View Full Version : Need help.

Sep 30, 2007, 8:01 AM
I am 100% sure I have some mental disease that causes me to over think anything and hit panic attacks. Comes to the point of making me ill, uncomfortable and sometimes brings me down to tears. Im just looking for an idea of what it could be?

Sep 30, 2007, 8:15 AM
It mite b Morti babes..but jus as likely of not more so is fact that its jus who ya r.... ponder it a bit more babes..not every personality trait is mental illness hun..not every thot process a sign ya needs ya head seen 2.....

Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 10:39 AM
LOL, Rmorti, do we look like psychiatrists to you? But seriously, there are LOTS of people who think too much. I happen to be one of them. If it got to the point where you couldn't live a reasonably normal life, then maybe its worth seeing a psychotherapist. But my guess is that its not that serious. Panic attacks, again... sometimes the best thing to do is to accept that you have certain psychological traits and learn to deal with them, or even gradually overcome them. I think the "I need help" attitude is a little melodramatic. Just try and focus on living your daily life as fully as possible, and hopefully the rest will fade into the background.


Sep 30, 2007, 11:00 AM
An wiv wich part of the anatomy dus this "overthinkin" happen Skater????:tong:

Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 11:28 AM
An wiv wich part of the anatomy dus this "overthinkin" happen Skater????:tong:

Are you implying that I'm "prurient" Fran? :bigrin:

Well, its not that untrue. although my brain is quite hyper-active too.

shameless agitator
Sep 30, 2007, 5:26 PM
Morti, do not try to self diagnose and you sure as hell don't want to self medicate. That way lies madness Overthinking things and a certain level of anxiety are fairly normal. If it's really causing problems in your day to day life you should seek professional help.

Sep 30, 2007, 7:48 PM
Well as one who was just put on meds because of certain things in life I say
the same do not try to self medicate or diagnose yourself if you really feel that
this is becoming a problem then seek help from trained medical person's.

When it comes to normal day to day life like shameless said a little anxiety is
most definitely normal, all of us worry about certain things but just try to pay
attention to what it is that bringing you to this point and what it is that's worried
you so much.

I say goto your doctor this way you will know for sure what it really is and then
you go from there, not like it's going to hurt anymore than it already does.

Sep 30, 2007, 8:40 PM
You should talk to your doctor. I suffer from depression and I worry myself sick alot to the point of not wanting to leave the house. I start thinking about things way too much and then panic when I can't stop thinking that something is going to go wrong soon, it's all pretty irrational and I know that which makes it even worse but I am taking medication now and attacks are rare but still happen once and a while. The medication that I am taking now was prescribed by a medical doctor and may not be exactly what I need but I have an appointment with a dr that deals only with deppression and should get what I need after I talk to him. If your problem is affecting your life enough for you to notice you need to talk to someone. good luck things are not as bad as they seem even though they might feel that way.

Sep 30, 2007, 8:42 PM
Don't just take your family doctor's word for anything. Most of them cannot diagnose mental illness effectively. Psychiatrists can be the most difficult people to talk to or understand, but they are the most helpful in this situation. Look for one that has licensed social workers or PhD's as therapist working with them. They are easier to deal with and can help diagnose you. Whatever you do, GO! It's not something to be played with.

Oct 1, 2007, 7:13 AM
Ok thank you. I wasn't implying you were pyschologists, just looking for little bit of helpful and free advice from friends of good knowledge is all.
Im just tryng to keep busy, stay out of my head, it deffinetly helps, I just feel I deffinetly need to consult a doctor/counciller as it could easily happen over any topic in the future. Need a way to sort of avoid it, at the moment I just think of a song and lyrics in my head, bit basic but it deffinetly preoccupys the mind for the better :) thank you

the mage
Oct 1, 2007, 10:41 AM
Yes, busy helps, but panic attacks are quite common. You are not alone.
If they become difficult to deal with get pro help.
Meds are not helpful( IMHO!!) physical and mental activity do.

shameless agitator
Oct 1, 2007, 2:05 PM
If you don't think counselling is necessary or you just want something to do in the mean time I would suggest taking up meditation. You can start with some simple deep breathing exercises & take it from there.

