View Full Version : How many people have....

Oct 2, 2007, 11:48 PM
I was wondering, how many people have actually met each other or someone from this site and how it turned out? We just got out of a 5 month ordeal, which ended badly as one huge lie. If you have met someone from here and it ended up badly, do you trust the next guy? or gal as it may be....

Oct 3, 2007, 1:23 AM
I've met two of the most beautiful people I've come across through this site. Sapprodite , Biwords and myself share a pretty memorable night in Toronto together. This was not sexual in the least. Biwords and his historian self was our guide as we walked around the most amazing Royal Ontario Museum. Then the continue on , walking down the streets of Toronto at night. Latte in one hand , and the other arm slung into Biwords's arm as he walked us around like the gentleman he is. :)

Before we met up with him Sapph and I went to Hockey Hall of Fame , which is above and beyond what I imagined it would be like hehe.

Yes I feel fortunate I met these two. There are more I'd love to meet, and hopefully the opportunity comes up ;-)

Oct 3, 2007, 6:41 AM
I have met one wonderful, very special person here that i've been fortunate to have come into my life. After talking almost a year we finially met. Both kicking ourselves for waiting so long.

Oct 3, 2007, 6:42 AM
I would have to say I have met one guy from this site and the meeting was very refreshing, would I meet with this guy again, hell yea. Our first meeting was just to get to know eachother. Althought it was a sexless meeting which I prefer on the first meet. Who knows what the second meeting holds, BTW thank you ambi53mm :tongue:

Oct 3, 2007, 2:12 PM
My husband and I have yet to meet anyone from this site, but have met people from other sites we've used in the past. Some have worked out great :tong: and others didn't :(. It's like anything in life, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. :eek: Treasure the ones that do and learn from the ones that don't. :tongue:
As for trusting the next one, we just try to take each on their own merits and not compare or judge them by anyone from the past.


the mage
Oct 3, 2007, 4:30 PM
I've met 2 people from here.
Both were nice.

Oct 3, 2007, 10:31 PM
From this site we've been very fortunate to meet 2 couples as a couple. We had many wonderful times with one couple and a one time meeting with another couple.

Also I've met 3 really nice guys on my own. One I had met through another site but nothing sexual although I wouldn't mind :bigrin:, and I do my best to meet up with another guy as much as possible but our schedules (especially mine) make it very difficult.

The really great part is that all of them, couples and guys, have been really nice and all of them contacted me.

Oct 3, 2007, 11:32 PM
I meet my partner through another internet sex related site. We have been intimate for almost a year and it just seems to be more fun now.

JEM :):yinyang::)