View Full Version : Does God exist ?

Sep 30, 2007, 2:44 AM
I have just finished conducting a survey as to whether god does or does not exist. My conclusion is that there is an 87 percent probability that god does indeed exist.

In my survey, 87 percent of the people polled said "yes", god does exist.

And 10 percent said "no", god does not exist.

The other 3 percent said that they do much give a damn whether or not god exists.

It was a very scientific survey with an error margin of plus or minus 5 percent.

So now we can all just drop this issue and go on to other things.

I am quite pleased with myself for having resolved something that people have pondered over for centuries.


Sep 30, 2007, 3:12 AM
I think that if it/he/she/they exist that we don't understand it/he/she/them at all, it/he/she/they don't care about humans, and that it's foolish to let a fear, religion, or spirituality control your life since you only get one, or if you get more than one I don't want to come back here again as a human, reproduce another person here, or come back as another animal here at all the way things are going. ;-\

Yes it would be nice to wander the universe as energy or something like that but let's face it, other life in the universe is probably rather inferior to us.

Sep 30, 2007, 3:15 AM
I have this really over-whelming certainty that this one is going to get me into a great deal of trouble.

Sep 30, 2007, 3:19 AM
I think, DD, that I know why I like you so much.


Sep 30, 2007, 3:26 AM
I have this really over-whelming certainty that this one is going to get me into a great deal of trouble.

eh don't worry about it. ;)

The idea of what "God" is or if it/they exist has changed so much over the years and been deconstructed so much that humans wouldn't even recognize it/them if we came into contact with it/them if such a thing/s really even exists.

At least when the ®apture comes all of the Christians will be gone and everyone that's not brainwashed and is a rational thinker will be LEFT BEHIND and the world and universe will be a better place.

"I hope the leaving is joyful and I hope never to return."-Frida Kahlo

Sep 30, 2007, 3:26 AM
Have you heard the one about the dyslexic philosopher who doubted the existence of Dog?

Sep 30, 2007, 3:43 AM
I am quite pleased with myself for having resolved something that people have pondered over for centuries.


What can I say but....Thanks..... It gets loney at the top.


Sep 30, 2007, 3:46 AM
What can I say but....Thanks..... It gets loney at the top.


Come on down!

Sep 30, 2007, 3:48 AM
Yes it would be nice to wander the universe as energy or something like that but let's face it, other life in the universe is probably rather inferior to us.

Hmmmmm....Well not exactly...but if it gives thee comfort


Sep 30, 2007, 3:51 AM
Have you heard the one about the dyslexic philosopher who doubted the existence of Dog?

Yes...Convinced him that he should go with the name Bob.


Sep 30, 2007, 3:54 AM
Hmmmmm....Well not exactly...but if it gives thee comfort


Not really, its not me who needs succour from the figment of someone else's imagination.

I'm just looking forward to "the real you" proving to be a disapppointment to all those who have taken your name in vain for their own ends

Hubris, you just gotta love it ...

Sep 30, 2007, 3:55 AM
Yes...Convinced him that he should go with the name Bob.


So if you exist, why have you altered your profile to hide when you are online?

And dont give me any of that "moves in mysterious ways" crap, otherwise I'll know you're running the trains in this country

Sep 30, 2007, 4:03 AM
Hubris, you just gotta love it ...


Hmmmm one of the seven deadly ones too...This may not be good...
Let's just say that when itcomes to mysterious ways...I give myself a lot of latitude


Sep 30, 2007, 4:05 AM
So if you exist, why have you altered your profile to hide when you are online?

And dont give me any of that "moves in mysterious ways" crap, otherwise I'll know you're running the trains in this country

To give those who seek me out a bit of a challenge...face it if it was too easy...everyone would be doing it.


Sep 30, 2007, 4:08 AM

Hmmmm one of the seven deadly ones too...This may not be good...
Let's just say that when itcomes to mysterious ways...I give myself a lot of latitude


I meant your hubris, not mine

Sep 30, 2007, 4:10 AM
face it if it was too easy...everyone would be doing it.


A statement like that shows you dont understand us "mere mortals" at all ...

Anyway, I'm with Nietzsche on this one

Sep 30, 2007, 4:16 AM
I meant your hubris, not mine

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
I am the eggman..They are the eggmen
I am the Walrus....Goo Goo j'goob


Sep 30, 2007, 4:22 AM
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
I am the eggman..They are the eggmen
I am the Walrus....Goo Goo j'goob


Err, its "koo-koo-kerchoo"

Sep 30, 2007, 4:26 AM
A statement like that shows you dont understand us "mere mortals" at all ...

Anyway, I'm with Nietzsche on this one

No but even God likes a little entertainment on occasion...you know the "all work no play." cliche

Nietzche will never want for company....squse me if I run...The Sunday crowd is beginning to arrive....Damn...I really must run Sometimes I feel like I've got to be everywhere at once:rolleyes:


Sep 30, 2007, 5:04 AM
Hmmmmm....Well not exactly...but if it gives thee comfort


So once you're dead there's nothing else, eh? :bday:

How do you feel about Patti Smith jerking off to the bible?

"The Virgin Mary's face is chartreuse," she [Patti Smith] says, gesturing with a toss of her chin toward the icon that guards the till. "They should have the Holy Ghost on the other side of the register, where that cerebral palsy can is."

"Color-coordinated, of course," I say.

"Yeah. Black and red. Black for sin. Red for defloration. The colors of salvation. They were my high school colors, too. I used to dream about getting fucked by the Holy Ghost when I was a kid. Black and red. Christ, what a shitty football team we had."

Vision IX
Birth Control Without Harmful Chemicals

Reporter: You were quoted in [Rolling Stone's] "Random Notes" as saying you jerk off to your own photograph. How did you mean that?

Smith: I meant it just as I said it.

Reporter: I've never heard anyone say anything quite like that. I'm trying to figure out if you're actually that sexually attracted to yourself.

Smith: No, it was just one of those moments, ya know? It was the photo for the cover of Easter. I thought if I could do it as an experiment, then fifteen-year-old boys could do it, and that would make me very happy. Ya know, people say to me, "Aren't you afraid of becoming a sex object?" Especially a lot of writers are obsessed with making you feel guilty or upset because you might become a sex object. Well, I find that very exciting. I think sex is one of the five highest sensations one can experience. A very high orgasm is a way of communication with our Creator.

Reporter: You jerk off to the Bible too?