Oct 2, 2007, 1:38 PM
Morti, do not try to self diagnose and you sure as hell don't want to self medicate. That way lies madness. Overthinking things and a certain level of anxiety are fairly normal. If it's really causing problems in your day to day life you should seek professional help.


I tend to overthink things myself, although I consider it a relatively benign quirk of mine. (Mrs. Coyote might beg to differ, however.)

But if you're really worried about it, then there's nothing wrong with going to talk to a professional. Especially if anxiety is involved. (I'm thinking more therapist than doc, although finding a good therapist can be anxiety-inducing in itself!)


Oct 2, 2007, 4:46 PM
Signature under construction
any ideas for a fun signature, anyone?

I can think of none better than Peace *s*

Oct 2, 2007, 5:42 PM
Either meds or seeing a psychologist or therapist may help. Panic disorder and anxiety symptoms respond well to cognitive behavioral therapies. SSRI's, an antidepressant, also are effective in treating these symptoms. The suggestion to see a mental health professional is a good one, but if you can't b/c of waitlist, see your family doc.

Please note, there are many physical/medical issues that can present with similar symptoms. It is very important you get a physical.

good luck

Oct 2, 2007, 7:06 PM
Dear God!!! Is the fascination wiv all things medical neva gonna end?? Cutya fingie ..go c quack.. headache..emergency visit 2 surgery.. sneeze..God me has summat serious rong... twinge in ya side..God appendicitis... an this fascination wiv therapy for the for "mental an psychological probs". Slitest prob peeps mite have.. go c quck or get therapy..jeez....

Now me has the grtest sympathy for peeps wen they ill.. wether it b physical or pschological.. Sure peeps suffer depression..mental illness.. sure it can b serious..but most of it is down 2 the simple stresses of everday livin.. peeps hav issues in ther lives.. mus c a counsellor cos me cant cope.. a therapis of sum kind cos me has a few personality disorders.. they reely r makin a mint wen ther is reely no need for it..

Jeez..like lawyers the medical profession mus b laffin all way 2 the bank... now as me sed me has the gr8test sympathy for peeps wen they ill... reelly ill. An no effort shud b too much for them 2 b made betta.. wetha its physical biological or psychological...no effort, no expense spared 2 make em betta or at the very least alleviate ther symptoms. Not gettin inta a barney bout how its paid for..them that knos me knows zactly wer me stands on this issue...

Wot me dus argue is that me has seen enuff hypochondria 2 last me a lifetime.. peeps down the quack an takin up lotsa time an resources wich cud b betta spent on treatin reely ill peeps... many physicians, psychiatrists an psychologists an otha "therapists" are wonderful at ther job..but many r if not zactly charlatan (an a lot r) they r spongin greedy bastards playin on the weaknesses an insecurities of peeps. Its in ther financial interest so to do..an they do it very well..much as a lawyer will spin a case out 2 make as much dosh outa his or her clients even wen knowin very well they hav no chanca winnin.

Private medicine is a worse offender than state medicine, but even within that sector ther is an increasin abuse cos GP's for example get paid by appointments as well as no's of peeps on the books..they get preferential treatment from drug companies for usin one drug against anotha an 1 treatment ova anotha.. me hesitates 2 use the expression kickbacks, cos in sum instances this can b useful both in lowerin costs an b of benefit 2 patients, but me has no doubt that sumtimes wiv unscrupulous money grabbin sods thats zactly wot they r.. not even gonna start on the private sector wen it cums 2 medicine... me wud b here for a long long time...
cud rite a bloody massive tome on the stae sector as it is!!!

Point me makin Morti hun..is that yas prob got nowt rong wivya..its already been sed that we all hav insecurities, we all tend 2 overthink probs. Its not a sign of ne kinda mental illness... its a sign yas a human bein livin in this day an age... don get me rong..cos me is a sufferer of recurrent depression bouts..an knows jus how shitty they r..how worthless ya feel.. an how low ya get.. but hav been through enuff bollox wiv charlatan arsehole psych's offered crappie worthless treatments an wishy washy minsitrations from peeps who r paid huge sumsa money 2 helpya but who don give a toss cept jus how much they can screw outa ya... hav already sed that not all r like that...but a lot r...

