View Full Version : Out at work....

Sep 1, 2007, 6:24 AM
My boss and I had a little run in that has been festering for about a month or so.
Here's the condensed version:

See before this, some of the cooks and the servers know. I used to have the worst trippy anxious headaches when people would start cracking fag jokes and shit. Now Everyone, cooks, servers, and management knows. Everyone has surprised the shit out of me. My pseudo-thug prep guys are totally chill, like didn't even bat an eye (I waited til everyone had known me for a LONG time). My boss and I are totally cool. I think he realized that I wasn't feeling respected or appreciated and he was on the verge of losing one of his hardest working cooks. If anyone has a problem, they are keeping it to their damn selves. Even if management is blowing smoke up my ass to keep my hands moving, I'll take it.
This is such a MAJOR load off my mind. I can just go in, focus on my job, and not worry about a damn thing.
I know a lot of us are not in a position to do so, but being out at work is a big deal for me. It's not about being up in people's faces, it's about asserting yourself as a human being. Besides, I have to live in a shroud of secrecy with my family. At least at my job (where I spend the bulk of my time) I can be real.

Sep 1, 2007, 8:19 AM
Azrael - good for you dude - good for you. You can cook for me anytime;)
chef on man, chef on.
