View Full Version : Just wondering

Oct 23, 2005, 9:10 PM
Is there a specific incident or time when a person would be considered bi as opposed to bi curious and then from bi to gay??

Just wondering

Oct 23, 2005, 9:47 PM
hey there clubber
to me going from bi curious to bisexual is when one experiences their first bisexual encounter (and enjoys what they had experienced) and then going from bisexual to gay is when someone chooses to be with someone or someones of the same sex as a life partner

this is just my take on this question :2cents:
:flag3: m.in.heels&hose :flag3:

Oct 23, 2005, 10:24 PM
Hi Clubber,

The whole 'bi-curious' thing is very interesting and confusing to me. Is this a term for a bisexual person who has not accepted their own sexuality, or simply a heterosexual person willing to experiment?

Personally I am one of the former...for many years my mind and body gave me clues and I refused to accept them. Now that I am a little more in touch (pardon the expression), I can honestly say that I am bisexual. Although there are many definitions, to me this means that I have the capacity to love and make love to people of either sex.

Further, I think that if you have come to a point where you want to experiment...chances are you will soon realize that you are more bi-sexual than you thought!

Now to the point where you realize your gay, personally I can't answer that. I'm not sure there is any magic signpost that appears to tell you when you've crossed the line;)I know gay people who once thought they were bi, and bi people who were once unequivically gay. I think it is really very simple...you like what you like. If thats men...fine, women...fine, both...fantastic!

The more I learn the more I suspect that human sexuality is fluid. I strongly believe there is a potential for sexual attraction to change...to ebb and flow in cycles, no one knows this more than a bisexual who is in tune with his/her body.

Anyway dont get hung up on the labels, as Nike says 'just do it'!!!

Oct 23, 2005, 11:06 PM
I always considered myself bi. Never Bi-curious. I knew when i was 9 years old that i was bi. And i had my first girlfriend when i was 28.

I think bi-curious means you're not sure.

Oct 24, 2005, 2:02 AM
I have been attracted to women from a VERYyoung age but never did anything about it. Since I also had strong feelings for men I was very confused. Then I learn people who liked both were called bisexuals. When I began searching for places like this site, I heard the term bi-curious was used for people who had not yet had physical, sexual contact with the same sex. So since I fell into that catagory I figured that was what I was, even though I do know I like women regardless. So this is a very interesting question Clubber! Is bi-curious for those who are not sexually active or is it more for those who are as the name says, just curious but not really wanting it? I know if you don't add the curious many people automatically assume you have been with other people.
I don't think you automatically transition from bi to gay. I think when you do that you are more in denial of what your true feelings are at the time you're with the opposite sex, then come to terms with the fact you prefer the same sex. Not everyone, but a lot anyway.
Society has made us so fearful of which name tag we should wear to what party that it's no wonder we're confused half the time.


Oct 24, 2005, 3:08 AM
I think for the purposes of discussion labels have to be used. However, a persons sexuality I don't feel can have such defined labels attached to it. There has to be varying degrees of ones bisexuality and homosexuality. And probably heterosexuality (lol, I think they can have sexual thoughts of the same sex enter their minds). My desire for a man can vary from time to time and at the low point of that desire I can wonder if I am even bisexual.

I think bi-curious is an appropriate term as the leap from mental desire and fantasy to the physical act is huge. I have never been with a man but really believe I will enjoy it when and if I ever do. Is it possible I won't or even not enjoy it to the extent of my fantasies, I think so. There's a new label, someone who loves the fantasy but not the physical act, LOL. I agree with M.I.H.H. about becoming bisexual. I think logically going from bisexual to gay would mean you don't have the sexual desire for the opposite sex.

Oct 24, 2005, 4:32 PM
Hey.....Heelsnhose is right :) My husband and I are bi-curious.....once we have had our first encounter....then we'll know whether we like it or hate it. I have a feeling we'll like it...so then we would be bi-sexual. Now if both of us decide we like the same sex only, then my husband would be considered "gay" and I would be considered a "lesbian". Hope that clarifies it for ya :)

Is there a specific incident or time when a person would be considered bi as opposed to bi curious and then from bi to gay??

