View Full Version : this is not goodbye..

Oct 12, 2007, 8:14 AM
..but rather cu later.

i don't want it to seem like i'm tossing gum after it has lost all its flavour but even i can draw comparisons. i truly appreciate all the help that i have received and i thank everyone that has given me advice. i honestly don't think i would have been able to come this far without the wise words. one piece of advice that i actually do need to follow is that this forum is only a stepping stone along my bi journey, rather than a means to finding someone. the combination of talking to someone that i click with and for it to be physically possible to meet them is rare, if not impossible. and i've come to realise more than ever that nobody has all the right answers to my problems, no matter how much reading they've done or life they've experienced. i need to make my own mistakes and learn accordingly.

reading and replying to the posts has taking so much of my limited time that i haven't been able to do the thing that i've needed to do all along, socialise with real people.

i will most likely be back when i struggle with coming out to more people, or maybe after i have my heart broken after my first bi encounter, just because this is the largest bi community that i will probably ever know and there is such safety in numbers.

plus, u don't have to tell me that i'll be missed. i never really got that close to anyone nor did i contribute that much. i don't have the experience to provide much advice so i really only received without giving (sorry for being selfish but it's true).

i started this thread (instead of disappearing without a word) in case i actually made an impression on at least one person here, rather than being an unnoticed shadow that drifts in and out of lives....like i normally do.

wow, i'm actually sad now :(

Oct 12, 2007, 9:14 PM
Naive - good luck to you as you embark upon yet another road in your journey of personel growth. May you find that which you search and may the potholes in the roads you travel be filled.

The best to you.

As always,


Oct 12, 2007, 11:50 PM
Safe Journey:)


Oct 13, 2007, 9:47 AM
Methinks that is a great thing . . . right on! There comes a point where the next logical step is the actual doing and living of life, all the talking and thinking, discussion and dissection has it's place. But there comes the time "to do life". Nothing, and I mean NOTHING replaces the experience of actual real life living, I think that's where some of the real "discoveries" take place. Right on and God speed and "warm whispers" in your journey.

Oct 13, 2007, 9:34 PM
plus, u don't have to tell me that i'll be missed. i never really got that close to anyone nor did i contribute that much. i don't have the experience to provide much advice so i really only received without giving (sorry for being selfish but it's true).

i started this thread (instead of disappearing without a word) in case i actually made an impression on at least one person here, rather than being an unnoticed shadow that drifts in and out of lives....like i normally do.

You are wrong naive.... You have contributed a great deal, and you will be missed. I have always enjoyed your posts. And you have not gone un-noticed. And like a great deal of others in here, you have made an impression on me.

But I can respect your decision, for I am about to do the same.

Even though I shall continue to read what others have to say, I have decided that I shall no longer (after this) post anything in here. Not because I do not want to, but because it might be getting improper for me to do so.

This forum, as a whole, is populated by some of the most intelligent and interesting people that I have ever, thus far, met in my life. They present me with new approaches and points of view on, not only sexuality, but any number of other subjects. They have been a sounding board for my thoughts and they often force me to re-evaluate some of my positions on things.

But, unfortunately, I seem to have this penchant for getting myself mis-understood. And that can lead to all sorts of disagreements, and arguments, and hurt feelings. And I take no great pleasure in having that happen. In my attempts to try and be fair and open-minded and honest, I have said things that some of the members of our illustrious group have found to be sexist, or racist, or close-minded. I really do not believe that I am any of those things, but it is not what one is.... it is what one is perceived to be.

So I shall keep my mouth shut for a while.... I am sure it will please those who do not much care for my rather annoying and oblique sense of humor.

Good luck to ya, and come back soon.