Smith: Definitely.

Sep 30, 2007, 5:57 AM
you know the "all work no play." cliche

Dont start dragging in concepts like the "protestant work ethic" to get yourself off the hook

Nietzche will never want for company <<GOD>>
Not with someone like you hanging around like a black cloud

I really must run Sometimes I feel like I've got to be everywhere at once:rolleyes:



Sep 30, 2007, 6:26 AM
seriously...u guy's r playin with fire...y...b/c....that name god is a powerful man and if ur not fully sure look at the movie "passion of the christ"...second of all there r bisexual,gays and lezzies that r christians and they attend church...as well.....or asked someone that reads the bible..or read it ur self

Sep 30, 2007, 7:08 AM
seriously...u guy's r playin with fire...y...b/c....that name god is a powerful man and if ur not fully sure look at the movie "passion of the christ"...second of all there r bisexual,gays and lezzies that r christians and they attend church...as well.....or asked someone that reads the bible..or read it ur self

First. We're not attacking people who believe in God

Second. I can't speak for others, but I have read the Bible and see it for what it is.

Third. "The Passion of the Christ" is anti-semitic filth and is, therefore, not worthy of any mention in any discussion regarding religion.

Sep 30, 2007, 7:27 AM
Not really, its not me who needs succour from the figment of someone else's imagination.


Jus wot me always sed Ger...Man created God in is own image...:tong:

Sep 30, 2007, 7:34 AM
Have you heard the one about the dyslexic philosopher who doubted the existence of Dog?:eek:

But I do exist!! I really do!! :tongue:


Sep 30, 2007, 7:59 AM
personally I am unsure about the topic of god. Part of me says he does not exsist, but sometimes I feel like they're is somebody out there.
Usualy I say he does not exsist, the only religious idea I believe in is reincarnation, just the idea that we are reborn we no idea of our previous exsistance. My main cause for belief in that is because, well I just cant imagine death being the end and just lying there...

Sep 30, 2007, 8:20 AM
me can..hav seen it babes...it not nice but its wot we all have 2 "enjoy" in end.... b nice 2 b rong but me jus don think it worth worryin bout 1 way or otha..jus enjoy ya life an don fret bout it...:tong:

Sep 30, 2007, 8:23 AM
The existence or non-existence of a god or gods cannot be proven. I'm quite sure that if there is one or more, it/they are absolutely nothing like any that have been dreamed of by us.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 30, 2007, 8:44 AM
define god....... not god accroding to the words of a book... but god..... the being.....

god is a perception...... for there is no true definition of god and what god is, other than what a person believes god to be

the bible teachs what god doesn't and doesn't like and do....the bible doesn't not what god is

when people step on my doorstep and tell me about god... they quote the bible......yet so few can stand there and tell me about god as they perceive god....

so in my eyes, asking if god exists, is a faulty question..... cos you are asking if the term and indentity, called god, exists... and the answer is yes.... people have a perception of god according to the bible.

but ask if people know god as a being... and many of them struggle, as they are being asked to define god outside of the bible

ask me in god exists and I will say that something exists that is beyond my ability to * put in a box and label *

Sep 30, 2007, 9:30 AM
So once you're dead there's nothing else, eh? :bday:?

Not saying there is and not saying there isn't...I mean if you had the answer to tah question..where would be the fun for me..I get my kicks from watching a few of you struggle...they forgot to mention that I'm also a God with a sense of humor that likes a good laugh

How do you feel about Patti Smith jerking off to the bible?

I'm afraid I can't comment on that...it interfers with my Creation /God... privilege....Lets just say that Patti likes it hot...and that she'll be liking it hot for a very very long time:devil: if you catch my drift


the mage
Sep 30, 2007, 9:32 AM
I have just finished conducting a survey as to whether god does or does not exist. My conclusion is that there is an 87 percent probability that god does indeed exist.

In my survey, 87 percent of the people polled said "yes", god does exist.

And 10 percent said "no", god does not exist.

The other 3 percent said that they do much give a damn whether or not god exists.

It was a very scientific survey with an error margin of plus or minus 5 percent.

So now we can all just drop this issue and go on to other things.

I am quite pleased with myself for having resolved something that people have pondered over for centuries.


...............................yes yes a most excellent and scientific survey which proves that people like to answer self comforting questions....

Sep 30, 2007, 9:37 AM
Dont start dragging in concepts like the "protestant work ethic" to get yourself off the hook

Not with someone like you hanging around like a black cloud


Bitch, Whine, and Complain...for Christ's Sake! First I give you Eve and that's not enough...and then I give you a rod and staff to comfort yourself with and that's not enough...trouble with kids these day...it's just never enough....just remember... sometimes....less is more....more or less speaking.


Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 10:42 AM
Enough already. We will probably NEVER be able to PROVE catagorically whether "God" exists. So any speculation as to the "does" or "doesn't" is just that- speculation. Why waste time arguing about something that you'll never reach a solid conclusion about?

Sep 30, 2007, 10:45 AM
Why waste time arguing about something that you'll never reach a solid conclusion about?

isn't that the whole point of this forum? :bigrin:

Sep 30, 2007, 10:46 AM
I'm sorry but your conclusion that the likelihood of god's existance is 87&#37; just because 87% of the respondants believe it, is unscientific nonsense. All it means is that 87% of respondants want to believe in something for which there isn't a scintilla of evidence, never mind proof!

Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 10:58 AM
isn't that the whole point of this forum? :bigrin:

Not necessarily. The main point of this forum is to unite likeminded (or not so likeminded) individuals who, in this case, share something in common- bisexuality. this takes the form of discussion, bonding, comparison of notes, laughter, etc.

But argument (in the unproductive sense that some this thread has been) is less constructive. especially when the argument itself has no possible conclusion... It would suggest that we are arguing just for its own sake. And that is NOT the aim of this forum, IMO.

Obviously I don't object to people stating their OPINIONS on this subject. But opinions are not FACTS, and so we're really wasting our time with this dichotomy.

Sep 30, 2007, 11:09 AM
Don b an ole wet blanket Skater hun..argument is fun an me involves in it cos me has a mind wich needs 2 know... needs 2 get ova how me feels.. convince ..b convinced...sure provin a god dus or dus not exist is impossible mos likely..but its who we r...the curiosity of the human mind is insatiable (well in my case ne way.. an lots othas in ere) an we need 2 share how e think in all things.. we r human.. not jus bisexual...an so we luff a gud ole barney.. trick is not 2 fall out an get 2 bitter bout it...thats wer we fall down so much... talkin only bout our sexuality shows us up 2 b very insular an polar... we ne thin but that... well sum r... them wiv brains at end of ther cok r bit like that... mine is wer it shud b..tween me earoles...

Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 11:32 AM
Don b an ole wet blanket Skater hun..argument is fun an me involves in it cos me has a mind wich needs 2 know... needs 2 get ova how me feels.. convince ..b convinced...sure provin a god dus or dus not exist is impossible mos likely..but its who we r...the curiosity of the human mind is insatiable (well in my case ne way.. an lots othas in ere) an we need 2 share how e think in all things.. we r human.. not jus bisexual...an so we luff a gud ole barney.. trick is not 2 fall out an get 2 bitter bout it...thats wer we fall down so much... talkin only bout our sexuality shows us up 2 b very insular an polar... we ne thin but that... well sum r... them wiv brains at end of ther cok r bit like that... mine is wer it shud b..tween me earoles...

lol, ok, I won't be a wet blanket. I guess a bit of discussion is healthy as long as it doesn't degenerate into bickering due to the futility of arguing one side against the other. maybe someone will surprise me with a theological fact that I've never hear before...

Sep 30, 2007, 11:39 AM
<<GOD>>-How do you feel about the Left Behind books?

Germanicus-How is the movie that Mel Gibson made the passion of the Christ anti-semetic? I haven't actually ever seen it; but friends of mine have and said that it's not.

Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 12:09 PM
How is the movie that Mel Gibson made the passion of the Christ anti-semetic? I haven't actually ever seen it; but friends of mine have and said that it's not.

I think some people believe that it (and certain scenes in particular) implied that the Jewish race were anti-Jesus and solely responsible for his death.

Sep 30, 2007, 12:40 PM
You're right about a very vocal part of the Jewish community claiming that it was anti-semetic. But some of the more vocal Christians were claiming that it painted Jesus in a bad light.
What they all don't want to admit is the fact that the film is based on the things that happened according to the bible and what has been found in Roman records (the few records that survived Rome's fall).

Sure, the Jewish leaders of the time had a hand in it. He was a rabbi; One of their own and, for all intents and purposes, was effectively branching out on his own with his own followers.
In reality, he was starting what we would now call a cult.

Between what the Jewish leaders wanted and the Roman empire wanted (It turns out that his belief system would eventually help cause the fall of Rome), together they felt that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" and worked together to take him down.

Funny how, if you paint people's heros in realistic colors, folks suddenly get offended.

Sep 30, 2007, 12:50 PM
I'm sorry but your conclusion that the likelihood of god's existance is 87% just because 87% of the respondants believe it, is unscientific nonsense. All it means is that 87% of respondants want to believe in something for which there isn't a scintilla of evidence, never mind proof!
I can not believe that someone has actually taken me seriously.


Sep 30, 2007, 1:01 PM
My humble logic beckons programming. If X exists then condition Y shall be met, else X does not exist.

I've had several hundred thousand if not billions of condition Y's, none to date have been met. Of course everyone is welcome to their own inference of it all.

I think Karen Armstrong, former 30 year nun, put it best in summarizing God. God is an idea we have created. Humans need assurance and a handy Baphemet.

Baphamet was the sacrificial goat used by Jewish Rabbi. They would invite sinners to come visit the goat through the week, tell it the sins, then let the goat free in the wild outside of the town on the Sabbath. It was perhaps one of the first usages of a scapegoat, in the literal sense.

Levi Agrippia, once deemed a vile Satanic was made into something of a scapegoat for one of his paintings depicting a Baphomet man seated in Kabbalic mediation against a back drop of the Tree of Life. He effectively deamonified the practice of scapegoating, as the Hebrew term Satan merely means an adversarial advocate.

Thus, Aggripa was a Satan. I suppose any who deny the existence of God or gods, goddesses is a Satan. But is it indeed denying, when at best God is but an idea. Not everyone must agree with my idea of Sporks advancing global, universal domination. Those who don't agree, simply don't agree.

And I don't get this concept of salvation, so please don't go there. What am I being saved from if nature is perfect and grants all a reason? Nothing it would appear.

Well, better scoot.

Sep 30, 2007, 5:27 PM
<<GOD>>-How do you feel about the Left Behind books?

Well that's a very good question and I'm very happy you've asked...You see there are many things I've inspired the "Bibles"( for there are many) are probably some of my more notable inspired works. The hula hoop, the pet rock, and vegomatic were some of my more recently inspired creations....but to answer your question...There are people who feel inspired by the left behind...and those who feel inspired by the right behind...as mentioned in one of my other inspired creations....if someone strikes your left cheek..then offer them your right..... in this small way we come to appreciate the the behind in its entirety....and where would one come to appreciate the finer ass-pects of the total behind than a bisexual website?

Left Behind books,Right Behind books, ButtMasters, Anal Domination...awe inspiring isn't it? I've come a long way in infinite wisdom from the days of Sodom and Gomorah (ancient spelling). Be sure to look out for my next inspiration titled "T'was the Night before Rapture"

Your friend in life and death
<<GOD>> ;)

Sep 30, 2007, 5:46 PM
<<GOD>>-Is there lots of gay/bi sex after death where you are, with a stable of hot men and women?

Sep 30, 2007, 5:58 PM
Well that's a very good question and I'm very happy you've asked...You see there are many things I've inspired the "Bibles"( for there are many) are probably some of my more notable inspired works. The hula hoop, the pet rock, and vegomatic were some of my more recently inspired creations....but to answer your question...There are people who feel inspired by the left behind...and those who feel inspired by the right behind...as mentioned in one of my other inspired creations....if someone strikes your left cheek..then offer them your right..... in this small way we come to appreciate the the behind in its entirety....and where would one come to appreciate the finer ass-pects of the total behind than a bisexual website?

Left Behind books,Right Behind books, ButtMasters, Anal Domination...awe inspiring isn't it? I've come a long way in infinite wisdom from the days of Sodom and Gomorah (ancient spelling). Be sure to look out for my next inspiration titled "T'was the Night before Rapture"

Your friend in life and death
<<GOD>> ;)


Never thought that I would hear my self uttering this one, but "I think that I love <<GOD >>"


Sep 30, 2007, 5:59 PM
Not necessarily. The main point of this forum is to unite likeminded (or not so likeminded) individuals who, in this case, share something in common- bisexuality. this takes the form of discussion, bonding, comparison of notes, laughter, etc.

