View Full Version : Bi-curious...seeks help....(long post)

Oct 5, 2007, 1:51 PM
Okay...well...for the majority of my life, I have always considered myself straight, but I've always been comfortable enough with my sexuality to say that other guys look good. Well...skip some years, and here I am today, a newbie curious about having relations with another guy. "What is the help you need, buddy?" you might ask. Well, here's my dilemma...

I have a girlfriend. WAIT, don't judge yet. We are open with each other and she encourages me to fulfill my curiosities. So basically, I have the green light if I want to do something with a guy. Hurray!!! Heres the problem...or at least I think it is....

Since I love my girlfriend with all my heart, I am obviously fulfilled emotionally by her. Thus, I have no desire to actually love another man, or act loving...In my mind, and in my heart, I know that she is the only one I will be able to be romantic with; to attempt this with anyone would just be faking. Now, does my stance make me some sort of jackass? I mean, I don't really want to tell someone "I don't want a relationship, I just want to fool around and have fun," but thats how I feel. Maybe it's because I'm new to this community, but I believe that I will have a hard time finding someone who shares that same belief as me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

---Drumsticks (Metal for life!)

Skater Boy
Oct 5, 2007, 2:31 PM
I don't really want to tell someone "I don't want a relationship, I just want to fool around and have fun," but thats how I feel. Maybe it's because I'm new to this community, but I believe that I will have a hard time finding someone who shares that same belief as me.

In my experience, there are plenty of people looking for no strings attatched fun. The hard part is finding someone who you actually love, but you seem to have already solved that part. Now comes the easier and fun part.

My advice would be to team up with your girlfriend (or without if she'd prefer) and seek a male with which to explore your sexuality.

Trust me, there are plenty of guys who don't care if you're in a relationship or not, and just want some action. Whether you pick a guy like that, or someone more... sensitive is up to you.

But just make it clear to them that you're only looking to exlore SEXUALLY rather than romantically. (I'm assuming that you can seperate the two, as some people can't).

Good luck! \m/

Oct 5, 2007, 2:40 PM
If you're just looking for sex with any gender, it's VERY easy to find just empty NSA sex, or a hook up.

Just do what skaterboy suggested and make sure that you tell the guy that you're with that all you want is sex and nothing else, no dating, relationship, or anything like that.

Oct 5, 2007, 2:42 PM
There are many that frequent the site, who share your view. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending upon the perception, I'm not one of those folks. My wife and I share the relationship you and your girlfriend do. Though for me, preference lends toward a relationship with a guy. Still love my wife and nothing
alters that. I go home to her, and she to me. But, we may love others, also.

Just know, you are indeed in good company here. Many prefer mere 'fooling around'. I'm not passing any judgment, but only saying that isn't me. Welcome to the site and enjoy your visit/s.

Oct 6, 2007, 12:34 PM
Since I love my girlfriend with all my heart, I am obviously fulfilled emotionally by her. Thus, I have no desire to actually love another man, or act loving...In my mind, and in my heart, I know that she is the only one I will be able to be romantic with; to attempt this with anyone would just be faking. Now, does my stance make me some sort of jackass? I mean, I don't really want to tell someone "I don't want a relationship, I just want to fool around and have fun," but thats how I feel. Maybe it's because I'm new to this community, but I believe that I will have a hard time finding someone who shares that same belief as me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

---Drumsticks (Metal for life!)

This is what the gay world does better than anything else. Welcome and enjoy the world of NSA. You won't be missed! ;)


Oct 6, 2007, 1:28 PM
This is what the gay world does better than anything else. Welcome and enjoy the world of NSA. You won't be missed! ;)


all types of people of all orientations are into NSA sex.

Some of my hetero friends (both male and female) are A LOT more into NSA sex and hooking up (and unsafe sex practises) than myself and my gay/bi friends are.

I have a hetero male friend that has the philosophy that if you meet a woman on Craigslist how you can't know anything about her, even her name since in his opinion it ALL has to be totally anonymous, and it's basically blow my load and see ya later have a nice life goodbye!