View Full Version : Fake Pictures

Sep 19, 2007, 4:31 PM
I am really tired of the fake pictures on the site. Come on people, none of us have perfect bodies, we all have things we dislike about ourselves. Have a little respect for the rest of us who have put our real pictures on the site and show us you clothed or not, in action or not, but at least we can see the real you.

Thank you for allowing my little rant, to us this is important to see the real person.


Skater Boy
Sep 19, 2007, 5:26 PM
How can you tell if someone's picture is fake unless you've actually MET them?

I doubt most people on this site use "fake" pictures... perhaps they just use images that they've pulled off the internet because they thought they were cool, and are actually not even intended to show any likeness to the real thing.

I'd love to be able to say that I don't care at all about what a person looks like, after all its whats inside, and what that person has to offer to our online community that really matter, IMO. But the truth is that I'm always curious to check out the photos on people's profile pages... and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

(mine is real btw!)

Sep 19, 2007, 6:07 PM
some people are less self-conscious about their pics than others. some have every right to be proud about displaying their bodies (i won't go naming names). i'm not at that stage yet.

Skater Boy
Sep 19, 2007, 6:21 PM
some people are less self-conscious about their pics than others. some have every right to be proud about displaying their bodies (i won't go naming names). i'm not at that stage yet.

IMHO EVERYONE here has every right to be proud about displaying their bodies... we aren't "body fascists" on this site!

The question is one of security, anonymity and intimacy. and ofcourse, whether one WANTS to be judged by their appearance when they have the option not to be.

Sep 19, 2007, 6:32 PM
excuse my wording. of course everyone has the right to be proud. but some people have more reason to be proud than others. i'm not putting down the more attractive people, nor the more chubby ones, but if everyone had the perfect body type (as dictated by magazines/tv), then more people would be happy to be judged by their pics.

Sep 19, 2007, 8:32 PM
Like Winnie the Pooh, I'm short, fat, proud of that. OK, only on good days with plenty of welbutrin on board.;) And somedays I hate being built like Winnie the Pooh. But, alas, at 42 I'm to the point you just gotta love the ample everything else that goes with the ample tits and ass or you can go try to find some skinny broad my sense of humour. :2cents:

Naive, sweetheart, you have a lot of living to do. Learn to love accept yourself and ALL of yourself. Confidence is VERY sexy. My exhusband is one of the most handsome men on the planet and he was more than cuddly. Muscular, but cuddly none the less.

Sep 19, 2007, 8:44 PM
We do have some folks on here in the past who have posted up photos that they purported were of them--but after some checking on the web--found that said photos came from places like porn and other sites---

So--I do wish folks would post photos of themselves if they are posting photos of faces and bodies instead of falsifying such photos. Go ahead and post photos of yourself--and if you like some photo of a porn star or model--use some humor and say something like "this is how I would look if God will give me a new body but we just haven't worked out a deal yet" or something like that!!!!

--I have choosen to not post any photos of myself on here---but have posted up some photos of things more important to me than my looks---and those photos in my view--tell more about me than photos of my face or body do--

Sep 19, 2007, 9:51 PM
My photo is a little over a year old.
But, now I am almost 60 years old.
I have not changed that much in a year.
But, I do not want to deceive anyone here.
So, sometime this year, I will update my old picture with a new picture of the older me.
But even if I update my profile as well, will you believe it's me.


Sep 20, 2007, 12:39 AM
Posting fake pictures is fairly common online... do wish people would be more honest. Nothing worse than thinking you know "who" your talking to... only to find out later that person is completely different. Makes for a really uncomfortable situation.

Even as new as I am to the lifestyle...and being as shy as I am, I have my pictures posted. I think of it as a second step (1st was coming out to g/f) to becoming comfortable with the thought of people knowing i'm bi.

:three:(hi mom!):three:

Sep 20, 2007, 1:18 AM
The thing is with posting real or false photos--you can tell the ones done by the average person and ones that are staged, professionally done shots for a website, magazine or whatever---it is a wonder that some people think others will not catch on.

The other scam that I understand guys do on the male gay/bi sites--they troll for photos of you then use them on other sites as being them--usually such photos are "cock shots"--so that is one scam to watch out for.

Sep 20, 2007, 3:15 AM
Mine has been edited with photoshop filters to create an effect but that really is me in the pic. It was done by a friend of mine about 2 years ago. But I like it which is why I use it.

Sep 21, 2007, 5:29 PM
I would just make a distinction between pictures posted in one's profile, vs. ones in your avatar/icon. The buns in my icon aren't mine (as I admit to anyone who asks0 -- I just like them. But to me, the icon isn't supposed to be photorealistic -- for ex., most people have illustrations of some type. However, photos in your profile should be you, un-"photoshoped," or at least labeled as such if otherwise. Truth in advertising, eh?