But argument (in the unproductive sense that some this thread has been) is less constructive. especially when the argument itself has no possible conclusion... It would suggest that we are arguing just for its own sake. And that is NOT the aim of this forum, IMO.

Obviously I don't object to people stating their OPINIONS on this subject. But opinions are not FACTS, and so we're really wasting our time with this dichotomy.

i guess my grin didn't emphasise the kidding factor enough. my generalisation that arguments are the "aim" of this forum was the joke. but in spite of this, it sure as hell happens quite a lot. people put forward their opinions on different matters, but some of the time, they truly believe that what they are saying is fact. that's where the arguing begins...

for a lot of the threads i read, i can see that neither side will come to mutual conclusion. yet the posts continue. so most of the time, it's just a matter of agreeing to disagree. and people are fine with that. they still feel as though they have gained something by going through the motions to eventually come to same "conclusion".

Skater Boy
Sep 30, 2007, 6:24 PM
i guess my grin didn't emphasise the kidding factor enough. my generalisation that arguments are the "aim" of this forum was the joke. but in spite of this, it sure as hell happens quite a lot. people put forward their opinions on different matters, but some of the time, they truly believe that what they are saying is fact. that's where the arguing begins...

for a lot of the threads i read, i can see that neither side will come to mutual conclusion. yet the posts continue. so most of the time, it's just a matter of agreeing to disagree. and people are fine with that. they still feel as though they have gained something by going through the motions to eventually come to same "conclusion".

Naive, hopefully most "debates" are based at least partially on fact. even if the facts are somewhat elusive or warped. But it just seems to me that there's very little in terms of fact that one can state when it comes to religion. You either believe (have "faith") or you don't.

I guess there's always room for persuasion... after all, many have been persuaded to believe somehow or other.

But I doubt most of us here are open to such easy influence when it comes to such radical beliefs.

The thread has been fairly humourous though...

Sep 30, 2007, 8:44 PM
Tellya 1 thing..me hopes me rite an that God don exist..cos if she dus (or even less likely e dus) me in rite shite street!!!:(

Sep 30, 2007, 8:52 PM
Me too.

Sep 30, 2007, 9:07 PM
You're right about a very vocal part of the Jewish community claiming that it was anti-semetic. But some of the more vocal Christians were claiming that it painted Jesus in a bad light.
What they all don't want to admit is the fact that the film is based on the things that happened according to the bible and what has been found in Roman records (the few records that survived Rome's fall).

Sure, the Jewish leaders of the time had a hand in it. He was a rabbi; One of their own and, for all intents and purposes, was effectively branching out on his own with his own followers.
In reality, he was starting what we would now call a cult.

Between what the Jewish leaders wanted and the Roman empire wanted (It turns out that his belief system would eventually help cause the fall of Rome), together they felt that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" and worked together to take him down.

Funny how, if you paint people's heros in realistic colors, folks suddenly get offended.

As a Christian, I don't think you said anything offensive... it's a good non-spiritual picture of what basically happened: Two groups got together to get rid of an innocent Man because He passively resisted the current order and encouraged others to do the same.

Of course, as a Christian, I hang other things on it too, because... heh, that's what we believe; but what you posted is the most basic recounting based on records from all sides.

Debate if God exists all you want, but for some people, His existence is fact due to (what we perceive as) His intervention/interest/concern for our lives.


Sep 30, 2007, 10:04 PM
To the people intersted, i will recomend to go to www.richarddawkin.net/home .. You will find most intersting and iluminating.
Worth having a look , even if you do not prescribe to his ideas. There a re lot of open discusion on the site .

Long Duck Dong
Sep 30, 2007, 10:10 PM
thats part of what interests me about christians, taylor

as a wiccan person, I am neither for or against the idea of god... simply and mainly cos I refuse to accept the bible taught version of god ( the bible has be edited so many times, its not funny )

but christians are quick to tell me about their loving, caring, forgiving god....that also drowned most of the world, turned a couple of cities to crap, turned some poor lady to salt etc etc etc

they wave the bible around as proof of god... thats proof they beleive in a book, in my eyes.....not proof that god as they understand god, exists

my wicca beliefs, tell me that god is what ever you percieve god ( or the goddess ) to be......
now to put this in terms that make sense.....

the christian god, ( in my eyes ) is summer..... there is not allowed to be winter, fall/autumm, spring god....only summer.....
to a wiccan person like me.....we are not all summer people... hence god is winter, spring, fall, summer... to people that are winter, spring, fall, summer people

if you apply the christian way of thinking ( one size fits all ) that requires everybody to conform to see one god in one image.....as described in the bible as a male deity......
but if the christian understanding was changed to allow people to see god as they percieve god....then god is any form, any colour, any hair style etc etc.....but still one god....

that would be the key to more people accepting christianity and not fighting it.....as christianity is the single greatest group that tries to shape the world according to their beliefs.... but beliefs shaped by personal opinion based on the bible......not based on what god has stated to his followers

its quite funny how christianity has multiple versions of the truth dictated by a god that has only one version......

Sep 30, 2007, 10:21 PM
thats part of what interests me about christians, taylor

as a wiccan person, I am neither for or against the idea of god... simply and mainly cos I refuse to accept the bible taught version of god ( the bible has be edited so many times, its not funny )

but christians are quick to tell me about their loving, caring, forgiving god....that also drowned most of the world, turned a couple of cities to crap, turned some poor lady to salt etc etc etc

they wave the bible around as proof of god... thats proof they beleive in a book, in my eyes.....not proof that god as they understand god, exists

my wicca beliefs, tell me that god is what ever you percieve god ( or the goddess ) to be......
now to put this in terms that make sense.....

the christian god, ( in my eyes ) is summer..... there is not allowed to be winter, fall/autumm, spring god....only summer.....
to a wiccan person like me.....we are not all summer people... hence god is winter, spring, fall, summer... to people that are winter, spring, fall, summer people

if you apply the christian way of thinking ( one size fits all ) that requires everybody to conform to see one god in one image.....as described in the bible as a male deity......
but if the christian understanding was changed to allow people to see god as they percieve god....then god is any form, any colour, any hair style etc etc.....but still one god....

that would be the key to more people accepting christianity and not fighting it.....as christianity is the single greatest group that tries to shape the world according to their beliefs.... but beliefs shaped by personal opinion based on the bible......not based on what god has stated to his followers

its quite funny how christianity has multiple versions of the truth dictated by a god that has only one version......

