View Full Version : Something Interesting (Long)...

Sep 24, 2007, 3:02 PM
This mornings posting on Trans blog of the plenary speech at the Southern Comfort Conference was interesting.


This part in particular:

Those who believe that children are blank slates waiting for an approved hetero-normative gender stencil to be drawn on them are not simply in denial regarding current scientific, social and medical studies, they are guilty of leading parents, families and in many cases the legal system to misogynistic, cissexist and conservative fundamentalist conclusions that will forever negatively affect these children's lives.

Alleged gender identity experts like Kenneth Zucker, Alice Dreger, J. Michael Bailey, Warren Throckmorton and others define transgender people, especially children, in ways that only serve their personal, professional, cultural and religious agendas or, in the case of Anne Lawrence, which justify their own self-loathing connection to gender non-conformity.

To them, there is no such thing as a transgender, transsexual or androgynous child. These children, and the adults they become, are nothing more than examples of psychotherapy's failure to eradicate pre-homosexual behavior. You see, according to their uber-flawed studies, 75% of gender non-conforming children turn gay during their teen years.

To put it bluntly, we are nothing but failed cisgender homosexuals.

Now I know that some people see transgender people as odd or off - but failed homosexuals? Come on, That is just poor reasoning. I suppose they would say the same thing about bisexuals as well.

I believe this is due, in part, to the notion that there are no gay, lesbian or bisexual children. There are children that might be "expected" to be gay or lesbian based upon their gender non-conforming personalities, but they haven't as yet actually bought the toaster oven. As for transgender children, there appears to be more respect for and documentation of the existence of Bigfoot than there is for transgender identity in childhood.

Let's for a moment hypothesize on what life would be like in the Bizarro universe inhabited by the Axis of Evil; Bailey, Lawrence, Throckmorton and Zucker. We'll assume there's been a breach in the time-space continuum and the laws that rule their mystifying but simplistic corner of existence spills over into our messy little dimension.

In their dimension, 75% of you are homosexual, having grown out of or been behavior modified away from your childhood gender non-conforming identities.

But what about the other 25%? What do we do with you?

What if (not a chance in hell) those percentages are right? What if those statistics were applied to other conditions of childhood development?

Would it be alright if we ignored, silenced and marginalized socially impaired children if 25% of them turned out to be autistic?

What if 25% of all children with muscle cramps developed muscular dystrophy?

What if 25% of all children who like candy developed diabetes?

And would it be ok to withhold medical intervention to 25% of all children born with cleft lip or cleft palate until they reached the age of 18, just in case they changed their minds about wanting to fix the hole in the middle of their face.

According to research done by Professor Lynn Conway, non-conforming gender identity is as common or more common that each of those conditions. Her research indicates that 1:250 births are a child that has a non-conforming gender identity.

That part I just found fascinating 1/250, what are the chances?

Anyway I would like to discuss this, if anyone else is interested.



shameless agitator
Sep 24, 2007, 5:32 PM
People like that scare the hell out of me. I'm still working on my first cup of coffee so I've only read your excerpts so far. Once I'm a little more with it I'll read the whole article and hopefully have somrthing a little more insightful to add.

Sep 24, 2007, 8:51 PM
Fascinating atricle/post. I am a CD/TV and I would not call myself a 'failed homosexual', I am bisexual but I'm more heterosexual than homosexual [just updated my profile to reflect this.. last year/ a few months ago when I signed up to this site I was exploring my gay side for the first time].

Nevertheless, I think it is wrong for these psychologists to say that people are 'turned' TG or gay. However, I would hardly call myself 'gender non-conforming' in fact most of the time I'm pretty 'conforming' and at times I even go through a completely 'masculine' phase where I denounce anything feminine [yet still CD occasionaly].

Also, I think it is absurd to say that all gay ppl are 'actually' TG... its just not true, if these 'scientists' actually met real gay ppl then I think they would be well and truly disproved.

What this article/speech does highlight is the lack of understanding of anything even vaguely TG related. Then there is the issue of support, I mean if someone comes out as gay when they're young these days they get a reasonable amount of support [I mean, they would probably still face homophobia but there are a lot of resources/support etc... for gay people these days and gay rights issues are rather prominent in the UK media/politics]

However, if someone is TG [whatever that may be TV/CD, TS whatever...] when they are young then they face just a general lack of understanding and have nowhere to turn to.... this cannot be good for anyone! I mean, I discovered that I was a TV/CD at the age of 13 but only really researched it when I was 16 [after watching an episode of 'Top Gear' with Eddie Izzard on it]. Seriously, if all TG issues got the same level of awareness etc... as gay issues then the world would be a better place.

Sorry if I've rambled on a bit...

Izzfan :flag2: