View Full Version : Male endowment: What is average?

Oct 9, 2007, 11:47 AM
I have seen many references to male endowment as being short, long or "average". The same with thick, thin or "average". I'd like to know what "average" really means. Has there ever been a survey done to find out the range in size of the male apendage, the frequency or distribution of these sizes, etc? I'd like to consider myself as long and thick, of course, but I may be only short and thin in comparison to "average". How would I know? How about doing a survey on this subject if not already done? What are you guys? What do you think? :yinyang:

Skater Boy
Oct 9, 2007, 11:54 AM
Average, from what I've been told, is between 5 and 6 inches. Give or take a bit. I'm not sure what the average girth is though...

Oct 9, 2007, 12:44 PM
1-3"=micro penis
9"+=Horse hung!

Oct 9, 2007, 1:35 PM
I've been trained to say that the average penis length is 5-7".

In my experience this holds fairly true... 6" being about average and 1" being about the standard deviation in each direction.

That said, I've seen my share of 8" penises in my wanderings through life... they are not particularly "rare." Neither are 4" ones.

The <=3" and >=9" ones do seem to be fairly rare though, in my experience.

Oct 9, 2007, 1:42 PM
Average is one inch shorter than you say yours is online.

Oct 9, 2007, 2:12 PM
According to the most recent meta-analytical studies, where they looked at and summarized the results of many studies, the average male length is 5.2 inches.

Interestingly enough, studies have indicated that there actually are racial differences in penis size, with african-descended males having the largest average length, and asian males having the shortest average length.

but, i agree, knowing scientists, i suspect that the data is always consistent in indicating that average is just slightly smaller than the lead researcher's penis, assuming it's a male researcher.

Oct 9, 2007, 2:28 PM
Cut.. size don matta..orrible.. Uncut?? sum times passable sumtimes orrible.. tee hee:bigrin:

Oct 9, 2007, 3:17 PM
Cut.. size don matta..orrible.. Uncut?? sum times passable sumtimes orrible.. tee hee:bigrin:

Girl I agree, nobody's penis should be cut and that circumcision is horrible.

It's an outdated and barbaric practise of genital mutilation in the west that's done under the myths that "it's cleaner", "you won't get HIV if your penis is mutilated", "it's hard to keep clean" (ever hear of soap and water?), and the pointless idea that it's somehow needed for a religion/spirituality.

Also some kids' parents are vain and want their kid's penis to look like his dad's or they worry about him getting teased in a locker room. :rolleyes:

Oct 9, 2007, 3:31 PM
Girl I agree, nobody's penis should be cut and that circumcision is horrible.

It's an outdated and barbaric practise of genital mutilation in the west that's done under the myths that "it's cleaner", "you won't get HIV if your penis is mutilated", "it's hard to keep clean" (ever hear of soap and water?), and the pointless idea that it's somehow needed for a religion/spirituality.

Also some kids' parents are vain and want their kid's penis to look like his dad's or they worry about him getting teased in a locker room. :rolleyes:Actually DD me wosnt talkin nout the practice of cuttin lil babbas an stuff..wich me agrees is barbarism.. ya wanna get circumcised ya do it wen yas old enuff 2 conciously make the decision.... hav written on this before.. prob will gain... me wud prosecute every 1 involved make no bones bout it.. its assault at the very least, an disgustin mutilation of a child an shud b banned!!! Me wud throw the book at ne bastard who did it 2 a child.. an ne parent who sanctioned it!!! An that includes all medical personnel bein struck off!!!

But no hun..me wos talkin bout the appearance an general demeanour of sed willies... cut willie looks so effin awful, they also (listenin Curio) less fun 2 play wiv...an as me sed 1ce before..much less fulfillin so 2 speak...... uncut is a bit hit or miss but in general r much more easy on the eye....

Oct 9, 2007, 3:45 PM
Excerpts from About.com (http://sexuality.about.com/od/anatomyresponse/a/average_penis.htm?terms=penis+size) --

"The results from three studies of penis size where the measurements were taken in a laboratory setting give the following ranges:
* Average penis length (flaccid/not erect): from 3.4 inches to 3.7 inches (8.6 cm to 9.3 cm)
* Average penis length (erect): from 5.1 inches to 5.7 inches (12.9 cm to 14.5 cm)
* Average penis girth (circumference when erect): from 3.5 inches to 3.9 inches (8.8 cm to 10 cm)"

Also --
"There is much greater variation in size of flaccid (non-erect) penises than of penises when they are erect. A soft penis that looks large may be roughly the same size when erect as a soft penis that looks smaller."

And even more...
" * When measuring penis length, where do you start?
* Is penis girth measured at the base of the penis, at the glans (head), or around the shaft?
* Are the people measured in these studies representative of the general population?
* Do all studies include measurements taken by others, or self-reported measurements (which are historically bigger than measurements reported by others)?

Different studies answer these questions differently, which makes arriving at a single average penis size almost impossible. Also, many researchers believe that those who are willing to participate in a study about penis size may have larger than average penises, which would also skew the results."

(I like this last point especially! -- Gee, to think I could have been skewing the results of all those studies... :tong: )

the mage
Oct 9, 2007, 3:47 PM
From experience I can tell you thin guys have bigger dicks....

Oct 9, 2007, 3:59 PM
From experience I can tell you thin guys have bigger dicks....

I agree.

I also have found this to be true.

