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Aug 31, 2007, 11:59 PM
I am new to this site. I've been trying to understand something about myself for years and have learned that we don't need to put labels on ourselves. I am female, and sexually I am attracted to women's bodies only. I have no sexual attraction to men's bodies, however; I can be attracted to men in general, sexually. It seems I like the idea of having sex with women only, and fantasize constantly about that but I'm really not interested in them other than sex. There are other times when I will fantasize about having sex with men. I've always considered myself straight in the past and only experimented with a female once, when I was a teenager. I feel so confused but only now can I admit that I must not be straight. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Sep 1, 2007, 1:43 AM
Jeannie T - welcome to our little part of the cyber world. You have come to the best place on the web, in my humble opinion, to explore, ask questions, post whatever is on your mind and hopefully find the answers that you seek as so many have done before you.
Again, welcome and sincerely hope your state of confusion subsides.

Best of all to you always.

JD aka Dogwood :doggie:

Sep 1, 2007, 6:19 AM
Welcome Jeannie T!
This IS a great site! For those of us who are figuring out what we desire, why we desire and to talk about it in a safe place, you have found a good site.
Your feelings and desires are not abnormal or wrong or anything like that. It is normal to feel confused especially if you have been "brought up" to behave by certain social "norms". I had this same confusion interspersed with an intense desire to confirm my need for being with both sexes. It can be overwhelming! :)
Please join the great folks here by re-reading past threads, creating new ones if you have any questions and join in chat when you are ready to meet some great people who love to joke, laugh and discuss all kinds of things.
But most of all take your time to find a partner or partners that you can trust and that will help guide you through your discovery. Be safe and have fun!

Best wishes to you and once again welcome!

the mage
Sep 1, 2007, 9:43 AM
I'm like that with men..
I like the play but dont turn my head on the street for men like I do women.

Its the physical response to them that that is getting you somewhere behind your conscience brain!

Dont fight it... but explore carefully...

Sep 1, 2007, 11:35 AM
I was in a similar situation a few years ago. The best thing I can suggest is to get more information out of yourself. I know this doesnt make much sense (how can you not know something about yourself right?). But really there is tons of things hidden away inside our minds that we dont even realize. The solution to your confusion is in there somewhere, you just need to start trying to find it. Best way to do that is experiment, and I dont mean just sexually. Self experimentation involves much more then simple sex. Try for example, different fantasies (Things you havent tried before and try to make them as real as you can imagine them) while masturbating and really try to thing about how they really make you feel, sexually and emotionally. Try placing yourself in different situation in your mind and in life that might relate to your problem (ie. imagine yourslef if a relationship with a woman/man or try going and chatting with a lesbian) and try to understand some of the feelings that come out of it. Think about it like a scientific research: The more bits of info you can gather, the closer you are to understanding the truth. Oh, and also use this site. Check out more then just this topic and get discussing things, you never know when you might stumble upon something to help you or find yourself expressing something in a topic that you didnt even realize about yourself (its happend to me many times). Good lucK!

Sep 1, 2007, 2:42 PM
Just wanted to say welcome to the site. I know you will find what you are looking for here. There are a lot of great people here with great insite for what you are going through. This site is a place of self discovery, and enlightenment. Don't keep kicking yourself with what you used to think you were, just relax and enjoy the journey of who you will become and don't worry about the lables, they all peel off when they get wet anyway...LOL Just my :2cents:

Sep 1, 2007, 3:01 PM
Delight in your confusion - never let people catch you, never let them contain you or box you up. Be free and defy the cages they set for you.

You can be you and enjoy it.