View Full Version : Passively coming out further

Oct 9, 2007, 2:47 PM
I started up a Facebook account a few weeks ago and I have down in my Bio that I am a "happily married bisexual mother of two..."blah blah blah.

Then, in a moment of weakness, I sent out invitations to join to everyone...including my extended family. So now everyone can find out an either ask or not ask because I am just tired of some people knowing and others not.

Just thought I'd share. :-)

Oct 9, 2007, 3:00 PM

I hope you edited your entry as soon as you realised - you might have got away scot free

Skater Boy
Oct 9, 2007, 3:05 PM
Then, in a moment of weakness, I sent out invitations to join to everyone...including my extended family. So now everyone can find out an either ask or not ask because I am just tired of some people knowing and others not.

Was it a moment of weakness, Herbie? Or was it actually a moment of STRENGTH?

The greatest journeys must always start with a single step.

Was it passive? Not totally... maybe slightly indirect, but you've made some kind of move, and in doing so you've defeated our old enemy Inaction.

I'd just like to state that the first time I ever came out officially to another person was via SMS (text message) on a mobile phone.

It was similarly indirect (and some might say cowardly). But served its purpose, and now after we talked about it some more, that person accepts who I am.

I say "Good for you!" as long as you're reasonably ready to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Oct 9, 2007, 3:08 PM
Well put, boi.

Oct 9, 2007, 3:10 PM
True - SkaterBoi and Azrael

Perhaps it was a Freudian slip ...

Oct 9, 2007, 3:57 PM
Very well put Skater boy. Yeah that's pretty much the case. I did it intentionally because I'm just sick of hiding, sick of pretending to be something I'm not and tired of waiting for "the right time".

At 40, I'm just too damned old to play these games anymore so I put it out there for everyone to see. People who want to be in my life and accept me for who I am will stay. Those who are not really my friends won't and if they don't it is completely their issue cause I am DONE hiding.

My extremely fundamentalist Christian sister accepted the invitation so we'll see what happens. The pink hair might be a bit of a shock, too :-D

Oct 9, 2007, 4:12 PM
I started up a Facebook account a few weeks ago and I have down in my Bio that I am a "happily married bisexual mother of two..."blah blah blah.

Then, in a moment of weakness, I sent out invitations to join to everyone...including my extended family. So now everyone can find out an either ask or not ask because I am just tired of some people knowing and others not.

Just thought I'd share. :-)

Triff herbwoman... don sound a moment of weakness 2 me.. mayb daftness.... mite jus b a very liberatin experience..me hopes so.... lotsa snogs...:tong:

Oct 9, 2007, 4:18 PM
If your fundementalist sister gives you any shit, suggest she go make friends with a prostitute like her saviour did. :eek: It's just too easy to fuck with the church people's minds.

Oct 9, 2007, 4:39 PM
At 40, I'm just too damned old to play these games anymore so I put it out there for everyone to see. People who want to be in my life and accept me for who I am will stay. Those who are not really my friends won't and if they don't it is completely their issue cause I am DONE hiding.

My extremely fundamentalist Christian sister accepted the invitation so we'll see what happens. The pink hair might be a bit of a shock, too :-D

Good for you!


Oct 9, 2007, 4:41 PM
If your fundementalist sister gives you any shit, suggest she go make friends with a prostitute like her saviour did. :eek: It's just too easy to fuck with the church people's minds.

That a triff idea HE babes???... Mary Magdalen wosnt a prostitute... thats a pieca crap that the church started spreadin about sum time round the 4th century...sure as hell don say owt bout it in the the booka fairy tales... cool pieca libel an character assassination by pwerful an self servin arsehole men:female:....

But ifya dus believe wot the book sez e did assort wiv sum dodgy peeps.... an no 1 wos exempt from is nurture... the kirk kinda lost tracka that in the mistsa time..:tong:

Oct 9, 2007, 4:53 PM
That a triff idea HE babes???... Mary Magdalen wosnt a prostitute... thats a pieca crap that the church started spreadin about sum time round the 4th century...sure as hell don say owt bout it in the the booka fairy tales... cool pieca libel an character assassination by pwerful an self servin arsehole men:female:....

But ifya dus believe wot the book sez e did assort wiv sum dodgy peeps.... an no 1 wos exempt from is nurture... the kirk kinda lost tracka that in the mistsa time..:tong:

You're right, Mary Magdelene was NOT the prostitute, and was the first to spread the gospel and quite respected, and yes it was the male dominated church who couldn't handle her feminity, power and sexuality.

Let's not forget that He cured the Roman's slave boi. That shows acceptance of homosexuality!

And whatever it is you're yacking about in that last sentence, I wish I could understand Scottish.... :tong:

Oct 9, 2007, 5:28 PM
You're right, Mary Magdelene was NOT the prostitute, and was the first to spread the gospel and quite respected, and yes it was the male dominated church who couldn't handle her feminity, power and sexuality.

Let's not forget that He cured the Roman's slave boi. That shows acceptance of homosexuality!

And whatever it is you're yacking about in that last sentence, I wish I could understand Scottish.... :tong:

God HE hun... not u an all.. it aint scots.. believe me on that.... an ya'll soon pik it up..but since yas newish.. me do summat me don often do for ne 1.. me Franslate....

