View Full Version : when do u know,

Oct 25, 2005, 11:36 AM
undefinedcomicsansundefined :girl:

When do you now that your attractive to the same sex, all i do is think about being with another women, yet i still love being with a man,

Oct 25, 2005, 11:50 AM
if you mean attracted< it is a personal thing that you have to decide for yourself. You could always try it, and if you don't like it, that should answer your question. I have a coworker who tried it for awhile, but ultimately decided it was not for her. Hope that helps..... :2cents:

P.S. I myself am bi, and have known for many years.

Oct 25, 2005, 1:02 PM
If the intended word is "attractive" then I guess you'll know by the fan club that follows you ;)

If the intended word is attracted then you will know as soon as you become aware of your thoughts and needs/desires.

It seems that your awareness is at a stage where you know the difference in qualities between Women and Men. Now it is your job to follow through and discover if the reality is truly what your imagination has built it to be, or if it is just an appreciation for the female form / feminine qualities.

But, you've joined this site, you've taken a step.. so keep on stepping lady and have fun while you do..

Be Careful & Enjoy Yourself..


Oct 25, 2005, 1:19 PM
undefinedcomicsansundefined :girl:

When do you now that your attractive to the same sex, all i do is think about being with another women, yet i still love being with a man,

Well, now that I'm no teenager anymore and I have accepted that I have wishes for people of my same sex, I think about when I started to have those feelings and I would say they were there all the time without being noticed...

I remember some games boys played when I was a kid, which for me were weird at that time, cannot remember how some of them were played, I think one was something like you shouldn't move while somebody else grabbed your bits, otherwise you lose. Another one was similar, having to stay still like a statue once you were grabbed. Sometimes boys just grabbed you without any excuse of being a game...

I think all these experiences are part of your growing up, and a way of hiding what I would say it's experimenting with sexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality, mascaraded as harmless games.

Curiously I thought that those games were weird, but later on I started to admire bodies' beauty as anything else I considered beautiful, and I thought that it was due to me, as I'd like to think of myself as an artist (I wish I could be one and live from my dream... :) )

Due to some incidents in my life that I prefer not to explain here, my life got a bit confusing for me, and I realized I was turned on also by boys, but never acted on those feelings, even being grabbed and being harrassed by fellow high students and older men, till recently, when being such a guy with a high sex drive and not getting enough with the fair sex, I decided to get some relief of my urges the next time I was offered some help. From there I have kept on having fun also with guys...

Would I have acted on having sex with guys if I had enough with girls? Probably not, being from such a very religious background, but now that I have had sex with men also, I think I've found it liberating, and it has made a contribution to my thoughts about myself being open minded (MINDED!!! huh?) and not a bigot, even I admit that I would missed it if I stop now. I have to admit also that the feeling of a man's body is different from a woman's one and I found it also erotic and exciting. I'm not really that picky, and not sure what makes a guy being attractive to me, but I can say that if I like his eyes is enough for me to fall under his spell. :rolleyes:

All the best,
