiff Panda ya cud eva imagine... so now that ther 2 of us collectin teddies.. God knows wer they all gonna go now!!! An if me dad eva dus move e will need a removal van jus for the teddy boxes!

Oct 16, 2007, 3:54 PM

Oct 17, 2007, 1:00 PM
I keep the box I arrived in :eek:

It has a lining of earth in from the old country - keeps me nice and safe during the hours of daylight :bigrin:

Oct 18, 2007, 2:31 AM
Only for things that I might need to return under warranty, like electronics, as mentioned above. Once they're out of warranty I recycle the cardboard and throw out the styrofoam.