View Full Version : Freedom fo speech.

Oct 23, 2005, 2:33 PM
I was just curious. A couple of week ago was a comming out day celebration here in Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.

There was a huge Block party in our "Gayborhood". Wall to wall Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, transgendered and generally "Queer" folks. It happenes every year and increasingly on all the "Pride events" such as this we get these Christian Morons who protest us and try to "save" us with offensive signs and offensive jargons on thier bullhorns stating we are all going to hell and such.
They march THROUGH the block party screaming on thier bullhorns and raising thier giant signs of hate, all with an army of police surrounding them. At least 20-25 ARMED police. They interrupt performers on the main stage by blocking them with signs and screaming over the performers, push folks out of the way with the help of the police, and bully through a perdominately "Queer" event and quite frankly, interrupting a good time for all.

Now, I am the first one to believe everyone has a right to free speech/expression and express themselves. We should never tell anyone how or what to say. BUT, when does someone else's right to free speech/expression infrindge on someone else's right to free speech/expression? Why should I feel intimidated at an event expressly for GLBT people and thier comming-out by armed police and the hate this wack-o spews?

How is it the right of these 2-4 Christian radicals to have full police back-up to PUSH and shove thier way through the crowd and interrupt the performers right to speech on stage. And why do the police allow it? It is one thing to be 2-4 protesters standing there screaming on bullhorns with a huge sign. It is quite another to have an army of police surrounding you and helping you push your way through the crowd so you can block a stage and interrupt celebraties who have been kind enough to help us celabrate our comming-out. With out the HUGE police presence for these a-holes, they might of just packed-up and left.

1)Where was the GLBT protection FROM This guy?

2)Would I have gotten the same kind of police support if I had chosen to bullhorn a PUBLIC Chistain event? Doubtful.

A prime example is GAYDAY at the Phillies Baseball game. IN the parking lot Pride org. people were holding signs and showing support for Gay Pride, and were asked because it was a "Fmaily venue" and "private property" to put down the signs and not make a fuss, BUT the CHRISTIAN Right wingers were allowed to remain and shout thier hatred and keep thier signs up.

I have recieved a lot fo flack from my local Bisexual group, Bi-Unity, for having a problem with this radical Christain and his hordes being at the block party with such a police presence. Stating Free speech and all of that. But, I truely doubt that MY rights aren't as valued by the police/Govt. as this guys and don't believe the police should be allowed to help him accomplish his mission in such force.

How can we advance when our own people think this was okay?!?!?

Yes, he has a right to express his beliefs, but not at the cost of Me expressing mine.

I also have the right to get equal support should I decide to goto one of His public events and express mine. Wich as I have seen, esp. here in "The city of Brotherly Love" has not been shown to me.

Am I nuts?

Should I accept the city's support of people like this? Should I accpet the city's blatent bias for the Radical Christians?

Should I accept that MY right to free speech as a GLBT person is less valuable then that of a guy who doesn't even LIVE in this city?

Should I accept an ARMED Police presence that makes ME feel uncomfortable at MY own event?

What do you guys think?

Thank you and sorry this post is so long.

RC :2cents: :2cents: :2cents:

Oct 23, 2005, 2:52 PM
Ok first up, the reason the police were present and helping the christians push queers out of the way was to prevent a GD block-war.. What's to stop y'all fighting if cops werent there.. not much.. it would have been a justified, fair fight.

The masses speak louder than the minutes.. It doesnt mean you have not got a voice or your rights anymore, but it does mean that Queers need visionaries, heros/leaders to pave the way without causing too many negative waves if we are to be heard and respected as loudly as the masses are. The next time a big GLBT event is planned, inform the police of what happened on previous occasions and let them know that y'all will definately need protection for this event (barriers, blockades, police manforce etc) Then, before the event, run a little private promotion amomgst the GLBT people for a petition as back-up incase your voice is not heard effectively. But dont make negative waves, make positive ones.. Do not cause trouble or you will only fuel those who are against it even more..

