View Full Version : Playboy article on sexuality

Oct 14, 2007, 11:59 AM
The new Playboy for November, on page 72 has a article called "Why are you straight?" which has a paragraph that bothers me. It says:

. . . what about men who claim to be aroused by both genders? A study by Michael Bailey at Northwestern University suggests that bisexuality may not exist. His team attached a device to the penises of 30 straight, 38 gay and 33 bisexual men to measure blood flow as each was shown straight and gay porn. About 75 percent of the men who claimed to be bisexual had blood flow to the penis only while watching gay porn; the other 25 percent only while watching straight porn. It's possible that a man exists who gets excited watching both types of porn, but Bailey is skeptical. "For men," he says, "arousal is orientation."

From my own experiences, one is seldom 50/50 in attraction. It's more like 60/40 or 75/25 so arousal could not happen when viewing a person of the same sex, but that does not mean that there is not a mental connection or a love for the same sex.

I'd be interested in knowing what the group thinks. And do you think this article just validates the belief that bisexual people don't really exist?

Oct 14, 2007, 12:35 PM
Gay porn turns me off, M/F couple doesnt do much and somehow, only F/F porn has had any effect on me in past few years. Yet I only fantasized about guys in the past 6+ months and have no desire to start a relation with a girl atm.

Both sexual attraction and arousal to different image type/fantasy change over time. Having a stat of mind now doesnt mean you cant be different later on. I believe most studies shown here that discredit bisexualities to be flawed. To have a real idea of what bisexuality is, you have to follow the same group of people as they go through the different stages and their attraction ratio changes. I have yet to hear anyone on this site comment about having a static ratio of attraction.

There was a discussion a while back on that and it was clear that arousal to porn is not orientation. And I wouldnt take anything from a magazine like that seriously. Also, they have about 100 people. How does 100 people represent the whole population of over 6 billions people? How were they selected? Through an ad in the magazine? On gay/straight porn sites? I find it hard to believe that no bisexual in the group was aroused by both straight and gay porn. I mean, even if I dont like gay porn, im pretty sure if I was "forced" to watch some, it would be hard for me to not have a hard on.

If you want real numbers, try having the same experiment with people from here, you will see quite a difference.

(Did I make any sense? Im not sure I followed the topic you brought >.> )

Oct 14, 2007, 1:32 PM
What if all the women on this porn thing were just ugly?

Just a thought.

Oct 14, 2007, 1:42 PM
I have to defer to Playboy as the ultimate authority on bisexuality. But it seems strange to me that men who are aroused by both sexes have not yet wrapped sensors around their own cocks and watched porn, not necessarily to validate or refute the study, but just because it sounds like fun.

Oct 14, 2007, 2:48 PM
We've been discussing the article, the BS study, and everything here:


Yes it is possible to be equal in your attractions.

This happens to me and other people I'm friends with and it's hard to explain to others who it doesn't happen to.

Oct 14, 2007, 4:00 PM
Yeah, we've hashed this one over a lot. So many factors go into attraction for Bisexuals, and the fact is gay porn is often Craptastic with straight men do the "Gay for Pay" game. Those of us able to notice the difference simply don't get aroused byt it. Same with the women in porn, you can tell when they are putting on an act. If you can tell, will you sport wood? Not likely.

And don't get me started on the straight or F/F porn out there. In the last year most of my fantasies are female based (60%) abd the remainder are male based (40%), and that's mainly because I can't find anything good to look at or mull over in the male stuff online. Otherwise it would be reversed, I can assure you.

Without knowing anything these guys made a study indicative of nothing, that unfortunately is going to repercuss our community for as many years as the gays stating,"There is no such thing as a male bisexual, they're all in denial."

Wonder how many years it will take for us to push this one into the commode like the prior assertion.....

Oct 14, 2007, 4:12 PM
"Gay" for pay doesn't exist and it's just a marketing ploy.

Those guys are really bi or gay but just marketed as being "straight" since it's fetishized and sells more.

If a guy's really hetero he's not going to want to have sex with other men (in porn no less where everyone can see it) at all.

If the fantasy of have sex with a real hetero guy is a big turn-on for you then by all means 'believe' it.

They get seemingly jock/average guy next door gay/bi guys to appear as "straight" in videos, where they are directed them to appear more aloof and standoffish…while the other, more "gay-appearing," guy plays the more eager to engage card.

Sites like Corbin Fisher/Sean Cody are phony as hell, IMO.

The blueprint is usually the same:

• "Straight" guy first does a few solo masturbation videos.
• "Straight" guy then engages in some "platonic" j/o videos with another guy.
• "Straight" guy is eventually coerced into allowing another guy to service/bottom for him.
• "Straight" guy then makes a video where he dares to kiss/blow/bottom for the other guy.
• Finally, the guy is no longer "straight".

The formula is basically the "straight man corrupted," except for the supposedly straight guy more than likely already was before he got on camera.

Lesbian porn does absolutely NOTHING for me, even when they do vaginal fisting.

It's not erotic or arousing at all and it's just plain boring and there aren't any men or real penises in it.

Oct 14, 2007, 10:56 PM
It's possible that a man exists who gets excited watching both types of porn, but Bailey is skeptical. "For men," he says, "arousal is orientation."

So who the hell died and put Bailey in charge of definitions?


Oct 15, 2007, 6:23 AM
Why do bisexuals need validation from those that are not bisexual?

Does it matter what they think? Really, who cares. The world is filled with injustices, this could be one of many, that's all. I think it's important to be honest with those close to you, the others.. are irrelevant.

I don't believe that many of the 'straight' people in society are totally straight either. So maybe I'm as bad as those who question bisexuality.

Keep in mind we're talking about humans here, many of which are quite stupid, ignorant,etc. But some are good!