I don't claim to understand everything.... but I do know what... if you accept the premise of God as Creator/Father/Ruler of Everything (If you don't--well, it won't work, will it?), he does destroy (much as the Destroyer and the Creator exist in the same entity in Hinduism) but usually a reason is given, as in they offended Him by not following His rules. It sucks, but if you don't want to accept that premise-- fine. It's what I accept. I don't live in fear of Him, either- - it's the Father part that makes it comforting, and approachable- - and if you throw in the New Testament idea of God reaching out to Man in the form of Christ, it was like God was willing to leave that smiting stuff behind to get with Man on a personal level. I accepted that...and feel that though I am not perfect, God will reach out to me as far as I am willing to reach out to Him.

I don't as much believe in "a book", but the reality of what That Book has taught me about myself and how I relate to God.

I can't prove anything. It's not my job to. But what I know is what I know, based on my experiences, my convictions.

Perceiving God as a physical person outside of the Person of Jesus Christ has never been that important to me. . . I'm comfortable with perceiving God as male not just because of the context of the time in which it was written, but maybe because I appreciate the difference between Masculine and Feminine power.

I just made no freaking sense.


My relationship with God, my explanations.


Sep 30, 2007, 10:47 PM
"I talked to god and she is PISSED at you people"
-Me to the staff of PEMHS Pinellas Park in the midst of a freakishly intense depakote induced mania.

I've always liked to think of God as a sweet motherly type figure, with zen like calm and wisdom. I mean, deconstructions, beliefs, whathaveyou are merely filters for our perception. That said, I like my filter. I've been delving into concepts of feminine divinity for quite some time now along with developing what I would call a pantheistic sort of mentality. Reading all about Epona, Isis, Ishtar, Aphrodite and whatnot has been really cool. Like how the Greeks basically used their pantheon to represent the various facets of the human psyche. I go hiking a lot and like to just lose myself in the presence of living energy. I don't really care that most of my family thinks I've gone off the deep end. I've found myself a peaceful space I'd like to explore further. I'm not pissed off and hateful all the time like I used to be, because at a certain point I just realized all that shit wasn't me. I still have an Irish temper, but I control it pretty well these days.
I'm fairly Pagan in my leanings these days. The one thing that's been iron clad for me for a LONG time now is Karma. I have seen it. The Hermetic teachings dealt heavily in sort of a newtonian approach to mysticism. The hermetic principles centered around polarity, inertia, balance, ebbing and flowing, and this was all thousands of years before the apple fell on ol' Isaac's head :tong:
My energy's muted due to seroquel, but it's just something I accept because I want to get back to where I was in terms of academia and professional success and whatnot and I have to watch my workload, blood pressure, all that shit. I find solace in the writings of Lao Tzu, Kahlil Gibran, Kipling, occasionally the Bible (not my thing but it still has some useful messages), the Bhagavad Gita, and occasionally Wordsworth (read tintern abbey damn you!!!).

It's why I build things and fuck with machinery, it's the motivation for every stroke of my pen, it's in the love I put into every thing I ever cook for anyone, it's what sustains me. My undying fascination for the readily accesible, as well as the more subtle workings of the universe. Maybe I sound like some freaky adichead hippie ass bipolar slightly autistic flower child, but what I've come to understand about the universe on a microscopic as well as an astronomical level: Systems of systems of systems.

Sep 30, 2007, 11:11 PM
Awww, come on people.....we all know God exists and lives in Australia :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Sep 30, 2007, 11:30 PM
Does God exist, well for some people he/she/it does exist and remains a constant figure in peoples lives to help them through situations for guidence. Personally I do not believe in God I mean I grew up with people around me forceing me to believe in a God. However not becasue of the sexuality but of my knowledge and experiences and science I have come to found that God does not exist in my mind. I think at well all need something to believe in and hold as solid and unbreakable in a fragil world. While I may not believe in God I know others do and I support their choices as they should support our choices. We must all give and take in this world to be able to live on it together.

Oct 1, 2007, 12:02 AM
oh boy.... I saw this one and thought for a min; "do I really want to get into this one?"

After a few moments it just burned to throw in my 2 cents.... so here goes.

Does "God" exist? Everything within 95% of us says there is "something" to this existence. The other 5% are too bitter or angry to look within to see what the rest of us see.

So, God does exist, but what is god? Male, female ? I think its wrong to try and put a fem/masc label on what is likely a intelligence so powerful, so spiritual that we can never, as humans, understand the nature of "it".

A few things you can bet god is NOT:

1. an adolescent child.
2. Revengeful and angry
3. Petty and superficial on the bigger scheme of things.
4. Male/female.... likely to be both equally.
5. A "man" or interested enough in us humans to manifest himself as a man.

Religion today is corrupted with centuries of the ideas, interpretations and AGENDAS of many failable, greedy and power hungry men and nations. Whenever a greater purpose was needed to impose a rulers will upon the inhabitants of a nation, race or people... religion was right there to justify the murder of millions of innocent people. "Christianity, Muslim, Judaism and others. Men after more land, more money, more power... it wasn't "gods" will, as a supreme being wouldn't think as a primitive, petty man.

People today, as then, seek "god" to answer the questions they are afraid to look within themselves to find. Its sooo much easier to put it on a gods shoulders and cleans ourselves of wrongdoing, responsibility and accountability for our own actions, desires, and lifestyles.

I do believe that we are made into the "image" of gods. Being that we, and us alone, have the spiritual power to CREATE our lives, surroundings and circumstances. There is something "special" about humans, we all feel that and hold it as a universal truth. If we were really no more than simple animals, we would still by pondering fire as we clubbed our food for the day.

So, does God exist...yes. There is no doubt in my heart. Is he the god we know of from the bible, koran or other holly books? Yes and no.

Yes because throughout history there have been many spiritual "leaders" who have been far more sensitive, receptive to the powers surrounding us that we, normal people, can not understand. They were not gods, but only people who were here to help us try to understand a few KEY principles. Some of the teachings of these men have been preserved..again i did say SOME.

1. Love each other
2. Accept each other
3. Search for higher meaning to life...always
4. Avoid the bad, or evil, people who are outright non-believers... after all there is evil, as there is good.

No because the works of those spiritual leaders were quickly corrupted with the influences of greed and deceit. Take each holly writing and search. Its not all bad nor good. There is truth in all ancient works...but alway remember that it was a humans hand who wrote those words, and especially with Christianity, there were many generations of kings and rulers who modified, took out and added to those writings.... for their own benefit and the benefit of their "kind". "politics goes back as far as man"

Saying that, what is god to you? Take away all the guilt, shame and crap that was forced into our heads since childhood. Its all B.S. What make you happy, as a person?

Accepting and knowing this is the beginning of enlightenment. Loving yourself is the KEY to ever beginning to understand your purpose....and ultimately GOD.


Oct 1, 2007, 12:04 AM
To the people intersted, i will recomend to go to www.richarddawkin.net/home .. You will find most intersting and iluminating.
Worth having a look , even if you do not prescribe to his ideas. There a re lot of open discusion on the site .

As much as I respect Dawkins and his other scientific writings, I don't like his rabid hardcore Atheism that's just as bad as born again Conservative Christianity and all other religions/spiritualities that he despises and just happens to somehow inheriently know everything there is to know about the universe, time/history, and everything since he knows that there's somehow not a god or anything else at all.

Oct 1, 2007, 2:24 AM
Awww, come on people.....we all know God exists and lives in Australia :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

The poor sod.. long as e don live ere... Mrs God quite likes it ere tho...:bigrin:

Oct 1, 2007, 2:27 AM
ooo me mus b 2 angry an bitter cos me don c wot the rest of yas seem 2.... if thats the case..ok..me will stay angry an bitter.. an bitter an twisted.. an twisted an downrite nasty... o well wers me shovel an lead me 2 the coal bunker!!:(

Oct 1, 2007, 4:46 AM
Maybe I sound like some freaky adichead hippie ass bipolar slightly autistic flower child

Yes you do...but as another acid-headed hippie flowerchild..that rates you as being pretty cool :cool: in my book. The spirit is still alive in Florida. Long Live the spirit!

Ambi :stoned:

Oct 1, 2007, 6:11 PM
As we look out at the vast and magnificant cosmos around us, we seem to see a sort of order to things in that many natural laws appear to be in operation as far into time and space as we can look. Even microcosms of chaos seem to collectively produce macrocosms of harmony. One is very much tempted to attribute Intention and Design to all this, if not Purpose. Surely this can not all be just an infinite accident eternally in the process of continuous creation or cyclical rejuvenation!

But that is as far as I can go. I must simply leave it right there as a marvel and a great wonder, and speculate no further. I simply do not know. I do not believe that the human mind is capable of knowing or comprehending such Design or it's Designer. Or to put it more directly, I do not believe than man can ever know whether god does or does not exist. I suppose that most just accept the existence of god on the basis of faith, and although I do not discount the validity of intuitive knowledge, I not believe that such things can be known just by faith either. To me, that is too much akin to believing something just because it is what I want to believe.

Far, far greater intellects than my simple self could ever be have pondered and debated this for centuries. The path of history is strewn with the well-worn Teleological, Ontological and Cosmological arguments for the existence of god. But to assert that god does exist or to assert that god does not exist is to make a statement of Absolute Truth. And, evidently, my basic pre-supposition is that man can not know Absolute Truth.


Oct 1, 2007, 10:54 PM
God exists because we exist.
Maybe, he exists only in our mind.
Maybe, he truly exists and has inscribed us with the knowledge of his existence in our genes such that we are compelled to worship.
In any case, he has not provided us with any scientific proof of his existence.
Nevertheless, we seem to have a limitless capacity to confuse our self-interests and prejudices with divine will and inspiration.
This is truly awesome, awesome power.


Oct 1, 2007, 11:29 PM
God exists because we exist.
Maybe, he exists only in our mind.
Maybe, he truly exists and has inscribed us with the knowledge of his existence in our genes such that we are compelled to worship.
In any case, he has not provided us with any scientific proof of his existence.
Nevertheless, we seem to have a limitless capacity to confuse our self-interests and prejudices with divine will and inspiration.
This is truly awesome, awesome power.


I have not the slightest idea what that meant, but it most certainly sounded good.


the mage
Oct 2, 2007, 8:36 AM
ALWAYS be wary of people who want to "lead" you.
Look to the volunteer, willing to help you, for true assistance.

"Leaders" are political animals, in religion, business, or politics. They are the power seekers, not necessarily working for the common good.

They are EXPERT at using "god" to achieve their personal goals.

"Of course god speaks to me!! I have a pointy hat!!"

Oct 2, 2007, 1:20 PM
I have just finished conducting a survey as to whether god does or does not exist. My conclusion is that there is an 87 percent probability that god does indeed exist.

In my survey, 87 percent of the people polled said "yes", god does exist.

And 10 percent said "no", god does not exist.

The other 3 percent said that they do much give a damn whether or not god exists.

It was a very scientific survey with an error margin of plus or minus 5 percent.

So now we can all just drop this issue and go on to other things.

I am quite pleased with myself for having resolved something that people have pondered over for centuries.


Laughing my furry coyote ass off....

Oct 2, 2007, 1:22 PM
But to assert that god does exist or to assert that god does not exist is to make a statement of Absolute Truth. And, evidently, my basic pre-supposition is that man can not know Absolute Truth.


Now that is one hell of an interesting insight. I love it, dude.


Oct 2, 2007, 1:27 PM
Now that is one hell of an interesting insight. I love it, dude.


God...wanna die..me Coyote an Adam agreein... the end is nigh.... soon find out jus who is rite...tee hee:bigrin:

Oct 2, 2007, 1:33 PM
God...wanna die..me Coyote an Adam agreein... the end is nigh.... soon find out jus who is rite...tee hee:bigrin:

With all due and proper respect, I just hope it's not either Osama bin Laden or Pat Robertson. Otherwise, we're all gonna fry.

(All the cool kids go to hell, eh?) :rotate:

Oct 2, 2007, 1:39 PM
With all due and proper respect, I just hope it's not either Osama bin Laden or Pat Robertson. Otherwise, we're all gonna fry.

(All the cool kids go to hell, eh?) :rotate:

If me rong an ther is a heaven an hell...jeez..kno wich 1 me gonna end up in.... an it don involve playin harps an wearin white smocks an sittin on clouds... :bigrin:

Oct 2, 2007, 9:03 PM
an it don involve playin harps an wearin white smocks an sittin on clouds... :bigrin:

I would not make a very good candidate for Heaven anyhow. I really do not much care for harp music, and I can not imagine my self floating around in the ether and sitting on clouds is a white smock, thumbing through my harp music hymnal trying to decide what I am going to play on it for the NEXT 10 million years.