There are some facts of life that are unjustified and hard to accept but we "can" and "will" make change. We "must" make change in order to flourish..

Everything is simple if you truly "believe" it is simple..


Oct 23, 2005, 3:04 PM
"Ok first up, the reason the police were present and helping the christians push queers out of the way was to prevent a GD block-war.. What's to stop y'all fighting if cops werent there.. not much.. it would have been a justified, fair fight."-Damon

I highly doubt a block war would of started, and 2-3 police would have been enough to "Protect" this guy from us.

With out the HUGE support of the police these guys would not have been nearly as effective and probably would of just gone home or not been noticed at all. Butm when you add a large group of armed police to the mix I think people get MORE defensive, scared, and intimidated, thus leading to a greater chance of violence. Especially, when it is perceived that police are on The Christian Radical's side.
The answer is not MORE force but more efective and FAIR police presence.

I agree that we need a voice, and need to somehow bring these problems to the police for next year, but the GLBT community here seems to support the presence of armed police to protect this guy.

I dunno, I have always not understood how things work or why. And have always seen things very differently from everyone else. Maybe I am just nuts?


Oct 23, 2005, 3:06 PM
you shouldn't accept any of that crap from them.. being a refugee from a penna. family [ i got smart and moved to and adopted texas for various reasons] i totally feel the pain and frustration.

my advice, go to the aclu, ask for legal help. when they stammer and fuss cause you 'ain't gay enough" [ i'm including the whole btlg amalgam here ] demand equal treatment..this religious fuck head has no legal protection to disrupt a planned, approved, permitted venue.. regardless what the cops did or say.

the police will only protect what they are contracted to protect and what your commonwealth recognizes as legitimate.. thats why in harrisburg right now they are trying to shut down so many store front churches... the commonwealth decided arbitrarily, that since these congregations didnt have a building recognized as a traditional house of worship, they did not deserve legitimacy under the law. thank the major churches in philly and pittsburgh for that.. and the radical evangelicals etc. who having been buying favoritism in side the state legal system. [ my baby brother was a junior representative from union county until about 3 years ago when he got tired of all the greed graft and corruption, went public with it, then left the political arena.]

sorry, i rant and digress.

what i actually only wanted to do is say, go, get legal help.. the cops were wrong, the religious zealot is totally offbase and the people in the groups you belong to need to straighten up their spines and fight back too.. so they brand you as a radical.. feel proud, 'cause that group includes MLK, JFK, Ben Franklin, Geo. Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Adameses, MalcomX, Geo. Westinghouse, Thomas Edison, etc. to me it only proves you actually give a shit and havent caved to the conventions of the group.

Oct 23, 2005, 3:08 PM
omfg! my apologies, this was supposed to be sent privately ....

Oct 23, 2005, 3:15 PM
Ok sorry i mis-interpreted your original post RatChick. I must say that I thought a big group of christians came marching through your festival.

But it begs the question. Why the fuck did everyone stand back and let such a thing happen..? That to me demonstrates the fact that GLBT can be walked on. Nothing else.

Shape up or shut up :)


Sorry for the mis-interpretation earlier

Oct 23, 2005, 3:18 PM
NO Apologies needed. I wanted to see other folk's veiws.

And thank You :)

Oct 24, 2005, 6:52 PM
A side note, I am getting some folks together and seeking help on how we can lodge a complaint of some kind with the city or police of unequal protection, and a noise ordanence violation considering he didn't have a permit for amplified sound, unlike the event orginisers wo did have a permit.
Who knows? it just might work.

:female: :flag3:

Oct 24, 2005, 8:01 PM
Just dont forget the difference between making positive waves and negative waves ;)

Oct 25, 2005, 8:13 PM
Yes, totally agree. Only thign I hope to accomplish is making the City more aware of our needs at these events and how unequal the police reaction is.