What is thin to you when describing a man's body?

I have many friends that fetishize thin men and I don't see anything wrong with this.

Oct 9, 2007, 4:02 PM
Thank you hudson9. That is interesting info. Are you, or any of you, aware of any other "scientific" surveys?

I would have to agree that thinner guys have bigger ones. Being a nudist I have the opportunity to see lots of them and from those observations alone, thinner guys are bigger, on "average".

Oct 9, 2007, 4:05 PM
Ultimately it should be choice, and I see no reason for parents to have choice. Let freedom ring, but to express personal opinion is just that. Personal opinion and nothing more. BE it the medical society or religious factors. I prefer cut but accept either as well. we are all unique in our quests in this life. We had no more choice when we came into this world or where. So the endowment will be what it is. Learn to love your penis and what it can do for you or another. Find pleasure in all you encounter in life if you can. You can make a change if you desire in how you choose for yourself or your children. These type of matters will not change in a day let alone a year. So I am sure you ask where am I on the scale. I am cut and 8 thick inches. Its been good and not so good. Depends on the limits or likes of your partner as well. But if you were to care there are always creative alternatives if it is worth it to you. For good sex it takes at least two.

Oct 9, 2007, 7:58 PM
I thank everyone for their replies and it has been quite interesting to read the remarks. However, I never intended this to get into a discussion of the pros and cons of being cut or not. I should think that would be a discussion for a different thread devoted to that topic alone. Perhaps someone should start one.

Oct 9, 2007, 8:10 PM
From experience I can tell you thin guys have bigger dicks....

you mean, a dick looks bigger on a smaller frame? like the str8 male stereotype that guys want girls with small hands and small mouths b/c it makes them look bigger? its all perception anyway.

If you ever read "the godfather" (this bit aint in the movie,) there's several pages devoted to Sonny who's got a big one, and one of the bridesmaids at his sister's wedding, who herself has a large vagina, and how these 2 freaks of nature fit together. the gist being: there's a match for your genitals out there somewhere. Its strangely romantic when you think about it. Or maybe i'm just a silly guinea.:bigrin:

Oct 9, 2007, 9:13 PM
you mean, a dick looks bigger on a smaller frame? like the str8 male stereotype that guys want girls with small hands and small mouths b/c it makes them look bigger? its all perception anyway.

I think the idea is more that if the fella has a spare tire, there's fat under the skin at the base of the penis, making the dick actually smaller.

In other words, one of the best penis enlargement programs is Weight Watchers :)

Oct 10, 2007, 12:09 AM
From experience I can tell you thin guys have bigger dicks....

My present partner is not thin and has a very big dick. Predictions of penis size based on other anatomical characteristics have lots of exceptions.


Oct 10, 2007, 12:52 AM
Keep it going. This is really getting interesting.

Oct 10, 2007, 2:21 PM
From experience I can tell you thin guys have bigger dicks....

A thicker fat layer and looser abdominal muscles can encroach on the part of the penis that is exposed to the world. While the penis remains the same size, I've heard that by tightening up the lower abdomen muscles and fat, as much as an inch or even two more of penis can show outside the body, depending on a person's fitness. Anyways, this is the logic I've heard to explain the thin guy/long penis observation.

Oct 10, 2007, 2:53 PM
Well, from one woman's perspective.............

I have not had the pleasure of being with too too many men, but the range is sizes is noteable. For me it did not matter what his size, but rather what he was able to do with it. That was all the difference.

I can relate a story to you. My hubby recently lost about 75 pounds. Looks better than ever and well I still am my curvy rubenesque self. Last December I had sugury on my cervix which remained tender for a while. When we finally got back into a routine I noticed that well, he seemed a bit larger. I thought that I was imagining it. I even jokingly said that my doctor as a favor had tightened everything up. Turns out...it is because he lost his cute bellie that made him appear and feel much larger than his already well endowed self.


Oct 10, 2007, 3:55 PM
From experience I can tell you thin guys have bigger dicks....

Another possibility is that having a lower body mass index correlates with fitness in general. It is possible that more thin guys have better cardiovascular health.

If so, better cardiovascular fitness can definitely promote more frequent, more sustained, and fuller erections.

So it could just be that thinner, more fit men generally get more and bigger hard-ons, and therefore appear to have bigger dicks, on average.

Oct 10, 2007, 3:57 PM
In my honest opinion, It don't matter what size you are just learn how to use the fucking thing for starters.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Oct 10, 2007, 4:03 PM
In my honest opinion, It don't matter what size you are just learn how to use the fucking thing for starters.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

So ya finally learned 2 pee propa did ya Chookie babes??? Bet mrs Chookie is chuffed she don havta wipe up round lavvie pan ne more!!!:bigrin:

Oct 10, 2007, 8:53 PM
As males age, some may also have to worry about contracting dickdo disease. This is when the stomach sticks out further than your dick do. :)

Oct 19, 2007, 1:14 AM
I consider my penis small at 5" but it's very thick, compared to the guys I have been with, most of them ar 6" to 9" long some very thick and some very thin.

But why worry about size as size doen't really matter, it's how the guy uses his member on you that counts. I have been with a 9 incher who just couldn't use it and what a shame, where I was with a guy with 3" cock and OMFG could he use it, and the amount a of cum he shot out of it was incredible, double what most guys can expel from there balls.

So just remember it's the size that matters but how well they can use it.:male: