View Full Version : Question about my ads

Sep 7, 2007, 10:03 PM
I was working on my profile over at OKCupid.... I notice it was long but honest. Had everything I thought the person would like to know about me, clear on the kind of person Im looking for and so on.

Then I remembered someones comment on this forum that I write to much unneeded details.
Could that be why I don't get much replies to my ads ?? :( Im just honest and I know Im a detailed person.

Would you be attracted to an long detailed ad??
I know I like long ones better than the small "Oh, I never know what to say..." kind of ads and short ones that barely say anything about themselfs.

Maybe I should put in my ad too that I tend to be detailed...... ummm

Sep 7, 2007, 10:07 PM
Long detailed ads are fine.

My profile on this site and other sites is pretty long and people are glad that I'm up front about myself and what I'm looking for and not looking for.

Sep 7, 2007, 10:09 PM
I don't think there is anything wrong with giving details. It's who you are and if other don't like it . . . they can just move along.

Sep 7, 2007, 11:10 PM
I suppose that would depend upon what you are trying to accomplish.

If I were trying to hook up with someone for some sort of relationship (which I am currently NOT trying to do) I would want to know everything that I could possibly know about them. I would very much like to have all sorts of details about their life. That would be essential in my determining whether or not I would want to actually meet them and try to develope some sort of relationship with them.

If I were trying to just have a brief sensual relationship with someone (which I have not done since I was a hormone driven teenager) I would only want the most basic information about them..... Such as what do you look like and do you fuck.

So, just supply all of the sorts of information that you think is important... If their perception is that there is too much detail in it, then perhaps they are not people that you should waste your time on.



Sep 7, 2007, 11:41 PM
I just took a good look at your profile and I don't see anything wrong with it at all. It is not in any way to long. You laid it all out there for the person to see. You sound as though you may be looking for a lasting relationship if the right person comes along but you are also willing to make some new friends along the way. If you don't get any responses, then there must be something wrong with them and not you. :bigrin:
I think you are a very attractive young lady and that alone should peak someones interest. Good luck and hope you find what you are looking for.

Jun 19, 2008, 9:35 PM

Long personal ads will do one of 2 things.

1. Draw the reader into getting to know you more.


2. Have the reader shut the page immediately because they simply don't want to read.

Don't be to harsh on yourself, some people just don't like to read. On the other hand, if your looking to meet more people, then perhaps you should shorten it.

All the best :)