View Full Version : 50/50

Sep 7, 2007, 2:22 PM
I am interested to know who here on this site, is a bisexual who finds men and women equally attractive (50/50).
As for me, I am probably more 20/80 (weighted towards men).


Skater Boy
Sep 7, 2007, 2:27 PM
"Officially" (according to Kinsey) I'm a 50/50. But in reality, it changes depending on when you catch me. I go through periods of just liking men, then periods when I prefer women. I guess I'm just inconsistent and unpredictable.

Sep 7, 2007, 2:33 PM
i consider my self 50/50, love both men and woman equaly, just sometimes my needs will tend toward men but then will revert back to woman, i have sex more with woman so it's natural for me to desire the company of a man a place that the woman can't fill, mostly it's physicial because i haven't found the man to fall in love with yet, either their not interested or i'm not. most i meet only want the sex and not lookin to fall in love with a guy. would love to have both a male and female friend lover at the same time. have done 3somes with a male and the woman but it was just all about the sex which was great but as we all know not the same as love.

Sep 7, 2007, 2:36 PM
I'm 50/50 about whether I'm 50/50 ... :)

But seriously, I've learned through experience that seeing things in that either/or perspective, for me anyway, is "restrictive". I now genuinely don't care about the gender, and the appendages, since its the person that counts

Sep 7, 2007, 3:20 PM
I'm in the 40s with both, accompanied by SEVERE fluctuations :bigrin:

Sep 7, 2007, 3:41 PM
I'm 95:5 towards the female. Probably that is obvious.

Nevertheless my sexual appetite is so fierce that a mere 5% is a sizeable percentage in practice.

Sep 7, 2007, 3:46 PM
I go through periods where I'm totally equal, to the point where I want and think about sex with both men and women.

Or I'll be so into men that I simply don't want women at all, and sometimes this can last as long as half a year or more but it doesn't last forever like it does for my gay friends.

There's no way to really quantify this or put it into ratios/percents and even if I could do this it's pointless. I'm bad at math and I really don't care to even know what I am even if I could figure it out.

I am able to fall in love with both men and women but for the most part I get a lot more infatuated and have a deeper romantic connection with men.

I enjoy sex with men a lot more because it's more familar, it's more fun, and it fulfills me in ways that sex with women can't ever do.

On the whole I'm probably a lot more purely sexual with women but I don't see anything wrong with this.

Sep 7, 2007, 3:51 PM
"Officially" (according to Kinsey) I'm a 50/50. But in reality, it changes depending on when you catch me. I go through periods of just liking men, then periods when I prefer women. I guess I'm just inconsistent and unpredictable.

that describes me pretty well Skater boy

Somedays I'm like hanging out with the boys, other days don't want anything to do with 'em.

Most days I like girls though :)

ALthough I've been told this can (and often does) change with hormone changes. Which is a bit scary eh?


Sep 7, 2007, 4:59 PM
I think it to hard to but a number like that to myself. I wouldnt really know for sure, and then the numbers would fluctuate from day to day so they would never be exactly the same. But for the sake of this tread I would say prolly 85/15 (M/F)

Sep 7, 2007, 5:27 PM
40/60, Men. . .that's emotionally...

60/40, Women....that's sexually.


Sep 7, 2007, 7:05 PM
Wow, I just started brousing this forum and I should have imagined I would find so many who feel sort of like I do...
Most of my life I thought I was heterossexual. I've been through a (WAY MUCH) more homossexual period but my desire towards men has grown a little better. I think in the bigger picture I am 50/50... but it just floats.

Abbey Road
Sep 7, 2007, 7:19 PM
Mostly I`m 50/50 - I like men & women the same - BUT!!! - There are times when I prefer men & times when I prefer women - it depends on how I`m feeling.Women usually have a slight edge though.

Abbey Road. :bibounce::paw::wiggle2:

shameless agitator
Sep 7, 2007, 7:23 PM
I'd say 50/50 is about right, though it's still the sight of a good looking woman that's likely to make me walk into things. My fantasy life lately has revolved around men, but I think that's because it's something new and there are a couple things I haven't gotten to do yet

Sep 7, 2007, 8:03 PM
75% female
15% male
10% other


Skater Boy
Sep 7, 2007, 8:10 PM
75% female
15% male
10% other


Ok, Ok... I should probably know better than to ask, but... what exactly does the other "10%" consist of?! :confused:

Sep 7, 2007, 8:12 PM
Ok, Ok... I should probably know better than to ask, but... what exactly does the other "10%" consist of?! :confused:

ur a brave man for asking...

Sep 7, 2007, 8:26 PM
Ok, Ok... I should probably know better than to ask, but... what exactly does the other "10%" consist of?! :confused:

::::Looks to the left:::::Looks to the right:::::::quietly whispers:::::

.......shadow people......

Ambi ;)

Sep 7, 2007, 8:32 PM
My basic attraction is probably 60-40, in favor of men.

Sep 7, 2007, 8:36 PM
I crave men everyday. But there are times when I only want a woman.
At any given time however, I can get extremely turned on by either.

Sep 8, 2007, 12:20 AM
ambi : thanx for the smile lmao. as a matter of fact i see a real gorgeous one out of the corner of my eye right now. :)


Sep 8, 2007, 12:26 AM
"Officially" (according to Kinsey) I'm a 50/50. But in reality, it changes depending on when you catch me. I go through periods of just liking men, then periods when I prefer women. I guess I'm just inconsistent and unpredictable.

What he said, for the most part.

Right now, I'd probably be a smidgen closer to the lesbian side of the scale.

Sep 8, 2007, 1:14 AM
This is an interesting question. One that I have not considered before. If I had to put numbers to it.....I would say that in my mind (theory) I am 80/10 in favor of women; but in practice (lately at least) it has been about 90/10 in favor of men.

This is simply because I have had more opportunities with men lately.

Sep 8, 2007, 1:16 AM
I waver a bit, but id say for the most part im 80/20 leaning toward women, although that can change depending on my mood.

Sep 8, 2007, 1:44 AM
How do you all figure out percents/ratios?

I can't think of myself in that way and it changes the way I wrote about, so it's pointless to think of myself in this way.

Like someone else wrote I also have parts of me that are attracted to people who don't define themselves as "man" or "woman". I'm not talking about shadow people, entities, ghosts, or anything like that either.

Sep 8, 2007, 2:44 AM
How do you all figure out percents/ratios?

I can't think of myself in that way and it changes the way I wrote about, so it's pointless to think of myself in this way.

Like someone else wrote I also have parts of me that are attracted to people who don't define themselves as "man" or "woman". I'm not talking about shadow people, entities, ghosts, or anything like that either.

For someone whose 'post-labels' it's a difficult question to answer. It's not an exact science, but i was interested to see the spread of desire on the forum. Thanks for everyones responses. I don't go around thinking, "right I'm an 80/20 bi" but it does help me in some way compartmentalise my mind, otherwise sometimes I think being bi is tough and i need some order to hold onto.


Sep 8, 2007, 3:46 AM
::::Looks to the left:::::Looks to the right:::::::quietly whispers:::::

.......shadow people......

Ambi ;)

i don't know much about shadow people, but don't they have genders too?

Sep 8, 2007, 4:34 AM
70/30 Women in favor. Theres just something attractive about mechanics I cant get passed lol Otherwise, hands down , women win everytime :rainbow:

Sep 8, 2007, 5:49 AM
3 billion women 2 JD.. :bigrin:

Sep 8, 2007, 6:26 AM
i don't know much about shadow people, but don't they have genders too?

Male energy:male:...Female energy:female: and the ability to bend both:yinyang:...shamanically speaking of course :stoned:
The concept of "other" is as ancient as man himself....who knows maybe even older..


Sep 8, 2007, 7:17 AM
Male energy:male:...Female energy:female: and the ability to bend both:yinyang:...shamanically speaking of course :stoned:
The concept of "other" is as ancient as man himself....who knows maybe even older..


so in order to be with a shadow person, would you yourself have to be a combination of melded male and female energy? in other words, are u a shadow person yourself ambi? :eek:

oooh...eeeh...oooh :)

the mage
Sep 8, 2007, 8:50 AM
I, like all of you, am 100% leaning towards the hot body standing in front of me at any given moment....

Its a silly Q but fun to play with.

In total hours spent playing its women by a large margin.
In number of partners its men by a large margin.
In intensity of emotional connection its women.
In intensity of physical power of the sexual release its men.

So to pin it down 50/50 .....:bigrin:

Sep 8, 2007, 8:59 AM
so in order to be with a shadow person, would you yourself have to be a combination of melded male and female energy? in other words, are u a shadow person yourself ambi? :eek:

oooh...eeeh...oooh :)

My apologies for staying off topic

Hmmm...Well.... I am a combination of melded male and female energy....and in more ways than one.....and yes I'm also a shadow person….occasionally….when the need arises.


Sep 8, 2007, 10:26 AM
My sexual desires oscillate between 70 and 100 percent male over female. I wish my emotional desires were more synchronized with my sexual desires. However, I have found women to be more satisfying on an emotional level. Compared to men I know, I find women are better at providing emotional understanding and support and inspire me to please them sexually and otherwise.