Oct 2, 2007, 10:40 PM
I have not the slightest idea what that meant, but it most certainly sounded good.


Just the cliff notes on my thoughts.
I guess I should have added more details.
Think of it as literary art, where you supply the details.

For better, (which was a large part of my religious upbringing), and, unfortunately, more often for worse, God and his various religions establishments have always been very powerful. Unfortunately, it seems when the power and influence of God increases in a society, it very often leads to collective self-righteous arrogance, intolerance and hatred.

In particular, God/religions/society do not like bisexual and homosexual people.


Oct 2, 2007, 10:44 PM
Just the cliff notes on my thoughts.
I guess I should have added more details.
Think of it as literary art, where you supply the details.

For better, (which was a large part of my religious upbringing), and, unfortunately, more often for worse, God and his various religions establishments have always been very powerful. Unfortunately, it seems when the power and influence of God increases in a society, it very often leads to collective self-righteous arrogance, intolerance and hatred.

In particular, God/religions/society do not like bisexual and homosexual people.


OK... I understand now, (I am sometimes a bit slow) and very nicely put.


Oct 2, 2007, 11:32 PM
Far, far greater intellects than my simple self could ever be have pondered and debated this for centuries. The path of history is strewn with the well-worn Teleological, Ontological and Cosmological arguments for the existence of god. But to assert that god does exist or to assert that god does not exist is to make a statement of Absolute Truth. And, evidently, my basic pre-supposition is that man can not know Absolute Truth.

So...is THAT an absolute truth? :tongue:

P.S. Yes, I know you said "pre-supposition." :wiggle2:

Oct 2, 2007, 11:53 PM
So...is THAT an absolute truth? :tongue:

P.S. Yes, I know you said "pre-supposition." :wiggle2:

Yeah ... Pre-suppositions are sort of semi-absolute truths.

The difference between a "pre-supposition" and an "absolute truth" is that a "pre-supposition" will allow me come up with enough bull shit to try and get me out of the mess that I have managed to get my little self into by ever getting involved with all this in the first damned place.


Oct 3, 2007, 10:37 AM
Yeah ... Pre-suppositions are sort of semi-absolute truths.

The difference between a "pre-supposition" and an "absolute truth" is that a "pre-supposition" will allow me come up with enough bull shit to try and get me out of the mess that I have managed to get my little self into by ever getting involved with all this in the first damned place.


yas dead fonda the BS adam babes..but yas luffly all the same.. tee hee:tong:

Oct 3, 2007, 7:39 PM
To each his own.

Skater Boy
Oct 3, 2007, 7:43 PM
To each his own.

Or maybe... "To Nietzsche his own" :bigrin:

Oct 3, 2007, 10:28 PM
Or maybe... "To Nietzsche his own" :bigrin:

And, don't forget .... Nietzsche is Peachy, but Liquour is Quicker...:)


Oct 3, 2007, 10:38 PM
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy..."

Oct 4, 2007, 4:11 AM

Oct 4, 2007, 5:57 AM

take some DMT in a ceremony and then tell us that!

Oct 4, 2007, 7:33 PM
I'm an Agnostic (former Anglican). I don't know if God exists, and I don't care to be honest. When I die, if she/he/it/them are real, then I hope they judge me on my actions in life and not my belief system.

Skater Boy
Oct 4, 2007, 7:42 PM
I'm an Agnostic (former Anglican). I don't know if God exists, and I don't care to be honest. When I die, if she/he/it/them are real, then I hope they judge me on my actions in life and not my belief system.

Ditto. Save for exchanging Anglican with Catholic. IMHO what you do with your life is much more important than which God (if any) you pick.

Oct 4, 2007, 11:35 PM
...what you do with your life is much more important than which God (if any) you pick.

Might not be exactly the case... Some versions of god can get quite spiteful, vindictive and nasty if you do not spend your entire mortal existence kissing their ass.

Oct 5, 2007, 5:05 AM
Might not be exactly the case... Some versions of god can get quite spiteful, vindictive and nasty if you do not spend your entire mortal existence kissing their ass.

and i think christians turned agnostic will be the first to be judged if god does exists because isn't the christian god the one that punishes u for lack of faith the most? i never really paid attention in sunday school :bigrin:

i'm a non-religious catholic too.

Oct 5, 2007, 7:49 AM
Me wos down pub otha nite wiv me m8 God...ina bittofa drunken stupor an staggrin gainst the bar e told me "Naaa Fran babes...me a figment of peeps overactive imagination, a product of their insecurity an their need 2 feel they aint alone in the cosmos... an that lad Jesus..e aint me son but e wos a nice lad wiv a hearta gold... they treated im rite bad them romans an the temple holy Joes... is mum didn half tell im sum fairy story bout neva havin gotten er end away... far as me knos Joe wos is dad... but if e wasnt then not even gonna speculate who wos...."

Oct 5, 2007, 8:19 AM
Yes he dose ,,with ot a dought.

Skater Boy
Oct 5, 2007, 9:19 AM
Me wos down pub otha nite wiv me m8 God...ina bittofa drunken stupor an staggrin gainst the bar e told me "Naaa Fran babes...me a figment of peeps overactive imagination, a product of their insecurity an their need 2 feel they aint alone in the cosmos... an that lad Jesus..e aint me son but e wos a nice lad wiv a hearta gold... they treated im rite bad them romans an the temple holy Joes... is mum didn half tell im sum fairy story bout neva havin gotten er end away... far as me knos Joe wos is dad... but if e wasnt then not even gonna speculate who wos...."

THAT, dear girl, is BLASPHEMY! When we all finally pop our clogs, and stand at the pearly gates to beg admission, I think you might just regret uttering those words! :bigrin:

Btw, didn't you know: Hell is full of racist, capitalist, war-loving MEN, whereas heaven is just the opposite!

So ya better be a good girl and start believin'!!!

Oct 5, 2007, 9:33 AM
an wot fun is it, shud me b rong, in havin racist sexist capitalist fascist nazi arsehole men 2 goad take piss outa an genrally tease the fuk outa skater babes?? No fun bein wer everybody is nice...

an ther b plenty raunchy yummie tarts ther 2 2 wile way me hours...

