View Full Version : Gender Jizz

Oct 6, 2007, 12:24 PM
With which gender do you feel most complete?
I used to think men, but then since I've been with women a few times, I realise there is nothing more complete than penis fits vagina. Or is this just my straight programming?


Oct 6, 2007, 12:57 PM
The truth of the matter is, I feel comfortable with both. I can say this, though, that having a steady girl the sex is always good, but I have a male friend I get together with from time to time, and if it`s been a while, the orgasms are extremely intense. I don`t know if that means I`m more comfortable with him, than her, or if it means I just have missed what has become an important and integral part of my physical life.

Oct 7, 2007, 12:51 AM
It's not so much the gender as the person for me.

I'm not sure how to explain except that there is my neighbor who is my gardening friend, the sister that is my secret keeper, my hubby is my sweetheart and best friend, my friend that understands why I love karate and then the friend that understands why I like to make lists and be a neatnick, among others that each lend a quality to my life that makes me complete because of all these aspects.

good question/thread.

Oct 7, 2007, 2:35 AM
With which gender do you feel most complete?


I ain't gonna tell ya !!

Oct 7, 2007, 3:53 AM
With which gender do you feel most complete?
I used to think men, but then since I've been with women a few times, I realise there is nothing more complete than penis fits vagina. Or is this just my straight programming?


There is something in what you say about "straight programming", though I would argue that this is as much an evolutionary impulse as it is a 21st century societal one. Or perhaps its just Freudian ...

I'm more with Kitten and Jumping Jack on this one. Being with men and women are crucial and integral parts of my life, but it very much depends on the person. I only enjoy it if I like/love the person I'm with, there's nothing worse than doing something for the sake of it.

Oct 7, 2007, 6:47 AM
I am male and female 'completes' me most.

While there is probably 'straight programming' (its not nature or nurture, its nature and nurture), hetero is the dominant natural order of things. The non- hetero will 'breed out' in a generation or two. However (two points here) gay component is completely natural, because one can eliminate all homosexuals in a given population for a long time, and in the next generation, homosexuals will be produced (please pardon my dry nazi-esque population science). Second point is that we're a species (from billions of years of evolution) of two predominant sexes. We're (hopefully, ideally) born to two loving parents. We want/need to be loved by both. Here is the fundamental basis for bisexuality. We will usually lean toward one parent (we tend to polarize), but few can cast out need for other. Many of us know completely gay men who are VERY close and devoted to mother/mother figure, completely lesbian women who are VERY close and devoted to father/father figure. Few are evenly divided, but likewise there are few of us bisexuals who sit at the 50% line, crave dick and pussy equally, need masculine and feminine emotional attachment/intimacy equally. That's why there's not many bi web sites.
Please note that this there is some simplification in the above paragraph, but who would want to read an entire book?

"That's five compartments! She can stay afloat with the first four compartments breached but not five, not five... No matter what we do from this moment, Titanic will founder."

Oct 7, 2007, 7:23 AM
As time is passing i feel, no I know, that copleteness for me involves other women.
I am far more myself now - the person I always was - with another woman.

So much for my straight proramming... :)

Oct 7, 2007, 9:07 AM
With which gender do you feel most complete?

All things considered in terms of "feeling complete" There is no doubt that as a male, being with my female counterpart has created the feeling of being complete. I don't try to understand why but just accept it for what it is.


Oct 7, 2007, 9:43 PM
I really do not know the answer.
Sexually, I am more into men than women. But, I can not imaging life without women in my life. The person I like better than anyone else in the world is a woman. Probably, I need both men and women in my life to be a complete person.


Oct 8, 2007, 12:32 AM
For me feeling complete is emotional, not physical. I was born a masculine female; I feel complete with a somewhat feminine guy. Yin and Yan, I suppose. Yet there is something missing.... I have rarely bonded well with woman and I want to.

Skater Boy
Oct 8, 2007, 7:45 PM
Atm, sexually, I feel more complete with men. But emotionally/psychologically I feel more complete with women.

That said, it does change and depend on who is involved.

Oct 8, 2007, 11:41 PM
I feel more complete with another women, but I also like a male sometimes.
It seems to me that it is more intense with a women, I can let go and and it seems much more satisfying. With a male it seems that i have to hold back and can't scream or shout. I think a women knows where and when to suck and push more then a man.

Oct 18, 2007, 3:34 AM

Oct 19, 2007, 12:27 AM
For me the completness is in myself, I feel i know who I am and whom I love and dislike.

Having a preference for male or female, doesn't sit right. For I am attracted by both genders, sometimes it is purely looks and other times it is the intellectaul side or even both.

If you look at apes and dolphins, they are the only other mammals that engage in sex for pleasure and not just boy and girl, there is documented cases of dolphins having orgies and male dolphins doing other male dolphins then moving to a female.

I think what makes you feel complete is knowing who you are, and not being afraid.

My last relationship was open and i was sleeping with both a woman and male at the sametime and in the same bed. all three of us are still friends and still see each other as friends, but as lovers, that moment in my life is over, and a new moment has begun, where I'm enjoying the solitude.

Just remember nothing lasts forever and every moment we live and experience rewrites who we are. For we are ever evolving. Live Life To The MAX! ;)