View Full Version : Having your first bi experience?

Oct 26, 2005, 11:45 AM
I've never had a bi experience and I've been chatting with this guy who is like me and wants to get together and just jerk off. The thing is that since I have never done this before I'm really not that comfortable just going and doing this with someone you know? So my question is how did you go about having your first bi experience? What made you comfortable enough to give it a try?

Oct 26, 2005, 12:17 PM
You say that the other person is like you and wants to just meet and jerk off.. Well this is fine as it is not too serious or heavy.. Of course you will feel a little uncomfortable but can you remember the first time you arranged a sexual act with a member of the opposite sex..? It would probably be as nerve racking as that.. But don't worry.. Just be gentle with each other.. spend a little time together first and become comfortable with this person.. I assume that you are not going to meet and begin jerking off immediatly.. shit go for a drink with the person, or a game of pool or something.. whatever will make "the two of you" feel more comfortable about it.. otherwise you'll be too nervous or excited to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Don't think too much about it.. A sexual act is a sexual act regardless of the sex of the other person.. If you can do it with the opposite sex you can do it with the same sex.. keep that in your mind and hopefully you will do just fine.. hell he might even wanna meet for seconds!! ;)

Good luck, be careful and have fun..


Oct 26, 2005, 4:17 PM
Good advice.
I am a chick, so maybe my account wont help, but it is a cautionary tale.
I met a woman through an internet relay chat site. We started chatting and over a month or two got to know each other and then started calling each other. Long story short, we got together, she is married and her hubby knew she was Bi and let her have girlfriends. It was okay the first two times, but slowly the relationship declined because what the internet doesn't show you is ow F-ed -up some of these folks are. Granted, I had a delightful first same sex experience in bed, and she was very good at not forcing anything on me ever, but ultimately she was a very sad and nasty person.

I guess what I am trying to say is, even though we talked for a long time and got to know each other, I always made sure someone knew where I was going and when I was suppsed to be home. I gave them her number as well as my cellphone, and we ALWAYS practiced safe sex. I was glad I brought extra cash and had a way home, because one day she went kinda goofy, and I felt uncomfortable enough and ended-up having to take an 8 hour bus ride home. If I hadn't of planned ahead I would have been stuck 300+ miles from home. (She was supposed to drive me home)

Be careful when meeting strangers online. It can be a great way to meet-up for your first experience, if you are smart, and make sure YOU have a way of not being dependent on that person.
Let someone you truust, know where you are going, and if they can't know all the details of why you are meeting them, just let them know where you will be and when you are supposed to be back.
Carry a cellphone if you have one.
Carry extra cash.

Hope you have a great time with yoru guy!
RC :bipride:

Lisa (va)
Oct 26, 2005, 8:08 PM
Ditto on the well done Damon!

Did you consider that you can meet up with someone and not have sex? Get to know the person (male or female) first is usually a good idea; then if and when the comfort level arrises you can decide then to take it further. My first bi experience happens to be my first experience also, so little can be taken from that account except it was with a close friend. But as Damon so nicely put, male or female (other the the physical) can be equal.

hugs n kisses

Oct 26, 2005, 9:01 PM
I think your meeting sounds like fun, anonymous sexual encounters can be a fun, if not necessarily emotionally fulfilling way to experiment, especially with safe sex like mutual masterbation. Maybe try watching some porn together that turns you both on and adding the 3D dimension of have a real-life guy jerk off in front of you.

You mention previous experiences with women. Dating anyone now? You might be more comfortable experiencing men with a woman around at first.

Best of luck, let us know how it goes.