If me goin inta a depression its summat me jus hasta liv wiv.. struggle through... hav peeps me luffs an adores who me blubs on an that an the sure knowledge that me will eventually pull through it gets me through. Can take a wile..months even... but eventually me will haul me self outa it..

So don fret... am not sayin if things get so bad ya shud not go get professional help...thats ur choice an it can an often dus help many peeps.. jus b careful ... me a gr8 cynic wen it cums 2 mental illness the treatment thereof.. prob cosa me own experience an peeps me knows pretty well havin ther own probs wiv "experts"..

Jus cosya insecure, jus cosya overthink is no sign ther owt rong wivya... believe me babes..ifya wer 2 hit a bouta severe depression ya wud know... ya mite not know its depression but ya wud know summat wos rong wivya... me jus talkin bout depression cos its me own experience not other r otha mental conditions .. but am advisin ya 2 b careful of ne advice given ya by ne so called qualified "expert" ..

Me suspects yas fine..a normal healthy human bein wiv probs...jus like millionsa peeps that get ripped off every year by the "therapy " profession.. it has its place..but jeez is it overused.... jus like millions of peeps who walk inta doctors surgeries every year an get ripped off an treated for ailments they don hav...

Hypochondria is actually a mental ilness.. an millions hav it..an millions r rongly treated an misdiagnosed cos its a nice lil earner for sum bastard greedy medical practitioners in various fields... an its an easy way 2 get a patient off ther baks by prescribin sum crappie remedy for summat they don even hav... an so its the same wen it cums 2 trubble wiv the mind....

Skater Boy
Oct 2, 2007, 7:26 PM
Wow, what a RANT, Fran!!!

Ofcourse, much of it is true...

Oct 2, 2007, 8:41 PM
me rant??? tee hee... sumtimes...giggles.... but neva wivout reason...:tong:

Oct 2, 2007, 8:46 PM
Hey there rmorti.

If over-thinking things is the worst of you mental problems, then just consider yourself lucky. :)


Oct 4, 2007, 8:13 PM
Here's a thought: You are worrying yourself sick due to fear/anxiety..

so just say to yourself: I am able to handle the worst, eg:being a fairy, sh*tty job, rejected by certain people, internal conflict, etc.

If you just say "Whatever" to yourself, it may help. It's hard to get worked up when you just accept stuff.

Skater Boy
Oct 4, 2007, 8:21 PM
If you just say "Whatever" to yourself, it may help. It's hard to get worked up when you just accept stuff.

Try to avoid falling into the trap of the polar opposite though: apathy.

Oct 4, 2007, 8:54 PM
certain doses af apathy can be theraputic..it's just another word for 'letting go'

If it makes you feel better, and you're not hurting anyone, go ahead and be apathetic, who cares what others say.

Oct 5, 2007, 12:49 AM
Ok thank you. I wasn't implying you were pyschologists, just looking for little bit of helpful and free advice from friends of good knowledge is all.
Im just tryng to keep busy, stay out of my head, it deffinetly helps, I just feel I deffinetly need to consult a doctor/counciller as it could easily happen over any topic in the future. Need a way to sort of avoid it, at the moment I just think of a song and lyrics in my head, bit basic but it deffinetly preoccupys the mind for the better :) thank you

I agree but my advise because i was first diagnosed bi polar is to be honest with who ever you choose to see i have had the most luck with my current counsler because i walked in and said here i am doc with all my faults and he has been the best counsler i have had in the last 12 years

Oct 5, 2007, 5:21 AM
certain doses af apathy can be theraputic..it's just another word for 'letting go'

If it makes you feel better, and you're not hurting anyone, go ahead and be apathetic, who cares what others say.

i kinda agree. but i wouldn't go as far as being apathetic. i used to be paranoid in high school, thinking that everyone was talking about me so i would try to get in on conversation that had nothing to do with me so that i wouldn't be left out. i was quite annoying :rolleyes: thankfully i got over it and now i just say to myself (excuse my language), "fuck u! ur no better than me bitch! u don't know what i've gone thru!" and it makes me feel all warm inside lol

Oct 5, 2007, 12:37 PM
sounds like you could be an obsessive ruminator. Do you get stuck on one thought again and again? That's an impulse misfiring and stuck in a repeating loop in your brain. I would recommend Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
