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shameless agitator
Aug 29, 2007, 12:42 AM
Just got this from another group I belong to

HRC Coming Out Kits NOW AVAILABLE for
National Coming Out Day 2007!

Get ready to "Talk About It" on October 11, NCOD!

The theme for National Coming Out Day 2007 will be Talk About It, continuing the slogan and branding that the national program has been building since 2005.

National Coming Out Day is a time to celebrate openness and honesty – whether you came out 20 minutes ago, or 20 years ago – this is a time for all Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight supportive people to Talk About It with friends, family and coworkers.

Coming Out Day Kits include:

Resource Guides to Coming Out
Straight Guides to GLBT Americans
Transgender Coming Out Guides
Poster, Balloons and HRC Stickers
And everything else you'll need to celebrate living openly!

Talk About It!

To order your kit, please visit:

This year will also mark an important hallmark as National Coming Out Day, falls on the 20th anniversary of the 1987 Gay and Lesbian March on Washington, and the unfurling of the AIDS Quilt on the National Mall. The very first National Coming Out Day was celebrated a year to the day later as a way of continuing the spirit of openness, honesty and visibility that the March and the AIDS Quilt presentation inspired.

Keep watch in Mid-September for an announcement from HRC inviting everyone to participate in a unique and exciting National Coming Out Day Celebration!

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If you are a current member of HRC, thank you. To help HRC fund the Action Center and support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality, please join HRC or renew your membership today. Visit our membership page at http://www.hrc.org/joinus.

Thank you for taking action and for supporting HRC.

Aug 29, 2007, 2:34 AM
that's cool and all but I don't need a kit to come out and I don't need to donate money to the cash cow known as the HRC to buy information on coming out when you can just find it online or just talk to people for free.

shameless agitator
Aug 29, 2007, 3:15 AM
I don't need a kit iether, but some people have a harder time with it than we did & the kits are free. They simply threw in a donation appeal as any good non-profit would.

the mage
Aug 29, 2007, 8:07 AM
That will be one huge non event.
The closet is too big and too easy to live in, for most people to consider leaving..
the ones that are out now are preaching to the already converted.

shameless agitator
Aug 29, 2007, 4:36 PM
Come on guys. How often have we seen threads with newbies wanting to come out, but being afraid to do so? I think this could be helpful for the people who aren't quite there yet. Anyway just my coupla pennies.

Skater Boy
Aug 29, 2007, 6:08 PM
Its actually a pretty good idea. I mean we have "World Aids Day", "Martin Luther King Day", "International Holocaust Rememberance Day", "Quit Smoking Day", "World Cancer Day", "International Day for the Rememberance of the Slave Trade And Its Abolition", "World Vegetarian Day", "International Migrants Day" (:eek:)... hell, I think there's even an "Oversleep And Be Late For Work Day" (no wait... thats EVERY day! :bigrin:)

If you asked me to name the precise date of any one of these (save for the "late for work" one), I wouldn't be able to tell you.

But yeah, why not! I can just imagine thousands of people all taking the opportunity to Come Out on this one particular day. I mean why even limit it to homosexuals and bisexuals... if a straight guy wants to Come Out too, it should be "Good for you, buddy!!!".

It could be a very positive and liberating experience for everyone, IMO.

Aug 29, 2007, 6:25 PM
I did get that ((KIT)) year's ago...:2cents::female: