View Full Version : My profile is here...

Oct 7, 2007, 6:18 AM
Someone suggested that I update my profile with words and pics. So I did. The pictures aren't that great, but you get an idea of what I just may look like. Be afraid, be kind of afraid.


Oct 9, 2007, 6:31 PM
Cool profile Heavyfnmetal, but... what's wrong with ad summaries? lol. Cool to meet another nocturnal person [well, I like to think that I'm nocturnal or at least semi-nocturnal, night is just so much more interesting than the day also, I'm just not much of a morning person]. As for the CDs thing, me too - I just don't trust all these Itunes/download shops type things, when I buy music I like to actually have something in return for my money rather than just a transient computer file riddled with DRM. Anyway, I've rambled on for long enough...

Izzfan :flag3:

[ps: as for underground metal check out www.purevolume.com, there's lots of stuff on there and quite a few free downloads - don't be put off by all the indie rock bands that are on the front page sometimes, just select 'browse' and choose the realvent genres]