View Full Version : " If I were in their shoes I would have.."

Oct 7, 2007, 5:47 AM
If you could put yourself in someone elses shoes and changed something they did, past , present , dead or alive , who would it be, and why ?

I would have like to have been in Janis Joplins shoes the night she OD'd , and died. I wouldn't have taken so many hits of that shit she took.

She is in my opinion the very best folk singer thats made her way to stardom. She paved the way for woman who sought alternative lifestyles, from sex to white chicks singing the blues. She only lived 27 years, hell im going to bed 35 next month and I can't even begin to fathom how she did what she did. If there was a barrier someone told her she couldn't break , she would break it. Today If she were still alive I imagine her being politically active, probably a Liberal femenist, picking at her guitar and reaking havoc against Bush, and probably a spokes woman for Hillary hehe. Reguardless, If I were her back in 1970 she would still be with us today.

Oct 7, 2007, 6:06 AM
Jus 2 save me in this life bein driven 2 distraction by serious mind numbin boredom.. Jane Austen... cos if me wos er..me wud eitha written me books eitha a lot mess borin or me wudnta written em at all! Soz 2 all the Austen luffers but ther ya go!! Classic?? jeez....

Oct 7, 2007, 7:29 AM
perhaps if I'd Mrs Hitler in the middle of 1889 in Austria, I would have given my husband that BJ he wanted instead of just lying back and letting him shag me...........

Oct 7, 2007, 8:35 AM
Instead of taking that 7th day off, I'd of put in some overtime and created a third gender, and then let the fun begin.


Oct 7, 2007, 10:15 AM
Betta ifya jus taken a bitta time makin peeps nicer an more lufflin God babes...:bigrin:

Oct 7, 2007, 10:21 AM
If I had been one Anna Nicole Smith, I would have had sex with less men, and more women! Less confusion over the baby's parentage that way...

Skater Boy
Oct 7, 2007, 1:06 PM
Hrmm... lets see... maybe I'd have been Freddie Mercury and worn a condom. Or maybe Tony Blair, and opposed Bush on the Iraq war issue. Or Jimi Hendrix, and not taken sleeping pills at the same time as drinking red wine. Or Gianni Versace and got someone ELSE to collect the mail for me. Or maybe I'd have been one of the pioneers that founded the modern Western societies and ensured that Homosexuality had been legal and socially acceptable from the very start.

Its a tough decision...

Oct 7, 2007, 3:47 PM
Instead of taking that 7th day off, I'd of put in some overtime and created a third gender, and then let the fun begin.


You again? I thought we sent you packing last week

Oct 7, 2007, 11:01 PM
I simply would like to be myself before I met my ex-friend and not allowed her into my confidence after she feigned bisexual curiousity to get into it.

So. . .this has to be someone else? Aw, bugger.


Oct 7, 2007, 11:30 PM
If I were Alan Turing I'd let the break-in by the jilted lover go, thereby keeping my homosexuality a secret and sparing myself a lobotomy.
I am not making this up. All because he reported a forced entry, and the cops found out he was gay (1950s England, when it was still classified as a mental disorder, and illegal)
Fucking tears my heart to pieces.

Oct 7, 2007, 11:47 PM
I would have been Cam Cameron before the football season began and fucking drafted Brady Quinn and not a lame unknown.

Sorry for not being deep and stuff, I am just super down about my 'Fins being 0-5. Yes, the Steelers are winning, but it's not the same.


EtA: Most of you don't give a shit about American Football, so here's a picture of Brady Quinn:


and without a shirt:


Oct 8, 2007, 12:10 AM
I would have not invented the annoying game of rugby, which lead to the invention of the annoying game of football.

Oct 8, 2007, 10:49 AM
Hmmm.....interesting question. I guess that my answer would be that if I was a young Tony Blair then I would have gone with a career path in rock music [apparently he used to be in a band when he was younger], chilled out, smoked some pot and left politics well and truly alone.

I could probably think of loads more "If I was in their shoes" arguments such as if I was an early 20th century anarchist/revolutionary then I would not have shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand (therefore not causing WW1 and the economic conditions in Germany afterwards that were a contributing factor to the rise of the Nazis). Or perhaps if I was Jesus then I'd have insisted that when the disciples wrote the Gospels years later that they put very heavy emphasis on tolerance [eg: not judging people, casting the first stone etc..], love, peace and a footnote telling people to just ignore St.Paul and all his fun-hating puritanical moralising. No, I am not a christian but the amount of damage that an intolerant fundamentalist political interpretation of Christianity [or Islam for that matter, but I'd probably get lynched if I'd have put "if I was Mohammed" in my post] has done both in terms of the harm done to the world but also the harm done to the image of christianity and Islam.

Izzfan :flag3:

Oct 8, 2007, 1:20 PM
Katie Meluas because then I'd have my choice of almost any person I wished. Male or female. She is just perfect. And who would I choose? A certain lady geography teacher I once worshipped from afar.

Oct 8, 2007, 1:54 PM
Well let's see, I have a list:

Moses - I would have asked for clarifications, instead of just making a list.

Pontius Pilot - I would have placed a certain Rabbi/ carpenters son into protective custody, and strung up Barabus. I also would have questioned him further and had my scribes take down word for word what he said.

Any one of the Apostles - made sure that the gospels were accurate, and asked certain pointed questions of "the man".

that's just a start but , I think a good one.

Oct 8, 2007, 2:45 PM
wow, thats deep about janis joplin...maybe if i was denis rodmans dad I woulda worn a condom?

Okay seriously...I woulda put myself back about 7 years ago and shoulda just
ignored going into the armed services, only to find out i wasn't qualified. I would a spent alot more time in trying to get myself into college instead of
just a community college....I woulda been so much further ahead of myself.

Now that I look back its actually kinda depressing. =(

Oct 8, 2007, 11:13 PM
Oh the joy that is hindsight.

If forced to choose, I suppose that I would have to be JFK's Director of Security. I would have insisted upon the hard top limousine as opposed to the convertible. LBJ would have remained simply the VP, and the conflict in Vietnam would have ended sooner with a MUCH lower loss of life.

Amazing how such a simple decision can alter the world.

Oct 9, 2007, 1:20 AM
Janis ...Yeah.