"But ifya dus believe wot the book sez e did assort wiv sum dodgy peeps.... an no 1 wos exempt from is nurture... the kirk kinda lost tracka that in the mistsa time.."

"But if you do believe what the book says, he (jesus) did assort with some unsavoury characters.. and no one was exempt from his nurture... the church lost track of that in the mists of time"

See? Franspeak aint so hard is it???:tong:

Oct 10, 2007, 6:04 AM
Triff herbwoman... don sound a moment of weakness 2 me.. mayb daftness.... mite jus b a very liberatin experience..me hopes so.... lotsa snogs...:tong:

Daftness is another good term for it. My sis hasn't said hi, boo, or kiss my ass yet, but there IS a great deal of information on my page for her to absorb, the LEAST of which is the hair ;-)

I can honestly say I feel better now that I've done this. And if I get scared, I can always blame it on the Darvocet :-D

Oct 10, 2007, 8:47 AM
Daftness is another good term for it. My sis hasn't said hi, boo, or kiss my ass yet, but there IS a great deal of information on my page for her to absorb, the LEAST of which is the hair ;-)

I can honestly say I feel better now that I've done this. And if I get scared, I can always blame it on the Darvocet :-D

Lol Herbwoman... personally me reckons in mos peeps cases the hair is far more important than the substance of ther lives... ther lives r ther biz an how they live em is fine wiv me long as they happy an not harmin ne 1.. wiv hair..we havta look at it!!! muahs :tong:

Long asya happy an feel betta hun..aint that the object of the excercise?? 2 exorcise a few ghosts an 2 scare the crap outa ya sis wiv the hair!!!:bigrin:

Oct 10, 2007, 10:47 AM
You're right, Mary Magdelene was NOT the prostitute, and was the first to spread the gospel and quite respected, and yes it was the male dominated church who couldn't handle her feminity, power and sexuality.

Let's not forget that He cured the Roman's slave boi. That shows acceptance of homosexuality!

And whatever it is you're yacking about in that last sentence, I wish I could understand Scottish.... :tong:

OT, real quick:

Where does it say that the Centurion's Servant was homosexual?

I've been getting that one alot, and honestly... I'm not seeing it... is it directly in the Bible or in extra biblical sources? I've read that story quite a few times, along with commentary on the passage by both Christian and non-Christian authorities and that wasn't mentioned.


Oct 10, 2007, 1:31 PM
I'm damned proud of you, girl! Ya done good!

Wish I had the cojones to out myself to the rest of my family:rolleyes:.

Oct 10, 2007, 3:49 PM
Dont listen to a word Frances says Herbwoman. What does she know about hair do's? Little Ms Vanity is in fact the Wild Woman of Shalott when it comes to hair. I have to look at that.

Oct 10, 2007, 3:52 PM
im 14 in a month and have just this minute come out to my foster carer she re-acted ok but my mum is an alcoholic and my dad is very strick how am i supposed to tell them??? i would put that im bisexual on my bebo page but none of my family are on that and it wouldnt get back to them please help me please :(

Oct 10, 2007, 4:00 PM
Dont listen to a word Frances says Herbwoman. What does she know about hair do's? Little Ms Vanity is in fact the Wild Woman of Shalott when it comes to hair. I have to look at that.

Wot??? WILD Woman of Shalott?? Jeez!!! Me likes me hair.... cost me a bomg 2 gerrit like this!!! An keep it!!!

Oct 10, 2007, 6:43 PM
I did something similar, it does make it allot easier on you.

Oct 10, 2007, 7:16 PM
Thanks for the support guys :-D Speaking of hair, I got a new cut today so check out my profile pic.

My sis *did* drop me a quick note and she WAS shocked by the hair and said as much but I don't think she read my profile because she didn't say anything about it...just mentioned she was working loads of OT and asked for my addy and phone #....two things she could have gotten from my profile.

<pouts a bit> You don't like my hair Fran? But it's such a pretty shade of pink. And pink occurs in nature. Look at flowers! And there's also cotton candy! And frosting! See? I'm adding to the beauty of nature with my hair ;-)

Oct 10, 2007, 8:29 PM
just wanted to say how much i admire your bravery. took balls to do what you did. thanx for being a trailblazer.


Oct 10, 2007, 11:39 PM
At 40, I'm just too damned old to play these games anymore so I put it out there for everyone to see. People who want to be in my life and accept me for who I am will stay. Those who are not really my friends won't and if they don't it is completely their issue cause I am DONE hiding.

I'll echo the sentiments of admiration for having it "out there" with no apologies. :)

I have found Facebook to be an interesting place to learn more about the lives of friends, and for others, including family, to learn about me. Some of the family see a little less of my profile than others, but they still get to see other things that show that I'm not a straight guy. I was curious one day to see if anyone would react to seeing, in their news feed, "(my real name) joined the group Beers With Random Queers". ;)

Oct 11, 2007, 1:03 AM
Congrats Herbwoman. I'm proud of you. *winks*

Facebook is fun. I've found people on there I haven't seen since I was like 8 or 9!!! It's fun to reconnect to people you lost contact with or don't get to see very much in person.

and you look adorable with pink hair.