Sep 8, 2007, 10:30 AM
My apologies for staying off topic

Hmmm...Well.... I am a combination of melded male and female energy....and in more ways than one.....and yes I'm also a shadow person….occasionally….when the need arises.


Just like your Sexual Identity, I think that Gender Identity is not a matter of 100% one way of the other, but every one finds themselves in the middle somewhere IMO.

For example I find myself balanced more towards the femine side of the scale(probably at the 70-80% range) and maybe 20% male. Others may find themselves ballanced differently.

The problem becomes when you physical self is in conflict with your gender identity to the extent that it is a problem.

We in western society, have really not been able to cope well with people who fall into the middle ranges, or with gender conflicted people.

There have been trans people since the dawn of man, and in many tribes they were considered prizes as mates(able to do the work of one sex but having the traits of the opposite).



Lisa (va)
Sep 8, 2007, 12:55 PM
Can you say zero percent? I find myself as being attracted more by the individual person, not what genitals they posses.

A person's attractiveness aslo varies from person to person (males or females)
but I suppose that if you compare the 'average" women to the 'average' man, I would find that the women is more physically attractive: but that doesn't mean I will necessarily be attraceted to them.


hugs n kisses

Fire Lotus
Sep 8, 2007, 2:50 PM
It's hard for me to think in percentages. My sexuality is so fluid. I go from 70/30 (in favor of women) to 50/50 or vice versa often. Then there are the times where all I want to do is ravish my husband. ;)

But really, I'm not about gender. I'm all about the person :)

Sep 21, 2007, 3:28 PM
for me I'd say 85%men 15%women. Right now i've been just staying with men for over a year now. For me I seem more comfortable with men, but every once in awhile I still have the urge to be with a woman, even thou those urges have been less and less over the past year or so.Some might say that I might not even be bisexual, but actually gay. As long as your happy, I think it really doesn't matter what you label yourself.

Sep 21, 2007, 4:49 PM
100% prefer humans.
Gender is of no consequence - I am attracted to the individual and it doesn't seem to follow any pattern of gender. I like 'em both all the time.

Sep 21, 2007, 9:10 PM
50/50, ac/dc, yep, that's me :)

Sep 22, 2007, 10:44 AM
Well, my best fantasies (and realities) have been with m/f couples, so that may make me 50/50....

Sep 22, 2007, 11:24 AM
Interesting question, I have never ever looked at a guy and thought wow...not to say I don't recognize handsome or whatever for what it is. Women on the other hand I find beautiful and arousing. The few guys I have been with all started as chat friends (here in fact) and turned out to be ok when met in person, and most recent has been a hell of a lot of fun! As far as attraction goes would have to be 95% women 5% male.

As far as pure sex goes...at present I'll keep that tidbit to myself.


Sep 22, 2007, 11:37 AM
Emotionally: 95 : 5 - Weighted towards men.
Physically: 75 : 25 - Weighted towards men.

Funnily enough, in a mmf 3-some situation both weightings would become more balanced although not to the point of being 50 : 50. Watching a m/f couple together would increase the overall enjoyment too.

May 3, 2008, 7:08 AM

Hmm well if the past actions count then its more male than female, however, things change, and in the future who knows.

I like human beings, sexuality and gender is just a label, if i like them and they like me and we have a great connection and trust and love, then who cares about male or female, straight, gay or bisexual?

May 3, 2008, 3:46 PM
::::Looks to the left:::::Looks to the right:::::::quietly whispers:::::

.......shadow people......

Ambi ;)

IMAO :bigrin:

May 3, 2008, 5:18 PM
As for me it's a real toss up....

Emotionally: - Weighted towards women.
Physically: - Weighted towards women, then tg and men .

I really feel we should all be more accepting of each others choices, especially in this forum.:grouphug:

May 3, 2008, 8:43 PM
For me, depends on the particular person involved. And, which way the wind is blowing that day. If pressed for a number, I would say 52 % women, 48 % men.

May 4, 2008, 4:33 PM
I am interested to know who here on this site, is a bisexual who finds men and women equally attractive (50/50).
As for me, I am probably more 20/80 (weighted towards men).


I'm more 90/10 (weighted towards men).