Just wondering

Oct 24, 2005, 6:46 PM
Hmm I disagree with one thing:
Just because you are a Bisexual living with a same-sex partner in a life long relationship, doesn't make you gay/homosexual. You are just a Bisexual person in a same sex life partnership.

You are Bisexual no matter what yoor relationship staus. I was married to a man for 8 years, I wasn't suddenly straight, I was just a bisexual and married to a man.

Thank You.
Ratchick :female:

Oct 24, 2005, 7:22 PM
Thank you everyone for your insight on this topic (I think)

Oct 25, 2005, 4:20 PM
Is there a specific incident or time when a person would be considered bi as opposed to bi curious and then from bi to gay??

Just wondering


I hate labels, and I always say that labels are for making it easier to others, not for ourselves...

Sexuality is very complex. I think it's something ever changing and not fixed, you can be straight and end being gay, passing or not by what some people consider bisexuality, or the other way around, being gay and ending straight.

For me, sexuality is very fluid and it has taken me a long time to accept mine and be happy with it. (Even if I'm not out yet).

I understand that mainly for others, labels can make their lives easier and for that reason, if I have to use labels here go my definitions:

1) Psychologically straight, if you only masturbate on people of your opposite sex.
2) Psychologically gay, if you only masturbate on people of your own sex.
3) Psychologically bisexual, if you masturbate on people of both sexes.
4) Physically straight, if you only have sex with people of your opposite sex.
5) Physically gay, if you only have sex with people of your own sex.
6) Physically bisexual, if you have sex with people of both sexes.

One person can be psychologically gay or bisexual and never act physically on those feelings with other people. That's what some call curious, which for me it's nonsense. :rolleyes:

I've passed the border of it being just psychological to be physical, but still I'm CURIOUS about how this bloke looks naked or how it would be to have sex with him... so I think in that way I'll always be bi-curious... lol

I think also that bi-curious is a term used by many people afraid of experimenting with their inner wishes, as if with that they can feel cleaner or superior, or better than others that have had the courage to act on their feelings... but it's just my impression... :tong:

All the best,


Oct 25, 2005, 6:57 PM
I understand that mainly for others, labels can make their lives easier and for that reason, if I have to use labels here go my definitions:

1) Psychologically straight, if you only masturbate on people of your opposite sex.
2) Psychologically gay, if you only masturbate on people of your own sex.
3) Psychologically bisexual, if you masturbate on people of both sexes.
4) Physically straight, if you only have sex with people of your opposite sex.
5) Physically gay, if you only have sex with people of your own sex.
6) Physically bisexual, if you have sex with people of both sexes.

so i guess i'm a physically straight psychologically gay woman. wow...i think i'll stick to saying i'm bicurious til i get the physical part to change. ;)
actually...for purpose of this thread...i sometimes say i'm bicurious...sometimes bisexual. but won't commit to "bisexual" until i have had an experience witha woman and know for sure.

Oct 25, 2005, 7:07 PM
so i guess i'm a physically straight psychologically gay woman. wow...i think i'll stick to saying i'm bicurious til i get the physical part to change. ;)
actually...for purpose of this thread...i sometimes say i'm bicurious...sometimes bisexual. but won't commit to "bisexual" until i have had an experience witha woman and know for sure.


Physically straight but psychologically gay woman??? Not psychologically BISEXUAL woman???

All the best,


Oct 25, 2005, 11:20 PM

Physically straight but psychologically gay woman??? Not psychologically BISEXUAL woman???

All the best,


i know...weird huh? guys don't do much for me...if i'm gonna fantasize about someone i'd rather it be a woman! lol (ok, maybe thats a bit of a lie...there is ONE guy that i can fantasize about)