View Full Version : Struggling with my bisexuality (I need help)

Oct 8, 2007, 12:48 PM
I am a 33 Y/O guy. I am attracted to both sexes physically but only attracted emotionnally to women. The thing is that I am probably more attracted to men than women even though when I masturbate and a woman is involved, the orgasm is usually much stronger. I am very straight acting and looking. I'd like to marry and have kids but I am paralysed by me bisexual feelings. I make me feel very unhappy and depressed. I've never had any sexual contact with a guy and I don't feel the need to have any. Masturbation is enough in that regard. It's just that because of my condition, I am extremely uncomfortable to date women because I feel I might be sexually inadequate. Please share your thoughts, anyone in the same boat?

Oct 8, 2007, 1:21 PM
Considering you joined a bisexual website in OCT 2006, its obvious you've been feeling like this for a very a long time.

I am very much the same. I have a girlfriend at this moment in time but I feel our inadequcies are our strengths aswell. It can be difficult cause if your like me, your sexual attraction between men and women can switch faster than what we could explain. But an understanding GF will accept your needs to and when not to have sex. But having someone in your life can put your bisexuality into perspective, and no longer a problem.

I think your first aim should be establish in your head that bisexuality isnt a curse, thats when and only when you'll appreciate yourself.

the mage
Oct 8, 2007, 3:19 PM
I strongly recommend you see pro help. Feeling overall inadequate is not related to being Bi. it is a different issue. You cannot solve it here.

Oct 9, 2007, 12:10 AM
Any woman who can't accept your sexual orientation is unworthy of you.

Being bi does not make you less of a man or inadequate in bed. Anyone who would think so is not worthy of you or your sexual energy.

If you only have sex with men in your fantasies and don't intend to do so in reality, then it's no one's business. Your sexual fantasies are private and they belong to you. They're no one else's business. It's your choice whether or not to ever share these thoughts/fantasies with your partner.

Know that you are adequate and that you have the ability to attract a loving, accepting partner into your life.

However, if you have feelings of inadequacy in other areas of your life, I reccomend building up your self-esteem and confidence before trying to get into a long-term relationship. I highly recommend using affirmations. Louise L. Hay has some great books with affirmations that I've been using to increase my self-esteem and gain a more positive outlook on the world.

I wish you inner peace and blessings.

Oct 9, 2007, 12:26 AM
I strongly recommend you see pro help. Feeling overall inadequate is not related to being Bi. it is a different issue. You cannot solve it here.

Well put, IMHO.