View Full Version : pick up problems

Sep 22, 2007, 1:19 AM
tonight I was at a bar, having a drink just minding my own buisiness.
well from across the room I made eye contact with this cute blond guy and he winked at me. I was a little suprised at first but then I got up and approached him, but just as I was a bout to say "hi" I froze and hurried out the bar......

is something wrong with me? I mean the guy seemed cute and interesting a real quiet and shy guy (sorta like me) so I couldn't have been intimidated by him, and while I'm relatively new to the night life I've never had problems striking up conversation before as long as I was the one approached. I was a little nervous but I choked it down, then at the last moment I obviously chickened out.

has this happened to anybody before? also can anyone suggest how I can deal with it?

Sep 22, 2007, 1:25 AM
Walk over and say Hi next time and start a conversation and get to know the person.

I'm not good in some social situations either but it's just something that you have to overcome yourself.

Alcohol can help but don't overdo it and don't rely on it as a crutch.

how'd you get into a bar and get a drink if you're 18? Do you have a good fake ID or something?

Sep 22, 2007, 1:59 AM
amazing what a smile and a stray compliment to the bouncer can get you these days. besides it looked like the bar needed the buisiness so thats probably why I got in.

Sep 22, 2007, 3:38 AM
Perhaps it just wasnt the right moment, or perhaps it was just the way in which it happened. Sometimes its easier if a conversation just strikes up over something trivial like both waiting to get served at the bar or asking for a light. Sometimes the less direct way is better

Sep 22, 2007, 11:29 AM
I wouldn't worry about it too much. You found yourself in a new situation, and were unsure as to how to proceed. Take some time to reflect on it, and if you want to, go back and try again. Be safe, and have fun!

shameless agitator
Sep 22, 2007, 7:02 PM
I have the same problem. It is usually easier if the environment provides a "safe" topic to talk about, art on the walls, interesting characters in the crowd etc. Sometimes having a friend around makes you more comfortable, but I've found myself occasionally putting people off because I was looking around to figure out where my friend was while they were trying to chat me up. Just try to relax and it will get easier with repetition.