View Full Version : Article: bisexuality in Arab countries.

Oct 4, 2007, 7:35 AM
With the discussion of arab countries in the Jihad of love thread I posted this article in that thread but here is the link to it if anyone wants to read it.

It's too long to post the full writing here as it's 4 pages; but it is a good read and it can tell you about how arabic cultures percieve non heterosexual orientations.


Oct 6, 2007, 12:03 PM
A very long article I wish I really had the time to read it all, but Muslim culture is supper Consertative and you would expect some of this to go on. It is very unfortanate that it does since we sould all have the right to be with whom ever we want to. I mean when the President of Iran came to the USA a week or so ago he gave a speech which he said that there were no gays in his country however I did more research on it and there are but when they are found out they are hanged or imprisoned and no longer able to be part of the community. The political atmosphere in the Muslim countries is extremely tough and I feel sorry for them.