View Full Version : Nothing to wear.....

Oct 15, 2007, 1:45 PM
So I have a closet FULL of clothes, some I bought and haven't worn yet, some I wear all the time, some I hadn't worn in years and should give away.

SO THEN WHY...... are there moments I look in there and go "I have nothing to wear!!" lol

Its especially a pain when its summer/fall or winter/spring cause its hard to tell if its cold or warm outside and you'll put on the wrong top.

Its the same with food... you have a pantry/fridge/freezer FULL of tasty things to eat but you don't know what you want, decide "Theres nothing to eat!" lol

Is there a reason why we think this?? we can clearly see theres pently to wear or eat yet we think their is nothing.

Oct 15, 2007, 3:30 PM
Think about what happens when we open the Fridge. We look, and we see that shiny red apple, but than our damn mind slips in and says...

"Oh there must be something tastier that that apple!" So we continue to look, we spot the leftover pasta, naaaaa must be some thing tastier than that. Oh maybe those brownies. Naaaaa, Boy there must be something here i can eat!!"

And so it goes on. The quest for something tastier, something better if you will. And in terms of nutrition its just food :-)

The same for clothes.

"Do i wear that sweather and jeans today? NO the tan Capri's are nicer and that sexy low cut shirt. But then there is that cute otfiit, but i donlt want to wear green today!" And does that sweather sit because it's old and worn? Probably not, probably because its been replaced, replaced by somethnig newer, better, nicer.

Nothing wrong with newer, or better, or tastier, just as long as we pay attention and are aware of whats going on in that tricky little mind of ours. If not carefull it's a neverending circle.

Oct 15, 2007, 3:40 PM

I finally settled on jeans and a red turtleneck shirt. Just cause I didn't want to wear a jacket if it was cool out which I would have to if I had a T-shirt on. LOL

Now for food..... right now I should have some lunch... but the cake on the counter is more tastier and screaming "EAT ME!!!" but nooooooo
gotta have something proper for lunch and cake is not proper lunch time food. Yet, its sitting there...... ummmm its a good thing I can't say no to pasta hehe
Now thats better and healther than cake for lunch! :)

The mind is so mysterious..... :)

Oct 15, 2007, 4:56 PM
That feeling when nothing you own seems right to wear, you are supposed to go naked.

Oct 15, 2007, 5:25 PM
1 thing me has always been jus a lil meticulous on...an thats makin sure me has clothes an shoes for every occasion ready an 2 hand..an if me don, wich in god knows how many years has jus neva happened.... well wud jus havta go out an get sum.. seems logical 2 me.. have often looked at me wardrobe an sed.. "jeez... dunno wot 2 wear"... 1 thing me has neva sed is "Christ... me has nuthin 2 wear!"

the mage
Oct 15, 2007, 7:58 PM
Spoiled children need bare bum spankings and all their pretty things given to charity..:(

Oct 15, 2007, 7:58 PM

Now for food..... right now I should have some lunch... but the cake on the counter is more tastier and screaming "EAT ME!!!" but nooooooo
gotta have something proper for lunch and cake is not proper lunch time food. Yet, its sitting there...... ummmm its a good thing I can't say no to pasta hehe
Now thats better and healther than cake for lunch! :)


Have you seen the old Bill Cosby movie where he's going to make eggs and toast for his youngest child, but the girl asks for cake? He reads the ingredients to discover they are eggs, milk, and flour, which is what he was going to give the kid anyway, so he gives her the cake. The older children come down and have a fit and then they get cake, too. Then Mom comes in... I often think of him when I'm dealing with my own children.

Oct 16, 2007, 4:07 AM
Spoiled children need bare bum spankings and all their pretty things given to charity..:(

An them that try that wud ratha they hadn even thotta it by time me had finished wiv em....

The spankin is ok tho...don need 2 go 2 takin me stuff down the charity shop 2 hav nice time doin that:bigrin: ... but u lesser mortal Magie.. so u don qualify as a spanker!!!:tong:

Oct 16, 2007, 4:24 AM
Have you seen the old Bill Cosby movie where he's going to make eggs and toast for his youngest child, but the girl asks for cake? He reads the ingredients to discover they are eggs, milk, and flour, which is what he was going to give the kid anyway, so he gives her the cake. The older children come down and have a fit and then they get cake, too. Then Mom comes in... I often think of him when I'm dealing with my own children.

Wen Lou grows up bit..she jus gonna havta put up wiv the toast.. eggs 2.. longas they hard boiled... pretty gud at hard boiled!! No gud forya bread or toast soldiers tho....

TF we dus hav a cook in the house!!! But it aint me.. tee hee

Oct 16, 2007, 4:55 AM
So I have a closet FULL of clothes, some I bought and haven't worn yet, some I wear all the time, some I hadn't worn in years and should give away.

SO THEN WHY...... are there moments I look in there and go "I have nothing to wear!!" lol


Fantastic News. You are fulfilling one of your specific tasks as a successful woman.
We've been doing it since Mrs Ug Lug in her cave looked at the selection of skins and bewailed "I have nothing to wear." and made Mr Ug Lug kill another mastadon.

Actually, therapy would be probably required if you didn't say such things.
I say that exact thing maybe 7 times a week. :bigrin:

Retail therapy is the best cure.

Oct 16, 2007, 9:13 AM
Retail therapy is always gud...don need 2 b shorta clothes an hav nowt 2 wear for that!!:bigrin: Its wot we do!!!

Oct 16, 2007, 9:48 AM
Am i the only female who hates going shopping unless it's for a holiday or a new car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 16, 2007, 10:29 AM
A car??? Hol?? ova clothes??? an shoes??? jeez... leelee... didn know ther wer girls like that.... the hol..afta clothes an shoes an stuff...ya havta show em off afta all..... but the car??? god neva ova lookin nice...

Oct 16, 2007, 11:03 AM
sorry but yes would rather have a sporty little number that u can take the top down than new shoes anyday xxxxx

Oct 16, 2007, 12:55 PM
ooo yas rude... double entendre.. tee hee