View Full Version : Dating: The Number One Reason to Stay in a Bad Relationship

Oct 9, 2007, 3:31 PM
I come asking your advice today. Granted I was married for 17 years, been divorced one, and dated him for 2, so it's been 20 years since I've had a first date, until recently. But when did making moves to get laid in the first 10 minutes come into vogue?

I met a guy in the grocery store the other night. He asked me for my phone number and I gave him my business card. He called that night and within 4 minutes asked if I had big thighs because he just loved big thighs and could he come right over to fuck me? Could you maybe talk to me for more than 4 minutes?

I've spent a total of 27 minutes IM'ing and talking to a guy I met online and he suggested that during our first meeting at a coffeehouse tonight, we could go over to his office next door and he could flog me. I'd love to be flogged, but, um, my submission is an earned trust, so I don't think so.

I am not a prude, and come to think of it, I did sleep with my exhusband on our first date, but I certainly enjoyed the evening of seduction to get there. And as for kissing, what's up with this licking my tonsils? The slip of the tongue should be a highly erotic moment, and to answer another post here, I love to deep throat a man, but not his damn tongue! Eww. My beagle has less invasive dog kisses than any of the men I've kissed in the last few months.

I could go on, but I'll spare you. Did I miss something in the last 20 years? Or have I run across a rash of desperate men? Looking forward to your advice.

the mage
Oct 9, 2007, 3:41 PM
Well, I'm male and even I, (long attached) find men I meet for play to be over aggressive. I dislike being tonsil tickled with tongue, ever, never mind the first kiss.. Steady build up of passion is best.

Oct 9, 2007, 7:56 PM
Well I don't know if you've missed something but I think I might have because I
don't think that all guys are that desperate but maybe I'm wrong who knows.

For the tonsil hockey thing well french kissing is one thing but when you get a
giant tongue shoved down your throat and you don't want it there then yea
that can be a bad thing.

I wonder if one's upbringing has anything to do with the guys that your finding
because I for one don't expect sex or anything really on the first date other than
a kiss maybe but that would be the end of the night and possibly the end of the

Oct 9, 2007, 8:28 PM
Dear High,

“Go Fish” These low fore-headed Neanderthals are the ones operating from the position of desperation. They are the throw-backs and the discarded who often talk big but carry a very little stick anyway. Fortunately for you, the sea is very big and you need change nothing but perhaps the location of where you fish. Settle for nothing but the best. You deserve it!

Abby aka <<God>>

PS and you can leave your hat on;)

Oct 9, 2007, 10:50 PM
I come asking your advice today. Granted I was married for 17 years, been divorced one, and dated him for 2, so it's been 20 years since I've had a first date, until recently. But when did making moves to get laid in the first 10 minutes come into vogue?

I met a guy in the grocery store the other night. He asked me for my phone number and I gave him my business card. He called that night and within 4 minutes asked if I had big thighs because he just loved big thighs and could he come right over to fuck me? Could you maybe talk to me for more than 4 minutes?

I've spent a total of 27 minutes IM'ing and talking to a guy I met online and he suggested that during our first meeting at a coffeehouse tonight, we could go over to his office next door and he could flog me. I'd love to be flogged, but, um, my submission is an earned trust, so I don't think so.

I am not a prude, and come to think of it, I did sleep with my exhusband on our first date, but I certainly enjoyed the evening of seduction to get there. And as for kissing, what's up with this licking my tonsils? The slip of the tongue should be a highly erotic moment, and to answer another post here, I love to deep throat a man, but not his damn tongue! Eww. My beagle has less invasive dog kisses than any of the men I've kissed in the last few months.

I could go on, but I'll spare you. Did I miss something in the last 20 years? Or have I run across a rash of desperate men? Looking forward to your advice.

"The hook-up" has replaced real-life dating in the past 4-5 years, which leaves people like me in the dust. I like to date. I like "the game", even though I suck at it.

Some would argue it's part of a full on coarsening or "pornification" of the culture, but I wouldn't blame it on that. I think it's more the fact that both sexes have devalued themselves... many men are selling themselves short as cock with a wallet. . .many women are crossing the line between sexy and slutty- - and both sexes confusing liberation w/ abdication of the responsibilities each human being has to one another... respect, honor, and genuine simple regard for one another's feelings beyond their groin.


Oct 10, 2007, 5:10 AM
"The hook-up" has replaced real-life dating in the past 4-5 years, which leaves people like me in the dust. I like to date. I like "the game", even though I suck at it.

Some would argue it's part of a full on coarsening or "pornification" of the culture, but I wouldn't blame it on that. I think it's more the fact that both sexes have devalued themselves... many men are selling themselves short as cock with a wallet. . .many women are crossing the line between sexy and slutty- - and both sexes confusing liberation w/ abdication of the responsibilities each human being has to one another... respect, honor, and genuine simple regard for one another's feelings beyond their groin.


Pure quality, as ever, from you TM