Wot fun it mite b if me is rong.. tee hee

Skater Boy
Oct 5, 2007, 10:55 AM
Fran... let us suppose that "hell" consists of an infinite number of wholly unattractive men with very curved, cut, nobbly phalluses, all just queuing up to take a turn on you whilst you're strapped down. and not a single woman (attractive or otherwise) who has any homosexual leanings is anywhere to be seen.

Now, do you still like the sound of hell? :tong:

Oct 5, 2007, 12:35 PM
Hell babes? That aint a place wer me gets strapped down an rogered for an eternity by a lotta ugly knobbly willied guys.. hell aint wer ther r no yummies who wanna hav ther wicked way wiv the Fran yummie bits..

Hell babes is Tescos on Friday aftanoon wen ya reely not in mood for it.. Hell is waitin ages so ya can get ya goodies checked out an then the old bag tells ya its er break an tells ya 2 go 2 next till an ya havta wait all ova gain.. hell is wen the chip an pin machine is fukked! Hell is Lou decidin 2 bash out sum lung practice middle of supamarket an jus wudn stop no matta wot we did...Hell is sum silly ole fart rammin is trolley ova me feet an anotha up me arse... Hell is the stupid shoppers who leave ther trolleys in middle of aisles an block em off.. Hell is bloody gr8 pallets of stuff doin same thing an brainless arseholes generally standin round like spare pricks at weddins an not doin ther job an lettin us gerron..Hell is BOGOFs not goin though till as BOGOFs an havin 2 go back an getya receipt sorted an the rite change back..Hell is food shoppin an pushin 170 quids worth shite out 2 car an then findin out sum arsewipe cant find er carkeys an finds er partner didn even bring ers... hell is humpin 170 quids worth a shoppin up 2 flightsa stairs an then findin out yas left ya keys still in effin ignition... Hell is poor Kate coppin the sharp enda me tongue wen she did nowt.. she wos jus ther... Hell is Fran grocery shoppin... an it shudn b allowed!!!

Hell?? Afta me dead woteva the horny bastard has got in store for me is a pieca cake compared 2 me in Tescos!

An worst of all.. the bastards had no Courvoisier!!! Jeez.. Hell?? Me can tellya bout hell ok...

Skater Boy
Oct 5, 2007, 12:48 PM
An worst of all.. the bastards had no Courvoisier!!! Jeez.. Hell?? Me can tellya bout hell ok...

In that case you should have opted for Hennessy. I used to quite appreciate a drop or two of their XO tipple:


But if ya think Satan's gonna break open a bottle of Cognac in your honour when ya finally meet him face to face, well think again, lol.

At least in Tesco you can buy fillet steak, asparagus, fresh rasperries, virtually any alcoholic drink you could desire, KY jelly, and so on.

I doubt that you'd have that luxury in hell...

Oct 5, 2007, 1:53 PM
In that case you should have opted for Hennessy. I used to quite appreciate a drop or two of their XO tipple:


But if ya think Satan's gonna break open a bottle of Cognac in your honour when ya finally meet him face to face, well think again, lol.

At least in Tesco you can buy fillet steak, asparagus, fresh rasperries, virtually any alcoholic drink you could desire, KY jelly, and so on.

I doubt that you'd have that luxury in hell...Hennesey is the drink of the lesser mortal.. enjoy..me stick 2 me Courvoisier.... glad ya sed virtually ne alky drink...cos they had nun a mine!! Don expect Auld Nick 2 break owt open in me honour..cos gimme a few millenia me hav a gud revolution down ther an then me b runnin the bloody place!! Pity help ne poor bastards who has subjected me 2 unwanted shaggin in the that time 2... e goin upstairs wether e likes it or not... give me plenty time then 2 free up the poor cows who hav been so cruelly deprived an let em c wot a luffly time they shud b havin.. jeez.. word will get back upstairs an then im wiv the long white beard will havta cum 2 terms wiv is own revolution!!! Im an Nick can then draw ther old age pensions an work part time in the bar for an xtra few quid 2 help make ends meet....

Since me an the Bootgirls will b runnin the cosmos.. pity help yas poor lesser mortals by that time!!! So if me wos u Skater..wud start smilin at me nice an sayin kind things.. in ya own interests babes.. honest.. me has triff memory an ne way..will hav that gr8 book 2 bring owt me forgets bak 2 mind ok...tee hee.

Oct 5, 2007, 4:26 PM
My reply to this whole question is a total....................no

We are animals, same as dogs, cats, monkeys, fish and all other living creatures........we live, we eat, we screw, we die, end of story.

Oct 5, 2007, 10:56 PM
We are animals, same as dogs, cats, monkeys, fish and all other living creatures........we live, we eat, we screw, we die, end of story.
Except we, as "humans" get to pay taxes:tongue:

Oct 6, 2007, 1:52 AM
My reply to this whole question is a total....................no

We are animals, same as dogs, cats, monkeys, fish and all other living creatures........we live, we eat, we screw, we die, end of story.

Is it not totally amazing how very sure of them selves they seem to be ??

Oct 6, 2007, 6:06 AM
Is it not totally amazing how very sure of them selves they seem to be ??

No Adam babes..no surprisin tall... more surprisin is how unsure peeps r..an worse..how sure they r the otha way...

Oct 6, 2007, 7:10 AM
I think of it this way - if there were no humans, would there be God.

Oct 6, 2007, 12:27 PM
Fran... let us suppose that "hell" consists of an infinite number of wholly unattractive men with very curved, cut, nobbly phalluses, all just queuing up to take a turn on you whilst you're strapped down. and not a single woman (attractive or otherwise) who has any homosexual leanings is anywhere to be seen.

Now, do you still like the sound of hell? :tong:

so i guess from this one can conclude that SB doesn't like curved, cut, nobbly phalluses. or being strapped down.


Oct 6, 2007, 12:35 PM
so i guess from this one can conclude that SB doesn't like curved, cut, nobbly phalluses. or being strapped down.


Read the forum babes..e talkin bout me!!! tee hee.. ya daft sod!:bigrin:

Oct 6, 2007, 12:50 PM
Also my favorite line out of any movie is.........
"God is just an imaginary friend for adults". Think that sums it up

Skater Boy
Oct 7, 2007, 1:10 PM
I'm feeling slightly sympathetic to Satanist beliefs lately. Modern Satanism really is quite misunderstood, IMO:
