View Full Version : PerfectMatch.com and its movie "Must Love Dogs"

Sep 16, 2007, 4:48 PM
Sooo I saw "Must Love Dogs" mostly cause of Diane Lane :)

I checked out the dating site address that was mentioned on the show:

Seems like a good site so far.

BUT BUT BUT.......

The match system is HORRIBLE.

I mean, you have say: woman seeking woman

Why are you being matched with men?? or women you have NOTHING in common with?? lol OR.... why are you being matched with staright women who are clearly looking for MEN ??

Ahhh back to the movie. It wasn't bad. But I hated how it made the website seem so good when its a bunch of crap cause the matching system doesn't work.

What a waste of money.... don't be fooled.... don't even listen to the movie. lol


Fire Lotus
Sep 16, 2007, 8:08 PM
I haven't seen the movie but, because it's a movie, I wouldn't take any match making site/organization at face value. Even if the site really exists, the movie will embellish it's success to work with the plot of the movie. It's just a romantic comedy. Not an infomercial. :)

Sep 17, 2007, 12:23 AM
It's a ... movie.

Movies are fiction for the most part.

I know you're a smart lady, Tasha.


Sep 17, 2007, 12:51 AM
I am :) I did check out the site just to see what it was about since I always check out sites mentioned in movies to see if its real or was just made up for the movie :) (Something to do!!)

PerfectMatch com wants $50.00 for ONE month..... ugh. lol too much.