Nov 1, 2013, 3:26 PM
This question becomes more complex the more we contemplate it. For instance, are we talking desire or actual sexual experience? Are we talking sexual attraction as well as romantic attraction? Are we talking in terms of a continuum throughout our lives or just the present moment? And what about the pool of people from which we can be attracted? There are people who work in environments populated by predominately men or predominately women, so that would influence the ratio of how many attractive men or women one sees....i.e. if all one sees is men, then he or she is likely to be attracted to more men in the course of his or her day, right? And then there's the old "The Grass Is Always Greener on the Other Side" attitude, in that whatever gender that is currently unavailable to a person because of opportunity or monogamy suddenly seems more desirable. Lots of factors to think about. It's all very complex, or so it seems to me.

Nov 1, 2013, 3:38 PM
50/50 love cock and women both

Nov 1, 2013, 10:50 PM
Depending on the day I can go from 90/10 weighted towards women to 50/50. I'm never in just one spot.

Bisexual Explorer
Nov 2, 2013, 6:34 AM
Seems to me that % preference should correlate with Kinsey rating. I am a 4 - mostly homosexual, more than incidentally straight - and I'd say my preference is about 80% male, 20% female. I would think a man with a Kinsey rating of 2 would have something like a 20% male, 80% female preference. And a man with a Kinsey rating of 1, should have a 0%/100% preference. If not, what the heck does it mean to be straight?

To avoid additional semantic confusion and subsequent diversion from the topic, I use preference here to mean which gender I prefer to have sex with on any given day.

Bisexual Explorer

Nov 2, 2013, 6:54 AM
Women are great to look at but it stops there for me. Over the years my sexual attraction to women just went away. I always thought sex with guys was more exciting anyway, maybe it's the forbidden fruit syndrome. I call myself a Kinsey 5. Would probably be a 6 if I wasn't married.

Nov 2, 2013, 7:11 AM
I'm not sure if I ever had a preference for guys... even pre adolescence seemed to gravitate to me own gender... not uncommon in tots but at 10 or 11 less so isn't it? But for all that, I wos very precocious with lads.. 1ce in adolescence more lads were interested than girls and it was bfs all the way but I'm not sure I can say that I preferred them... until some weeks after I lost me virginity it was just reality and how things were.. then I discovered sex with a girl and that changed everything... I liked guys as much as I had previously but knew I liked girls at least as much and wasn't sure and am still not that I didn't like them more.. and as I got older, especially towards the end of my marriage I knew then for sure that I preferred women, but it was several years after that marriage ended that I knew I wanted them exclusively and that I had no sexual interest in or attraction 2 men whatsoever........

Nov 2, 2013, 8:06 AM
The pendulum is alive and well, as far as my interest in one gender, or the other. I've been with males who I would have been happy to live my life with, exclusively. Then, at other times, I've been with women who I would have been happy to be exclusive with.

Since my first mm experience at 14 I've noticed that, if I'm in a healthy, caring, relationship I'm pretty much into the person's gender I'm with. I was with 3 males and one female, before my first decent mf relationship.

Overall, I consider myself to be 50/50.

When I joined Bi.com, I was feeling like a Kinsey ONE. Soon after that, I met a great guy and was more of a 4. Then, after meeting my present GF, (that same year on this site) I settled into a ONE category.

That's fluctuated, some, since then, but I will never be anything but bisexual.

Nov 2, 2013, 2:12 PM
I'd say I'm 33/66, more toward women. I love every part of a woman, but with guys, it's just really the cock. Then again, maybe I just haven't felt up a hot enough guy?

Nov 3, 2013, 5:43 AM
I find females attractive not men, I just like sex with men, it's just different......but I do find some cock far more appealing than others (pictures) regardless of the owner. I have seen profiles of TV's on occasion who are very appealing.

Nov 3, 2013, 4:03 PM
Emotionally, I would only ever want to be involved with a woman, so there I am 99:1
Sexually, I am attracted to both, so I would say 60:40 women, so any relationship with a guy is purely sexual and I am very up front with that.

Nov 7, 2013, 9:57 AM
This thread got me to thinking. Sounds dangerous already, doesn't it? Imagine a gay and a lesbian married to each other with no sexual attraction to each other and the understanding that they were both free to seek satisfaction anywhere they wanted. They'd have all the financial benefits of marriage and living under the same roof. The favorable tax benefits, shared living expenses and household chores and someone to help with the little things like holding the ladder when the gutters need cleaning. If they hooked up and wanted to bring someone home there would be none of the usual problems like keeping it from one another or having to rent a motel room or crowd in to the back seat. They may even enjoy having their spouse occasionally watch the action. As the nuns used to tell us. "Idleness is the devil's workshop". I better get back to work. :tongue:

Nov 11, 2013, 6:46 PM
My partner and I are both equal or "50/50" since we can fall in love and have partnerships with both genders, and have sexual attraction to both genders.