View Full Version : humane?

Oct 14, 2007, 5:33 AM

Oct 14, 2007, 1:31 PM
This page of the site says it all: http://www.petakillsanimals.com/article_detail.cfm?article=134

[Warning- controversial views ahead :soapbox:]

Don't get me started on animal rights activists/groups. Like most people, I'm against pointless, malicious cruelty to animals but what these animal rights groups fail to realise is that eating meat and animal testing (for the purpose of medicine) are necessary [in most cases] for human survival (I'll get onto the issue of vegetarianism later).

It especially annoys me when animal rights terrorists [yes, let's call them what they actually are] smash up laboratories and terrorise the families of people who work there. Did it ever once occur to them that this research might actually save thousands of lives. To be honest, if these animal rights extremists hate animal testing THAT much then they should refuse any medicine that involved animal testing at any stage in its development. This would save the NHS money and it would also teach them the folly of their extremism as most live-saving medicine was developed through animal testing [one example is Insulin, which was originally produced/developed using animals (I don't think it is now though) - if there had been no animal testing then millions of diabetics would have needlessly died].

As for vegetarianism, I have absolutely no problem with this. If people want to choose a vegetarian lifestyle for whatever reason [religion, views on eating meat etc..] then I'm absolutely fine with that. However, when people try to push vegetarian propaganda or harass people for not being vegetarian then I begin to take issue.

sorry about the controversial political rant.

Izzfan :flag3:

Oct 14, 2007, 1:58 PM
Maybe PETA should move its headquarters to Puerto Rico...Seems like they have something in common...They all make me sick


Oct 15, 2007, 10:52 AM
Maybe PETA should move its headquarters to Puerto Rico...Seems like they have something in common...They all make me sick


Why not hold meetings at Michael Vick's house too? !

Oct 15, 2007, 1:09 PM

normally, i wouldn't get involved, but this is a very one-sided debate. peta does lots of good things too, like helping to convict people who are guilty of animal abuse and strengthening laws to protect animals.

my family does not eat meat for various reasons, and peta has lots of great resources to help us with that. i don't force my vegetarianism on any of my friends, but when they come over, i don't serve meat.

i'm not saying everything they do is great, i'm just saying that it's not necessary to throw out the whole system because part of it is flawed.

and before you ask, yes, i did go to the website. i don't agree with everything peta does, but at least they're doing something.

what have you done to further animal rights?

Oct 15, 2007, 2:04 PM
I volunteer my time and other resources to the local animal shelter(s) as well as other animal rescue missions. I have off and on throughout the years since I was in high school.

Oct 15, 2007, 2:11 PM
what have you done to further animal rights?
I never said I did. I just question the motives of groups like PETA.
On the other hand, I'm somewhat Earth centric in my spiritual perspective. I believe in honorable and ethical treatment of all living things. I don't flick cigarette butts. I don't use my car if it's somewhere close. I pick up trash when I go to local nature preserves. I don't harm or kill anything if I can help it. Just little things, day to day- try to be ethical, not be wasteful, and practice karma.
It brings a tear to my eye when I think of all my secret spots in the woods of Florida and Maryland, and how most are now covered by concrete. I don't think of things in terms of animal or human rights. For some reason a lot of folks think the two are in direct opposition to one another. I beg to differ. As Henry Miller so tersely stated in 'The Air Conditioned Nightmare' (an analysis of American society in the 40's from a spiritual as well as aesthetic perspective) "Nowhere else in the world is the divorce between man and nature so complete."
Oh, and call them terrorists if you like. I think the Earth Liberation Front is freakin' cool, and you can tell the scum-fucks in congress I think so.
Someone has to stand up to the corporate machine and assert some sanity.
Wish they'd set their sights on the sugar industry, which pretty much runs my pathetic excuse for a state.

Oct 15, 2007, 4:37 PM
I do have to ask though--from where does the Center for Consumer Freedom or whatever it is spring from????

Based upon the sound of the name--it may be one of those fronts for some very far right organization that also has has the backing of the industry groups that PETA has attacked. They seem soley to exist to counter PETA adn that smacks of a front for an industry trade group or coalition of groups taking on PETA.

I do admit I am not really a big fan of PETA---I don't really trust organizations when then get so big and have such a rather limited focal point, and I do think that the policies promoted by PETA are pretty extreme.

If this organization is a rightwing think tank/industry front group---I would be circumspect about the "facts" they report here----

Just like with everything else these days----the veracity of "facts" pretty much resides in the eyes of the beholder.

Regrettably, such is true with far too many organizations and people at every point on the political/ideolgogical spectrum I am afraid.

Oct 15, 2007, 9:17 PM
They are libertarian in bent. . .but at least consider that in this one, they're right.

Blind squirrels, broken watches and all of that.


Oct 15, 2007, 9:29 PM
And lets not forget about groups that are so opposed to forestry that they "spike" trees to prevent them from being forested, yet kill them in the process. I guess scorched earth works for more than one thing.

Killing for sport and pleasure is cruel and abhorrent, but we are an omnivorous species and we will eat anything that keeps us alive, so killing for food is different.

Many folks in these supposed animal rights terror groups refuse to realize that animals are part of the world and part of the food chain. As are we. No, I don't mean cannibalism. Not to jump to a Disney song cue, but we are part of the circle of life.
Once these folks get it through their heads that there is a gray area in this and it is not black and white as they think, then it would be better for everyone.

Here's one we saw at the Food and Wine Festival this weekend.

People for the
Eating of

And my personal favorite, which I came up with a long time ago -- "salad; It's what "what's for dinner" eats."

Oct 16, 2007, 12:14 AM
I am completely against animal testing. It just stresses out the animals when they can't get the right answers.

Oct 16, 2007, 3:49 AM
Actually Wordsie me argees wivya 100% ther... the nos of instances of ther bein massive probs wen a drug an often a cosmetic is marketed are many an legendary. Can it b that animal testin aint quite the panacea the research institutes, pharmaceutical an cosmetics industries wud hav us believe...??? The biology of animals is similar to human beins.. it aint the same.. an thats a prob that is all 2 often ignored.. wot works on a mouse or a rat or dog aint necessarily gonna hav the same effect on us.. an subsequent human testin don always bring out the side effects an dangers till years afta the event! By then of course its 2 late an milionsa poor miserable animals hav suffered to no beneficial effect 2 humanity.. we r a luffly species sumtimes...

The sufferin of ne livin creature is summat we as so called thinkin an compassionate beins shud abhor an condemn an demand is stopped... if usin animals as "labrats" is all we can cum up wiv 2 make progress then we aint as smart as we think we r...